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520 lines (365 loc) Β· 18.8 KB

File metadata and controls

520 lines (365 loc) Β· 18.8 KB


Load the API package

import 'package:vrchat_dart_generated/api.dart';

All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
createFile POST /file Create File
createFileVersion POST /file/{fileId} Create File Version
deleteFile DELETE /file/{fileId} Delete File
deleteFileVersion DELETE /file/{fileId}/{versionId} Delete File Version
downloadFileVersion GET /file/{fileId}/{versionId} Download File Version
finishFileDataUpload PUT /file/{fileId}/{versionId}/{fileType}/finish Finish FileData Upload
getFile GET /file/{fileId} Show File
getFileDataUploadStatus GET /file/{fileId}/{versionId}/{fileType}/status Check FileData Upload Status
getFiles GET /files List Files
startFileDataUpload PUT /file/{fileId}/{versionId}/{fileType}/start Start FileData Upload


File createFile(createFileRequest)

Create File

Creates a new File object


import 'package:vrchat_dart_generated/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: authCookie
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';

final api = VrchatDartGenerated().getFilesApi();
final CreateFileRequest createFileRequest = ; // CreateFileRequest | 

try {
    final response = api.createFile(createFileRequest);
} catch on DioException (e) {
    print('Exception when calling FilesApi->createFile: $e\n');


Name Type Description Notes
createFileRequest CreateFileRequest [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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File createFileVersion(fileId, createFileVersionRequest)

Create File Version

Creates a new FileVersion. Once a Version has been created, proceed to the /file/{fileId}/{versionId}/file/start endpoint to start a file upload.


import 'package:vrchat_dart_generated/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: authCookie
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';

final api = VrchatDartGenerated().getFilesApi();
final String fileId = file_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000; // String | Must be a valid file ID.
final CreateFileVersionRequest createFileVersionRequest = ; // CreateFileVersionRequest | 

try {
    final response = api.createFileVersion(fileId, createFileVersionRequest);
} catch on DioException (e) {
    print('Exception when calling FilesApi->createFileVersion: $e\n');


Name Type Description Notes
fileId String Must be a valid file ID.
createFileVersionRequest CreateFileVersionRequest [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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File deleteFile(fileId)

Delete File

Deletes a File object.


import 'package:vrchat_dart_generated/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: authCookie
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';

final api = VrchatDartGenerated().getFilesApi();
final String fileId = file_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000; // String | Must be a valid file ID.

try {
    final response = api.deleteFile(fileId);
} catch on DioException (e) {
    print('Exception when calling FilesApi->deleteFile: $e\n');


Name Type Description Notes
fileId String Must be a valid file ID.

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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File deleteFileVersion(fileId, versionId)

Delete File Version

Delete a specific version of a file. You can only delete the latest version.


import 'package:vrchat_dart_generated/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: authCookie
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';

final api = VrchatDartGenerated().getFilesApi();
final String fileId = file_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000; // String | Must be a valid file ID.
final int versionId = 1; // int | Version ID of the asset.

try {
    final response = api.deleteFileVersion(fileId, versionId);
} catch on DioException (e) {
    print('Exception when calling FilesApi->deleteFileVersion: $e\n');


Name Type Description Notes
fileId String Must be a valid file ID.
versionId int Version ID of the asset.

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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downloadFileVersion(fileId, versionId)

Download File Version

Downloads the file with the provided version number. Version Note: Version 0 is always when the file was created. The real data is usually always located in version 1 and up. Extension Note: Files are not guaranteed to have a file extensions. UnityPackage files tends to have it, images through this endpoint do not. You are responsible for appending file extension from the extension field when neccesary.


import 'package:vrchat_dart_generated/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: authCookie
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';

final api = VrchatDartGenerated().getFilesApi();
final String fileId = file_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000; // String | Must be a valid file ID.
final int versionId = 1; // int | Version ID of the asset.

try {
    api.downloadFileVersion(fileId, versionId);
} catch on DioException (e) {
    print('Exception when calling FilesApi->downloadFileVersion: $e\n');


Name Type Description Notes
fileId String Must be a valid file ID.
versionId int Version ID of the asset.

Return type

void (empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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File finishFileDataUpload(fileId, versionId, fileType, finishFileDataUploadRequest)

Finish FileData Upload

Finish an upload of a FileData. This will mark it as "complete". After uploading the file for Avatars and Worlds you then have to upload a signature file.


import 'package:vrchat_dart_generated/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: authCookie
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';

final api = VrchatDartGenerated().getFilesApi();
final String fileId = file_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000; // String | Must be a valid file ID.
final int versionId = 1; // int | Version ID of the asset.
final String fileType = file; // String | Type of file.
final FinishFileDataUploadRequest finishFileDataUploadRequest = {"etags":["xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"],"nextPartNumber":"0","maxParts":"0"}; // FinishFileDataUploadRequest | Please see documentation on ETag's: [](  ETag's should NOT be present when uploading a `signature`.

try {
    final response = api.finishFileDataUpload(fileId, versionId, fileType, finishFileDataUploadRequest);
} catch on DioException (e) {
    print('Exception when calling FilesApi->finishFileDataUpload: $e\n');


Name Type Description Notes
fileId String Must be a valid file ID.
versionId int Version ID of the asset.
fileType String Type of file.
finishFileDataUploadRequest FinishFileDataUploadRequest Please see documentation on ETag's: ETag's should NOT be present when uploading a signature. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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File getFile(fileId)

Show File

Shows general information about the "File" object. Each File can have several "Version"'s, and each Version can have multiple real files or "Data" blobs.


import 'package:vrchat_dart_generated/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: authCookie
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';

final api = VrchatDartGenerated().getFilesApi();
final String fileId = file_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000; // String | Must be a valid file ID.

try {
    final response = api.getFile(fileId);
} catch on DioException (e) {
    print('Exception when calling FilesApi->getFile: $e\n');


Name Type Description Notes
fileId String Must be a valid file ID.

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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FileVersionUploadStatus getFileDataUploadStatus(fileId, versionId, fileType)

Check FileData Upload Status

Retrieves the upload status for file upload. Can currently only be accessed when status is waiting. Trying to access it on a file version already uploaded currently times out.


import 'package:vrchat_dart_generated/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: authCookie
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';

final api = VrchatDartGenerated().getFilesApi();
final String fileId = file_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000; // String | Must be a valid file ID.
final int versionId = 1; // int | Version ID of the asset.
final String fileType = file; // String | Type of file.

try {
    final response = api.getFileDataUploadStatus(fileId, versionId, fileType);
} catch on DioException (e) {
    print('Exception when calling FilesApi->getFileDataUploadStatus: $e\n');


Name Type Description Notes
fileId String Must be a valid file ID.
versionId int Version ID of the asset.
fileType String Type of file.

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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List getFiles(tag, userId, n, offset)

List Files

Returns a list of files


import 'package:vrchat_dart_generated/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: authCookie
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';

final api = VrchatDartGenerated().getFilesApi();
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Tag, for example \"icon\" or \"gallery\", not included by default.
final String userId = userId_example; // String | UserID, will always generate a 500 permission error.
final int n = 56; // int | The number of objects to return.
final int offset = 56; // int | A zero-based offset from the default object sorting from where search results start.

try {
    final response = api.getFiles(tag, userId, n, offset);
} catch on DioException (e) {
    print('Exception when calling FilesApi->getFiles: $e\n');


Name Type Description Notes
tag String Tag, for example "icon" or "gallery", not included by default. [optional]
userId String UserID, will always generate a 500 permission error. [optional]
n int The number of objects to return. [optional] [default to 60]
offset int A zero-based offset from the default object sorting from where search results start. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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FileUploadURL startFileDataUpload(fileId, versionId, fileType, partNumber)

Start FileData Upload

Starts an upload of a specific FilePart. This endpoint will return an AWS URL which you can PUT data to. You need to call this and receive a new AWS API URL for each partNumber. Please see AWS's REST documentation on "PUT Object to S3" on how to upload. Once all parts has been uploaded, proceed to /finish endpoint. Note: nextPartNumber seems like it is always ignored. Despite it returning 0, first partNumber is always 1.


import 'package:vrchat_dart_generated/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: authCookie
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';

final api = VrchatDartGenerated().getFilesApi();
final String fileId = file_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000; // String | Must be a valid file ID.
final int versionId = 1; // int | Version ID of the asset.
final String fileType = file; // String | Type of file.
final int partNumber = 1; // int | The part number to start uploading. If not provided, the first part will be started.

try {
    final response = api.startFileDataUpload(fileId, versionId, fileType, partNumber);
} catch on DioException (e) {
    print('Exception when calling FilesApi->startFileDataUpload: $e\n');


Name Type Description Notes
fileId String Must be a valid file ID.
versionId int Version ID of the asset.
fileType String Type of file.
partNumber int The part number to start uploading. If not provided, the first part will be started. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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