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chore: comment out typst_basic example for now
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nixon-voxell committed May 7, 2024
1 parent 2effe74 commit fcf87f4
Showing 1 changed file with 165 additions and 160 deletions.
325 changes: 165 additions & 160 deletions examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,160 +1,165 @@
use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_motiongfx::prelude::*;
use bevy_motiongfx::typst::{TypstCompiler, TypstCompilerPlugin};

fn main() {
// Bevy plugins
// Custom plugins
.add_systems(Startup, (setup, typst_basic))
.add_systems(Update, timeline_movement)

fn typst_basic(
mut commands: Commands,
mut typst_compiler: ResMut<TypstCompiler>,
mut scenes: ResMut<Assets<VelloScene>>,
) {
let content = String::from(
#set page(width: 1120pt, margin: 8pt)
#set raw(theme: "themes/Monokai Pro.tmTheme")
#set text(size: 24pt, fill: rgb("#FCFCFA"))
#text(fill: gradient.linear(rgb("#13A8C1"), rgb("#21C0AA")))[= Typst]
$ frac(a^2, 2) $
$ vec(1, 2, delim: "[") $
$ mat(1, 2; 3, 4) $
$ lim_x = op("lim", limits: #true)_x $
fn main() {
println!("Hello from Typst!");

match typst_compiler.compile_flatten(&mut commands, &mut scenes, content) {
Ok(tree) => {
.insert(Transform::from_xyz(-500.0, 300.0, 0.0));

// Motion
let path_len = tree.paths.len();

let mut transform_motions = Vec::with_capacity(path_len);
let mut fill_motions = Vec::with_capacity(path_len);
let mut stroke_motions = Vec::with_capacity(path_len);

for p in 0..path_len {
let path = &tree.paths[p];

transform_motions.push(TransformMotion::new(path.entity, path.transform));

if let Some(fill) = &path.fill {
fill_motions.push(Some(FillStyleMotion::new(path.entity, fill.clone())));
} else {

if let Some(stroke) = &path.stroke {
stroke_motions.push(Some(StrokeStyleMotion::new(path.entity, stroke.clone())));
} else {

// Animations
let mut setup_seqs = Vec::with_capacity(path_len);
let mut animate_seqs = Vec::with_capacity(path_len);

let transform_offset = Vec3::Y * 24.0;

for p in 0..path_len {
let path = &tree.paths[p];

if let Some(motion) = &mut fill_motions[p] {
setup_seqs.push(, 0.0));
if let Some(motion) = &mut stroke_motions[p] {
setup_seqs.push(, 0.0));

animate_seqs.push(all(&[[p].translate_add(transform_offset), 1.0),
if let Some(motion) = &mut fill_motions[p] {
let brush = path.fill.as_ref().unwrap().brush.clone();, 1.0)
} else {
if let Some(motion) = &mut stroke_motions[p] {
let brush = path.stroke.as_ref().unwrap().brush.clone();, 1.0)
} else {

let sequence = all(&[all(&setup_seqs), flow(0.1, &animate_seqs)])

commands.spawn(SequencePlayerBundle {
Err(err) => {
println!("{:#?}", err);

fn setup(mut commands: Commands) {

fn timeline_movement(
mut q_timelines: Query<(&mut SequencePlayer, &mut SequenceController)>,
keys: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>,
time: Res<Time>,
) {
for (mut sequence_player, mut sequence_time) in q_timelines.iter_mut() {
if keys.pressed(KeyCode::KeyD) {
sequence_time.target_time += time.delta_seconds();

if keys.pressed(KeyCode::KeyA) {
sequence_time.target_time -= time.delta_seconds();

if keys.just_pressed(KeyCode::Space) {
if keys.pressed(KeyCode::ShiftLeft) {
sequence_player.time_scale = -1.0;
} else {
sequence_player.time_scale = 1.0;

if keys.just_pressed(KeyCode::Escape) {
sequence_player.time_scale = 0.0;
fn main() {}
// use bevy::prelude::*;
// use bevy_motiongfx::prelude::*;
// use bevy_motiongfx::typst::{TypstCompiler, TypstCompilerPlugin};

// fn main() {
// App::new()
// // Bevy plugins
// .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins)
// // Custom plugins
// .add_plugins((
// MotionGfxPlugin,
// MotionGfxVelloPlugin,
// TypstCompilerPlugin::new(Vec::new()),
// ))
// .add_systems(Startup, (setup, typst_basic))
// .add_systems(Update, timeline_movement)
// .run();
// }

// fn typst_basic(
// mut commands: Commands,
// mut typst_compiler: ResMut<TypstCompiler>,
// mut scenes: ResMut<Assets<VelloScene>>,
// ) {
// let content = String::from(
// r###"
// #set page(width: 1120pt, margin: 8pt)
// #set raw(theme: "themes/Monokai Pro.tmTheme")
// #set text(size: 24pt, fill: rgb("#FCFCFA"))

// #box()[
// #text(fill: gradient.linear(rgb("#13A8C1"), rgb("#21C0AA")))[= Typst]
// ]

// $ frac(a^2, 2) $
// $ vec(1, 2, delim: "[") $
// $ mat(1, 2; 3, 4) $
// $ lim_x = op("lim", limits: #true)_x $

// ```rs
// fn main() {
// println!("Hello from Typst!");
// }
// ```
// "###,
// );

// match typst_compiler.compile_flatten(&mut commands, &mut scenes, content) {
// Ok(tree) => {
// commands
// .entity(tree.root_entity)
// .insert(Transform::from_xyz(-500.0, 300.0, 0.0));

// // Motion
// let path_len = tree.paths.len();

// let path_ids = Vec::with_capacity(path_len);
// let mut transforms = Vec::with_capacity(path_len);
// let mut fill_motions = Vec::with_capacity(path_len);
// let mut stroke_motions = Vec::with_capacity(path_len);

// // tree.paths.iter().map();

// for p in 0..path_len {
// let path = &tree.paths[p];

// path_ids.push(path.entity);
// transforms.push(path.transform);

// if let Some(fill) = &path.fill {
// fill_motions.push(Some(FillStyleMotion::new(path.entity, fill.clone())));
// } else {
// fill_motions.push(None);
// }

// if let Some(stroke) = &path.stroke {
// stroke_motions.push(Some(StrokeStyleMotion::new(path.entity, stroke.clone())));
// } else {
// stroke_motions.push(None);
// }
// }

// // Animations
// let mut setup_seqs = Vec::with_capacity(path_len);
// let mut animate_seqs = Vec::with_capacity(path_len);

// let transform_offset = Vec3::Y * 24.0;

// for p in 0..path_len {
// let path = &tree.paths[p];

// if let Some(motion) = &mut fill_motions[p] {
// setup_seqs.push(, 0.0));
// }
// if let Some(motion) = &mut stroke_motions[p] {
// setup_seqs.push(, 0.0));
// }

// animate_seqs.push(all(&[
//[p].translate_add(transform_offset), 1.0),
// {
// if let Some(motion) = &mut fill_motions[p] {
// let brush = path.fill.as_ref().unwrap().brush.clone();
//, 1.0)
// } else {
// commands.sleep(1.0)
// }
// },
// {
// if let Some(motion) = &mut stroke_motions[p] {
// let brush = path.stroke.as_ref().unwrap().brush.clone();
//, 1.0)
// } else {
// commands.sleep(1.0)
// }
// },
// ]));
// }

// let sequence = all(&[all(&setup_seqs), flow(0.1, &animate_seqs)])
// .with_ease(ease::expo::ease_in_out);

// commands.spawn(SequencePlayerBundle {
// sequence,
// ..default()
// });
// }
// Err(err) => {
// println!("{:#?}", err);
// }
// }
// }

// fn setup(mut commands: Commands) {
// commands.spawn(Camera2dBundle::default());
// }

// fn timeline_movement(
// mut q_timelines: Query<(&mut SequencePlayer, &mut SequenceController)>,
// keys: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>,
// time: Res<Time>,
// ) {
// for (mut sequence_player, mut sequence_time) in q_timelines.iter_mut() {
// if keys.pressed(KeyCode::KeyD) {
// sequence_time.target_time += time.delta_seconds();
// }

// if keys.pressed(KeyCode::KeyA) {
// sequence_time.target_time -= time.delta_seconds();
// }

// if keys.just_pressed(KeyCode::Space) {
// if keys.pressed(KeyCode::ShiftLeft) {
// sequence_player.time_scale = -1.0;
// } else {
// sequence_player.time_scale = 1.0;
// }
// }

// if keys.just_pressed(KeyCode::Escape) {
// sequence_player.time_scale = 0.0;
// }
// }
// }

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