Supertiny redux-like, react-like app library TRY IT!
I was terryfied by size of all Todo apps.
So I build tiny "framework" to understand how Redux and React work.
I came up with this experimental library, that has practically all the features that has React with Redux.
Everything in package that is just 8kB!
- Server-side rendering
- Simple event-binding
- Single store reducers-driven
- React-like DOM creation
This is not production app, I just wanted to understand how React and Redux work and how difficult it is to implement them.
- Escaping strings (easy to add)
- Delegating events
- DOM diffing
- Updates without whole rerender
- [email protected] or higher (you can use Nave to run higher version of Node on your system)
Download this repo and run:
$ npm i
$ npm run build
$ npm run prod
Then visit localhost:3333
You may get errors when compiling sass. That is because of your libsass on your machine was compiled by older version of node.
$ npm rebuild
To rebuild binaries for current version of node (should be 5.0)
I would like to thank authors of Redux. The simplicity of this library is incredible, I adore you all!
And of course I thank to React guys for changing the world of development.