A collection of Jupyter Notebooks with example projects from the book "Hands-on Machine Learning with SciKit-Learn, Keras & TensorFlow", 2nd edition, Aurélien Géron.
Note: these notebooks are meant only for demonstration porpouses. For the sake of simplicity, the data files (and everything except the notebooks) were not uploaded to the repository.
- Housing Prices Predictor: introduction of regression models and techniques for data analysis and dataset segmenting
- MNIST: data analysis for classification tasks and general classification techniques applied in the MNIST dataset
- Titanic Classificator: creating a model for the task of classifying if a given passenger from the Titanic survived or not
- Ensembled Learning: experimenting with different ensembling techniques in the MNIST dataset
- Dimensionality Reduction: dimensionality reduction algorithms for increasing performance and generating data visualisations
- Unsupervised Learning: algorithms for general unsupervised learning tasks and anomaly detection
- Keras Intro: introduction of Neural Networks, trained on the MNIST dataset
- Deep Neural Networks: general techniques (normalization/regularization) for dealing with the learning in Deep Neural Networks
- CNNs for Computer Vision: using Convolutional Neural Networks for classifying landscapes (taken from Google Images)
- RNNs Intro: using Recurrent Neural Networks for classification in a dataset of sketches (QuickDraw)