Web app for querying infoLogger database and streaming logs in real-time with filtering.
git clone ...
cd InfoLoggerGui
mkdir cert
openssl req -nodes -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout cert/key.pem -out cert/cert.pem -days 365
mv config-default.js config.js
# configure your mysql instance, see below
# register on Oauth, see below
vi config.js
npm install
npm run ils # if fake InfoLoggerServer needed
npm start
You need a MySQL and a InfoLoggerServer to connect to. InfoLoggerServer can be faked using npm run ils
Command | Result |
npm start | start app in production mode |
npm run dev | start app in dev mode with auto-restart on file change |
npm run test | will run eslint, mocha and qunit |
npm run doc | build the doc in docs/API.md |
npm run coverage | report coverage of tests |
npm run ils | start local InfoLoggerServer with fake real-time data for dev purpose |
npm run demo | start both InfoLoggerGui and a fake InfoLoggerServer |
Before starting the InfoLoggerGui (which is a server/client view), you should have a InfoLoggerServer and MySQL running (which store the logs) and configured in config.js
All browsers, starting from IE 12 (Edge)
- Go https://sso-management.web.cern.ch/OAuth/RegisterOAuthClient.aspx
- client_id is whatever you want
- redirect_uri is like https://hostname:port/callback
- Generate and put the secret to your config.js
- submit request
Copy config-default.js to config.js then change values as follow.
Path | Description |
oAuth.secret | password from your oauth registration |
oAuth.id | login from your oauth registration |
oAuth.redirect_uri | the URL of this application like https://hostname:port/callback |
http.hostname | should be the one from redirect_uri |
infoLoggerServer.{host,port} | empty if you don't want to use |
mysql.{host,user,password} | empty if you don't want to use |
Other fields should be ok by default for your configuration at CERN.
mysql INFOLOGGER < logs.sql
select * from messages limit 10;
If the server is remote with private port, you can build a bridge: ssh -L 3306: user@remote
yum install epel-release
curl --silent --location https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sudo bash -
yum install -y nodejs
yum install git
cd /opt
git clone https://github.com/AliceO2Group/InfoLoggerGui.git
cd InfoLoggerGui
npm install --production
vim /etc/systemd/system/infologgergui.service # see below
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start infologgergui.service
systemctl status infologgergui.service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/npm run start # replace start by demo for fake live data
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