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Hosts ZeroMQ broker service used primarily for timeseries analytics pipeline


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ZeroMQ Broker


Note: In this document, you will find labels of 'Edge Insights for Industrial (EII)' for filenames, paths, code snippets, and so on. Consider the references of EII as Open Edge Insights (OEI). This is due to the product name change of EII as OEI.

The ZeroMQ Broker provides the ability to proxy data coming over the Message Bus ZeroMQ protocol plugin for publishers and subscribers. Traditionally, each Message Bus ZeroMQ publisher has its own IPC socket or TCP (host, port) combination. This broker allows for publishers to connect to the proxy's publisher TCP or IPC socket for sending published messages and subscribers to connect to one central subscriber TCP or IPC socket to receive incoming messages from the broker.

The ZeroMQ Broker builds off of the functionality provided by the ZeroMQ zmq_proxy() API, which uses two separate sockets and hands messages off from one socket to the other.

The following diagram shows a high-level flow of how the ZeroMQ Broker functions.

 +-----------+    +-----------+    +-----------+
 | Publisher |    | Publisher |    | Publisher |
 +-----------+    +-----------+    +-----------+
 |  ZMQ_PUB  |    |  ZMQ_PUB  |    |  ZMQ_PUB  |
 +-----------+    +-----------+    +-----------+
    connect          connect          connect
      |                |                 |
               |    ZMQ_XSUB    |
               |     proxy      |
               |    ZMQ_XPUB    |
       |               |                   |
    connect          connect            connect
 +------------+    +------------+    +------------+
 |  ZMQ_SUB   |    |  ZMQ_SUB   |    |  ZMQ_SUB   |
 +------------+    +------------+    +------------+
 | Subscriber |    | Subscriber |    | Subscriber |
 +------------+    +------------+    +------------+

As shown in the diagram above, the broker uses two ZeroMQ sockets:

  1. A socket for publishers to connect (i.e. the ZMQ_XSUB socket), which is referred to as the frontend socket
  2. A socket for the subscribers to connect to (i.e. the ZMQ_XPUB socket), which is referred to as the backend socket

The broker binds to the TCP (host, port) or IPC socket file (based on its configuration) for each of its sockets. Messages are sent from publishers into the frontend socket and then relayed onto the backend socket which forwards the messages onto the subscribers.


The security for the broker depends on whether the broker is using TCP or IPC for its respective sockets.

NOTE: The broker can be used with the frontend being a TCP socket and the backend being an IPC socket (and vice-versa).

The following sections cover the security for the TCP and IPC modes.


When the broker is using an IPC socket (for either the frontend or backend sockets), the ability to send/receive messages shall be handled by Linux file permissions. There is no encryption which shall occur for the messages sent over IPC sockets.


For TCP connections, ZeroMQ offers mechanisms for both encryption and authentication. This is accomplished via elliptical curve keys generated when OEI is provisioned. These keys provide the encryption and authentication via the ZAP protocol and a list of allowed clients authentication is handled.

The encryption and authentication is all handled under the hood by the OEI Message Bus for publishers and subscribers which are connecting to the broker. Via the configuration of the broker's messaging interfaces the broker has the required keys for decrypting messages and for determining whether or not a given publisher or subscriber is allowed to connect.

See the configuration section for more details on listing out allowed clients and configuring the security for the ZeroMQ Broker.


For TCP connections, there is one important security implication to be aware of. The broker manages a single list of all of the publishers and subscribers which are allowed to connect. If a given subscriber can connect, then all of the data coming through that broker instance is available to that subscriber to receive. Essentially what this means, is that the broker does not do authentication on a per topic/stream basis, only on a connection basis.

Performance Implications

When using the ZeroMQ Broker it is important to understand the implications on the performance of the networking in the OEI platform.

By using the broker, an extra network hop is incurred for all messages sent over the Message Bus ZeroMQ protocol plugin. This will increase the latency for the messages sent from the publishers connecting to the broker to the subscribers connecting to the broker.


Having the broker running in an OEI deployment does not make every message from publishers go through the broker. Each publisher must be configured to connect to the broker. Publishers which are not configured to connect to the broker will still bind to their respective IPC socket or TCP (host, port) combination.


NOTE: The JSON schema for the configuration properties of the ZeroMQ Broker can be found in the, "schema.json", file.

Configuration of the ZeroMQ Broker is predominantly accomplished from the OEI Configuration Manager APIs. However, it can also be configured via JSON files, as described in the Usage section below. The configuration via JSON files is only for development/debugging purposes. This section will focus on the preduction configuration of the broker.

The configuration of the broker falls into two main areas:

  1. Application/Service Configuration - Configuration of the runtime behavior
  2. Interface Configuration - Configuration of the networking interfaces (i.e. frontend and backend sockets)

Aside from the interface and service configuration, there are two properties that are set via environmental variables: AppName and DEV_MODE. The AppName variable determines how the service quries its configuration using the Configuration Manager APIs. For docker-compose, this is set in the environment section of the, "docker-compose.yml", file under the ia_zmq_broker section. The default value for this is ZmqBroker.

The DEV_MODE variable sets whether or not the broker will attempt to use certificates with the Configuration Manager APIs and over any TCP connections. This also is obtainerd from the environment section of the, "docker-compose.yml", file.

IMPORTANT NOTE: There are some other configuration properties in the environment section of the, "docker-compose.yml", file. These are provided to the service from the, "build/.env", file. See the OEI User Guide for more details.

The following two sections cover that various configuration properties the broker supports for interfaces and application configuration.

Application/Service Configuration

The broker supports two configuration parameters; one for the Linux scheduler policy and the other for the scheduler priority. These two properties are applied to the main thread which is running the ZeroMQ proxy.

The configuration values must be specified in the config.json prior to running the script or eii_config.json after using the script.

The table below specifies the details for these parameters. Note that neither of these are required in the configuration and should only be set if the user knows they need to have a certain scheduling policy and priority for the broker.

Key Type Description
sched_policy string Scheduling policy to set for the main thread. Must be: SCHED_OTHER, SCHED_IDLE, SCHED_BATCH, SCHED_FIFO, or SCHED_RR.
sched_priority integer Sets the priority for the thread. Must be between 0 and 99. Only valid for SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR policies.

An example of applying these two settings to the ZeroMQ Broker's configuration is shown below. In this example, the configuration is an excerpt from the, 'IEdgeInsights/build/provision/config/eii_config.json", generated while using the script.

    // ... omitted ...

    "/ZmqBroker/config": {
        "sched_policy": "SCHED_FIFO",
        "sched_priority": 42

    // ... omitted ...

NOTE: There will also be an /ZmqBroker/interfaces section associated with the broker, but that is covered in the next section.

The configuration above sets the Linux scheduler policy to SCHED_FIFO and its priority to 42. As stated before, this can also be left entirely empty and the broker thread will default to the Linux default thread scheduling policy/priority.

Interface Configuration

The configuration of the networking interfaces for the ZeroMQ Broker is divided into two sections, "Subscribers", and, "Publishers". The, "Subscribers", sections sets the configuration for the frontend socket (since it subscribes to the messages coming from publishers), and the, "Publishers", section determines the configuration for the backend socket.

The Configuration Manager API assumes that the, "Subscribers", and, "Publishers", section is a list. However, since the ZeroMQ Broker does not use multiple publisher and subscriber sockets, the lists must only contain one element.

The single JSON object which is expected to be in the, "Subscribers", and, "Publishers", sections is essentially the same. An example is shown below of the interfaces configuration for a broker instance with TCP sockets for both the frontend and backend.

    "Subscribers": [
            "Name": "frontend",
            "Type": "zmq_tcp",
            "EndPoint": "",
            "Topics": ["*"],
            "PublisherAppName": "*",
            "AllowedClients": ["*"]
    "Publishers": [
            "Name": "backend",
            "Type": "zmq_tcp",
            "EndPoint": "",
            "Topics": ["*"],
            "AllowedClients": ["*"]

The primary difference to point out is that the, "Name", and, "Topics", fields are different. For the, "Subscribers", the, "Name", MUST be the string frontend, and the, "Topics", list must only contain a single value in it, which is "*". For the, "Publishers", object the same rules hold true. Note that, "AllowedClients", also has a "*" in it. If you wish to only allowed certain services to connect to the broker, then change this to a list of the app name's of the services which are allowd to connect.

This allows the broker to query specific configuration objects using the defined names frontend and backend. It is important to note that if the deployment needs to limit the services which can connect to the broker, then the, "AllowedClients", list should be modified to contain only the app names of the services allowed to connect.

For IPC sockets, the configuration is very similar, except that the, "EndPoint", and, "Type", values are different (as shown in the example below).

    "Subscribers": [
            "Name": "frontend",
            "Type": "zmq_ipc",
            "EndPoint": {
                "SocketDir": "/tmp/socks",
                "SocketFile": "frontend-socket"
            "PublisherAppName": "*",
            "Topics": ["*"],
            "AllowedClients": ["*"]
    "Publishers": [
            "Name": "backend",
            "Type": "zmq_ipc",
            "EndPoint": {
                "SocketDir": "/tmp/socks",
                "SocketFile": "backend-socket"
            "Topics": ["*"],
            "AllowedClients": ["*"]

In the example above, note that the, "Type", values is now zmq_ipc and the, "EndPoint", is a JSON object which defines the socket directory and file to use for the sockets.


There are two important notes to be aware of with the configurations presented above:

  1. Although the configurations above showcase using IPC and TCP for both the frontend and backend sockets they can be used in any combination (e.g. the broker can use an IPC socket for the frontend and TCP for the backend).
  2. When using IPC sockets, the name of the, "SocketFile", must also be specified for all subscribers or publishers which will be connecting to that socket.


The ZeroMQ Broker is integrated into the OEI docker-compose ecosystem. To build and use the Docker container, follow the defined building / provisioning instructions for OEI.

If you are using a YAML file with the script, then make sure to add ZmqBroker under the AppName section of the YAML file. This will include the broker into the resulting docker-compose.yml file and it will include the broker's configuration into the eii_config.json which shall be used when provisioning.

Connecting OEI Services to the ZeroMQ Broker

In order to connect OEI Services, such as the VideoIngestion or VideoAnalytics services, user must edit their interfaces configuration to tell them the broker instance to connect to. Namely, you need to add two keys to the, "Publishers", configuration to have two additional keys:

  1. BrokerAppName - This specifies the AppName of the targeted broker instance
  2. brokered - This tells the Message Bus that the given publisher instance is brokered

As an example, below is the changes in the interfaces configuration for enabling the VideoIngestion and VideoAnalytics to communicate via ZmqBroker.

NOTE: Though the example shows VideoIngestion and VideoAnalytics using the ZmqBroker, it is not recommended for video streaming use-cases due to the extra hop added to the video frames which will affect performance.

Changes to VideoIngestion/config.json which is a publisher. The following adds the, "BrokerAppName", and, "brokered", keys to the default publisher's configuration.

    "interfaces": {
        "Publishers": [
                "Name": "default",
                "Topics": [
                "Type": "zmq_tcp",
                "EndPoint": "ia_zmq_broker:60514",
                "brokered": true
                "BrokerAppName": "ZmqBroker",
                "AllowedClients": [

For the subscriber which is VideoAnalytics, there wont be much change other than changing the endpoint to point to ZmqBroker along with PublisherAppName.

    "interfaces": {
        "Subscribers": [
                "Name": "default",
                "Type": "zmq_tcp",
                "EndPoint": "ia_zmq_broker:60515",
                "PublisherAppName": "ZmqBroker",
                "Topics": [
                "zmq_recv_hwm": 50

Bare Metal


Running the broker using bare-metal is not recommended for production environments. This way of running the broker is meant purely for development and debugging purposes.


The ZeroMQ Broker is written in C++ and as such utilizes the CMake build system for building the binary for the broker.

The ZeroMQ Broker has the following dependencies:

  • CMake 3.15+
  • IntelSafeString
  • OEI Utils
  • libzmq
  • OEI ConfigMgr
  • MessageBus (only required for unit tests)

Prior to building the ZeroMQ Broker, you must install these libraries on the target system. This can be done using the, "common/" script.

Once the dependencies for the broker are installed on your system, run the following commands to build the ZeroMQ Broker.

# 1. Create the build directory
$ mkdir build/

# 2. Change directories into the newly created build/ directory
$ cd build/

# 3. Run the CMake command to setup the build environment (see subsections)

# 3a. If you want to compile without the unit tests execute the following command
$ cmake ..

# 3b. If you wish to compile the unit tests, then execute the following (note:
# it is recommended to build in Debug mode)

# 4. Build the ZeroMQ Broker binary
$ make


After building the ZeroMQ Broker you will have a binary named, "zmq-broker". Use this binary to run the ZeroMQ Broker.

The ZeroMQ Broker can be configured from the OEI Configuration Manager as well as from environmental variables and JSON configuration files.

To use the configuration obtained via the OEI Configuration Manager, simply start the binary with no parameters; however, make sure to set the AppName and DEV_MODE environmental variables. As mentioned at the beginning of the, "Bare Metal", section, this way of running the broker should only be done in development environments. As such, it is assumed that the DEV_MODE environmental variable will be set to true and no security shall be used with the Configuration Manager or over Message Bus ZeroMQ TCP connections. Additionall, for running in this way, the, "ia_etcd", container must be running.

# Set DEV_MODE environmental variable to "true"
$ export DEV_MODE=true

# Set the AppName environmental variable to "ZmqBroker"
$ export AppName=ZmqBroker

# Run the broker
$ ./zmq-broker

The broker also supports receiving its configuration through JSON configuration files and environmental variables. To set the log level, Linux scheduler policy and priority set the following environmental variables (defined in Configuration section of this README).

  • C_LOG_LEVEL - Log level (will default to ERROR log level)
  • SCHED_POLCIY - Scheduler policy
  • SCHED_PRIORITY - Scheduler priority

Note that none of the above environmental variables are required to run the broker.

When using JSON files, the broker will expect two positional command line arguments. The first will be the configuration of the frontend socket and the second will be for the backend configuration.

REMINDER: The frontend refers to the configuration for socket which publishers shall connect to, and the backend refers to the configuration for the socket which subscribers shall connect to.

The contents of the JSON is analygous to the JSON configuration files used in the Message Bus (see the IEdgeInsights/common/libs/EIIMessageBus/ for more information). The contents of the JSON files depends on whether if the given socket is supposed to use TCP or IPC.

For IPC configurations, the frontend and backend configurations need to look respectively as follows:


    // Which ZeroMQ protocol to use (TCP vs. IPC)
    "type": "zmq_ipc",

    // Socket directory to create the socket file in
    "socket_dir": "/tmp",

    // Specifies the IPC endpoint config (i.e. socket directory and file)
    "": {
        // IPC socket file to bind to for the frontend socket
        "socket_file": "frontend-sock"

*NOTE: This example configuration is stored in, "examples/ipc_frontend_example.json", and can be used with the, "examples/configs/ipc_publisher_brokered.json", Message Bus configuration file.

The table below desribes the purpose of each key in the JSON configuration file.

Key Description
type Specifies the ZeroMQ protocol to use, must be either zmq_ipc or zmq_tcp.
socket_dir Specifies the directory in which to create all of the IPC socket files.
"" Gives the IPC socket file configuration for the frontend IPC socket.
socket_file This key specifies the name of the socket file to bind to.

For the socket_file key, when connecting a publisher, the publisher's configuration must also use this same socket_file key in the configuration for it. Otherwise, it will fail to connect because it will attempt to bind/connect to its topic name (see the Message Bus's documentation for more details).


    // Which ZeroMQ protocol to use (TCP vs. IPC)
    "type": "zmq_ipc",

    // Socket directory to create the socket file in
    "socket_dir": "/tmp",

    // Specifies the IPC endpoint config (i.e. socket directory and file)
    "": {
        // IPC socket file to bind to for the backend socket
        "socket_file": "backend-sock"

*NOTE: This example configuration is stored in, "examples/ipc_backend_example.json", and can be used with the, "examples/configs/ipc_subscriber_brokered.json", Message Bus configuration file.

The configuration for the backend socket is the exact same as for the frontend.

For TCP configurations, the frontend anc backend configurations need to look respectively as follows:


    // Which ZeroMQ protocol to use (TCP vs. IPC)
    "type": "zmq_tcp",

    // List of curve public keys for publishers allowed to connect to the
    // frontend socket
    "allowed_clients": ["4J4?(I13cwJgqi+T5nxg:Dyr5)l&reK]cxxTfa9V"],

    // Specifies the configuration for the frontend socket
    "": {
        // TCP host
        "host": "",

        // TCP port
        "port": 5568,

        // Server secret key to use for encryption / authentication
        "server_secret_key": "H[J1%f:#?0Y1cpUL<nEkPKm.]:n@JI>j]*!u3N#9"

NOTE: This example configuration is stored in, "examples/tcp_frontend_example.json", and can be used with the, "examples/configs/tcp_publisher_brokered_with_security.json", Message Bus configuration file.

The table below desribes the purpose of each key in the JSON configuration file.

Key Description
type Specifies the ZeroMQ protocol to use, must be either zmq_ipc or zmq_tcp.
host TCP host.
port TCP port.
allowed_clients Specifies the list of public keys for the publishers which are allowed to connect.
"" Gives security configuration for the frontend TCP socket.
server_secret_key Secret key for the frontend socket for encryption / authentication.


When using JSON files for the configuration of the ZeroMQ Broker, the JSON file is the configuration used by the Message Bus, rather than the normal OEI interface configurations. This is why the JSON configuration differs from the configuration given via the eii_config.json. The JSON shown above for the frontend, and the following backend configuration, represent how the configuration manager alters that configuration to be in these forms.


    // Which ZeroMQ protocol to use (TCP vs. IPC)
    "type": "zmq_tcp",

    // List of curve public keys for subscribers allowed to connect to the
    // backend socket
    "allowed_clients": ["y-G]27SC}{!mC4(]}=c=KH1M{x)Kd/{i%o]j7YT3"],

    // Specifies the configuration for the frontend socket
    "zmq_tcp_publish": {
        // TCP host
        "host": "",

        // TCP port (note that this is a different port from the frontend)
        "port": 5569

        // Server secret key to use for encryption / authentication
        "server_secret_key": "qydUsM#PP4r<E*2]<]kbLRwk1IX:H^y{Gk56e:tc"

*NOTE: This example configuration is stored in, "examples/tcp_backend_example.json", and can be used with the, "examples/configs/tcp_subscriber_with_security.json", Message Bus configuration file.

All of the keys above have the same purpose and meaning as for the frontend configuration. Except, there is one key difference; instead of the empty string key, the backend configuration has the zmq_tcp_publish key. This is because the broker adopts the same configuration definitions as the Message Bus ZeroMQ protocol plugin. The ZeroMQ protocol plugin uses the zmq_tcp_publish key for setting the TCP (host, port) combinations for all publishers under a single message bus context. The broker uses the same configuration to keep it consistent between the two entities.

Once the frontend and backend JSON configuration files have been created, run the broker binary as follows:

# IPC Example
$ ./zmq-broker examples/ipc_frontend_example.json examples/ipc_backend_example.json

# TCP Example
$ ./zmq-broker examples/tcp_frontend_example.json examples/tcp_backend_example.json

NOTE: It is assumed the configurations are named, "frontend_config.json", and, "backend_config.json", respectively. These could be named anything the user wishes. For more examples of configurations, see the JSON files in the, "tests/configs/", directory.

Running Unit Tests

If the ZeroMQ Broker was built with the -DWITH_TESTS=ON flag set for the CMake command, then do the following to run the unit tests:

NOTE: The commands below assume you are in the, "build/", directory created when compiing the broker.

# 1. Change directories into the tests/ directory
$ cd tests/

# 2. Execute the unit tests
$ ./broker-tests

If you wish to run the unit tests with a different log level, then provide one of the following log levels: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR with the command line argument --log-level. An example of using the DEBUG log level is shown below:

./broker-tests --log-level DEBUG


Hosts ZeroMQ broker service used primarily for timeseries analytics pipeline







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  • C++ 73.3%
  • C 16.0%
  • CMake 7.1%
  • Dockerfile 3.6%