Who likes to do those useless ,old and time consuming tasks manually when you can automate them.
This repository is full of automations that will make some tedious daily tasks easier and faster.
- Python
- C++
- Java Script
( contributions accepted in all languges)
- Multiclipboard
- Phone-number and E-mail extractor
- Random Quiz Generator
- Automated Github-login
- Automated process of creating a new project with GitHub
- Paint With UG
Go ahead and share that idea using the issue section of this repository by creating a new issue, If you are willing to contribute an automation then head over to contribution.md to see the procedure to contribute one.
There are many ways to contribute to this repository :-
- Contributing an automation Idea 💡: Just open an issue regarding the same with the idea template.
- Contributing an automation ⚙️: - Automation of all shapes and sizes are accepted, head over to issue section to see if you want to work on one already open idea or want contribute a different one, See Contributing.md for detailed steps on how to contribute a new autmation to this repository.
- Contributing to an existing project 🛠:- You can either enhance an existing project or create a version of it in different programming language.
- Contributing to documentation 📄:- If you find something is not correct or you could have done better in documentation including this readme or any project readme then you are most welcome to open an pull request or issue regarding the same.
- Somehing else:- You can go ahead and look for something to work in Issue section of the repo to find something to work upon
- Head over to issue section of the repo.
- Open a new issue regarding the same.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people.
- MIT license
- Copyright 2015 © Ankur Saini.