Cine Ko! is an iOS app that connects to for Movies, TV Shows, and People data. It also connects to New York Times Movie Reviews API for movie reviews data.
This is the author's Udacity capstone project for the iOS Developer Nanodegree program.
- Movies (Now Showing, Popular, Top Rated, Coming Soon, Genres)
- New York Times Movie Reviews
- TV Shows (Airing Today, Popular, Top Rated, On the Air)
- People (Popular)
- Search Movies, TV Shows, and People
- Account (Favorites, Watchlists, Lists)
- iPhone and iPad
- Minimum iOS version: 9.0
Cine Ko! is now available on the App Store.
Clone the GitHub repository and open the project workspace Cineko.xcworkspace
. You may not need to install the Cocoapod dependencies as they are already inluded in the project repository.
$ git clone
$ cd Cineko
$ open Cineko.xcworkspace
Cine Ko! is licensed via Apache License v2.0.
Jovito Royeca,