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Victor Itkin edited this page Oct 30, 2015 · 1 revision

Importation of the project usialtgr

Importation of the Google Code project usialtgr: USA International (AltGr dead keys) on Windows


Are you tired of tapping the space bar every time you hit the ' key? Compare before and after:

Before = US International After = AltGr dead keys Result
', space ' '
shift+', space shift+' "
', e AltGr+', e é
shift+6, a AltGr+Shift+6, a â
etc. etc. etc.

AltGr is simply the right Alt key on your keyboard. As you see, typing quotation marks becomes faster and typing accents (acute, umlaut, etc.) becomes slower. What do you do more often?

Steps to install this keyboard layout:

  1. If you have installed this keyboard layout before, then first follow the uninstall instructions.
  2. Download the layout.
  3. Extract the Zip file. Run the installer (please be patient, it takes a minute to complete).
  4. Follow these steps to change the keyboard layout to United States-International (AltGr dead keys).

Works on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.

How the branch usialtgr has been imported

  1. Create the directory:

    mkdir usialtgr
  2. Change to that directory:

    cd usialtgr
  3. Initialize the Subversion import:

    git svn init \
    -s \
    --no-metadata \
    --prefix="svn/" \
  4. Set the location of the authors mapping file:

    git config svn.authorsfile .git/authors
  5. Create the authors mapping file:

    cat > .git/authors << EOF = Matt Miermans <>
    m.miermans = Matt Miermans <>
    (no author) = Matt Miermans <>
  6. Import the Subversion commits:

    git svn fetch
  7. Rename the master branch:

    git branch -m usialtgr
  8. Filter the branch to convert the keyboard layout file from UTF-16LE to UTF-8:

    git filter-branch --tree-filter '
    iconv -f utf-16 -t utf-8 "United States-International (AltGr dead keys).klc" > kbdusiag.klc
    mv kbdusiag.klc "United States-International (AltGr dead keys).klc"

How the wiki has been imported

  1. Create the directory:

  2. Change to that directory:

  3. Initialize the Subversion import:

    git svn init \
    --trunk="wiki" \
    --no-metadata \
    --prefix="svn/" \
  4. Set the location of the authors mapping file:

    git config svn.authorsfile .git/authors
  5. Create the authors mapping file:

    cat > .git/authors << EOF = Matt Miermans <>
    m.miermans = Matt Miermans <>
    (no author) = Matt Miermans <>
  6. Import the Subversion commits:

    git svn fetch