This is a fork of
The plugin is extended with the possibility to give the plain unit test classes precedence, in the case a method is tested by plain unit test and gwt testcase. You want to use this feature if the plain unit test has the better coverage than the gwt test case.
Check out the configuration unitTestPrecedences
Add the following to the <plugins>
section of your pom.xml:
And add this to the <configuration>
section of maven-surefire-plugin
<argLine>${jacocoArgs} ${argLine}</argLine>
(the default for <argLine>
is ${argLine}
, so it’s best to include
that when you modify the settings. This JaCoCo plugin doesn’t require
it, so feel free to omit ${argLine}
if you need to.)
% mvn test
JaCoCo will record its coverage information into target/jacoco.exec
as usual, and our agent will record snapshots of GWTTestCase’s
runtime-modified classes under target/snapshot-classes
(but this
isn’t important unless you care how it works).
% mvn site # (for the full project site; see site-maven-plugin)
- or -
% mvn jacoco-gwt:report # (for just the JaCoCo HTML report)
JaCoCo will create a bunch of HTML pages that outline code coverage,
including coverage in client-side code that was exercised by
GWTTestCases. Find these reports under target/site/jacoco
For client-side-only classes that are exercised by both unit tests and GWTTestCases, only the coverage from the GWTTestCases will be included in the report. The coverage information from both types of tests exists in jacoco.exec, but the reporting gives precedence to the GWTTestCase coverage. |
Note: you don’t need to read this part to use the plugin. It’s just here for the sake of interest.
JaCoCo works in two phases:
While code is running, a Java Agent records the hash of classes as they are loaded, then instruments those classes to log information about which code was executed. This information is typically appended to a file called
when the VM shuts down. -
At some later time, the JaCoCo reporting tool reads the
file and attempts to read the associated .class files from the project’s classpath. If the class files it finds don’t match the hash that was computed by the agent in step 1, the reporting tool ignores the coverage information for that class (it assumes the classes have been recompiled, so the branches and line numbers won’t necessarily match up anymore).
The crux of the problem between GWTTestCase and vanilla JaCoCo is that GWTTestCase uses a ClassLoader that modifies .class files as they are loaded. Unfortunately, this happens before the JaCoCo agent gets a chance to record the hash of the raw on-disk class file. When step 2 comes around, JaCoCo’s reporting tool notices the mismatch in class file contents, and ignores all the client-side code that was modified by the GWTTestCase.
This plugin solves the problem by inserting a new Java Agent which runs after GWTTestCase’s ClassLoader and before JaCoCo’s own agent. This new agent simply saves GWT’s modified version of the .class file under the target/ directory. Then, with a small modification to the reporting plugin, these "snapshot classes" are included in the search for .class files when it comes time to build the report.