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This repository is all about the Hackerrank solution of the JavaScript tutorial named 10 days of javascript
- Day 0: Hello World
- Day 0: Data types
- Day 0: Arithmetic Operators
- Day 1: Functions
- Day 1: let and const
- Day 2: Conditional Statements: If-else
- Day 2: Conditional Statements: Switch
- Day 2: loops
- Day 3: Arrays
- Day 3: try,catch and finally
- Day 3: Throw
- Day 4: Create a Rectangle Object
- Day 4: Count Objects
- Day 4: Classes
- Day 5: Inheritance
- Day 5: Template Literals
- Day 5: Arrow Functions
- Day 6: BitWise Operators
- Day 6: JavaScript Dates
- Day 7: Regular Expressions I
- Day 7: Regular Expressions II
- Day 7: Regular Expressions III
- Day 8: Create a Button
- Day 8: Buttons Container
- Day 9: Binary Calculator