This helps you use custom UI elements and custom app for your Keystone project
You can find changelogs either by browsing our repository, or by using our interactive changelog explorer.
A quick note on dependency management: Keystone is organised into a number of small packages within a monorepo. When packages in the same repository depend on each other, new versions might not be compatible with older versions. If two or more packages are updated, it can result in breaking changes, even though collectively they appear to be non-breaking.
We do our best to catch this but recommend updating Keystone packages together to avoid any potential conflict. This is especially important to be aware of if you use automated dependency management tools like Greenkeeper.
KeystoneJS adheres to the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.
For vulnerability reporting, please refer to our security policy.
Copyright (c) 2022 Gautam Singh. Licensed under the MIT License.