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Kube-Review is a Kubernetes based platform to deploy and manage review environments.

Kube-Review is a battle tested platform based on Kubernetes to deploy and managed review environments at scale. Kube-Review has been in use at FindHotel for more than a year and it's considered resilient and production ready.

Based on Kubernetes, Kube-Review is very lean on resources as it is optimized to require few infra resources and to scale to high number of concurrent environments.

In order to control the life cycle of a environment, Kube-Review requires integration with your source code repository. At this point we only support GitHub, but there is no reason why others couldn't be added.

WARNING: Although, Kube-Review is resilient and scalable, it's not meant to run live or customer facing workloads.


These are some of the features supported by Kube-Review:

  • Simple and universal deployment through any CI/CD tool;
  • Public accessible URL with HTTPS support;
  • Automatic removal of expired environments by time on when the branch is merged;
  • Complex environments with side car containers support;
  • Secrets and environment variables;
  • Ephemerals and Non-Ephemerals environments;
  • Custom environment names;
  • Open to full customization through kustomize overlays;
  • Extension through pre and post install hooks;
  • Scalable and lean infra using Nginx Ingress and Let's Encrypt WildCards domains;
  • Environment isolation through namespaces;
  • Connection test after deployment;
  • Vertical Pod Autoscaling;
  • Scaling From/To zero with Keda HTTP Add-On;


WARNING: Docs are WIP and not complete yet.


Apache License 2.0