Transit routing server app written in C++ using the Connection Scan Algorithm including flexible parameters.
With random origin and destination (multiple accessible stops at origin and destination): ~150 ms for access and egress footpaths calculation, ~8 ms for CSA two-way calculation (tested with montreal area GTFS data including all urban and suburban transit agencies, with transfer footpaths between stops of 10 minutes walking or less) on a MacPro 2013 with single thread used (you can start multiple servers and execute parallel requests).
Connection Scan Algorithm (CSA) (working version)
Trib-Based Algorithm (TBA) (not yet released)
Open Source Routing Machine (OSRM) (must be installed separately, see install and usage instructions in OSRM Wiki) use -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON to install libraries needed to compile trRouting
brew install boost
brew install capnp
sudo apt-get install clang libboost-all-dev libexpat1-dev libjsoncpp-dev libncurses5-dev
make -f MakeFileCSA