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Vincent edited this page May 25, 2022 · 8 revisions


Welcome to the Blockout wiki! This page is currently under development

What is Blockout?

Blockout is an open source version of Smallant's lockout minigame.
The goal of the game is to race against another team to complete tasks.
Once a goal is completed, the other team cannot complete it.
The first team to reach 13 goals wins the game.

There are four difficulties of tasks, and they can range from mining obsidian to killing the ender dragon A full list of the tasks can be found here.

How to play

IMPORTANT: All players and the server must have the mod installed.

Grab some friends and log on to the server.
Set the team of each player.
Set the rate that each difficulty of task appears (OPTIONAL).
Start the game!

Refer to the Commands page for setting teams and starting the game.

Once the game is started, open the GUI (the default keybing is \, but it can be chnaged) to view the tasks.


Complete them before the other team.
Some tasks are difficult, consider taking a break in between (players can log off anytime). However, do not shut off the server if you wish to retain the current tasks.
Have fun!


  • Download Forge and Java
  • Run the Forge Installer, and make sure to install a server.
  • Open the directory where the server was installed. Run the server and agree to the eula.txt.
  • Copy and paste this mod into the mods folder
  • Run the server, and have fun!


The basic commands are listed below

  • blockoutStart
  • blockoutTeam <player> <team>
  • blockoutDifficulty <easy> <medium> <hard> <expert>

For a more detailed version please refer to Commands.


Please refer to Contributing.

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