Scrolls html element contents with custom speed. Slows down on hover. Demo
- Include script
<script src="angular-marquee.js">
- Inject angularMarquee module as a dependency into your app
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['angularMarquee']);
- Use the directive with any element
- default
<div angular-marquee>Hello World!</div>
- custom speed
<div angular-marquee speed="marqueSpeed" speed-hover="marqueSpeedHover">Hello World!</div>
- Get a cup of coffee and enjoy!
Please make sure all dependencies are installed $ npm install
$ npm run build
Available importance options
- patch # makes v0.1.0 → v0.1.1
- feature # makes v0.1.1 → v0.2.0
- release # makes v0.2.1 → v1.0.0
$ npm run bump-<importance>