"SMAsignal" is a Python Streaming Detection application for Long signals from exchange api
Use the package manager git to install "SMAsignal".
git clone https://github.com/ventositwaitang/Data-Lake-RealTime_detection_signal.git
Run Streaming Engine in background for a few seconds, to accumulate market Data Lake
Run Streamlit_Dashboard.ipynb without Chunks starting with 'st.'
Make sure 'checkSMA.py' is in the same folder, run command below in Streamlit_Dashboard.ipynb, The Web-dashboard App will pop-up then"
!streamlit run checkSMA.py
Click 'Get live SMA cross' to refresh signals
▲[price-range] classifier can be expand
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.