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Ron Mordechai edited this page Dec 1, 2013 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the cocos2dx-store wiki! Here you can find information about how to use SOOMLA's Cocos2d-x framework, and about the framework's various concepts.

Getting Started

Brief instructions on how to get started with using cocos2dx-store can be found in our README file, for more detailed instructions, click here.


SOOMLA Storefronts

Many people ask us what's the difference between 'The SOOMLA Project' and our dashboard. The main difference is that our dashboard allows you to create and manage a storefront in your game. Storefronts are rich and powerful HTML5 and Javascript-based stores generated and updated in real time. They are edited in our Dashboard and pushed to devices automatically.

Read more about Storefronts here.

Bug Reports and Contributions

We are continuously striving to make this project better. If you find any error or want to offer new features we'll be happy if you open an issue or contribute code.

Also, you can contact us by email ([email protected]) or post on our Facebook page.

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