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Ron Mordechai edited this page Dec 2, 2013 · 9 revisions

This is our simple 1, 2, 3. Read on for a detailed description of how to integrate cocos2dx-store with your project.


Make sure you've cloned or downloaded the Cocos2d-x framework, also make sure you're working with version 2.x. Once you've downloaded and extracted the framework, clone cocos2dx-store into the extensions directory of the framework.

$ git clone --recursive [email protected]:soomla/cocos2dx-store.git extensions/cocos2dx-store

cocos2dx-store depends on our fork of the jasson library. Make sure you clone that into the external directory.

$ git clone [email protected]:vedi/jansson.git


Now that you've downloaded everything, it's time to begin integrating cocos2dx-store into your project. Different things need to be done depending on the target platform, currently the only supported targets are Android and iOS.

Android Integration

cocos2dx-store is a Cocos2d-x C++ library that communicates with with our Android library (android-store) through JNI calls. Thus, your project needs to be set up to use android-store.

Add the following to your classpath:

  • $COCOS2DX_DIR/extensions/cocos2dx-store/android/src
  • $COCOS2DX_DIR/extensions/cocos2dx-store/submodules/android-store/SoomlaAndroidStore/src
  • $COCOS2DX_DIR/extensions/cocos2dx-store/submodules/android-store/SoomlaAndroidStore/libs/square-otto-1.3.2.jar

In your file, make sure to declare you are using cocos2dx-store as a static library, and import it:

LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES += cocos2dx_store_static
$(call import-module, extensions/cocos2dx-store/android/jni)

Your AndroidManifest.xml also needs to be updated. In-app billing requires you to add the following permissions to your application:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="" />

Android In-App Billing version 3 requires you to conduct all of your purchases in a single Activity. We didn't like this idea so, as a workaround, we open a blank, translucent activity to conduct each purchase. Add this activity to your manifest:

<activity android:name="$IabActivity"

Note: Leave the management of this activity to cocos2dx-store, do not in any way attempt to open it on your own.

Finally, in your main Cocos2dxActivity (The one your Cocos2d-x application runs in), call the following in the onCreateView method:

Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView glSurfaceView = new Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView(this);

iOS Integration

As with Android, cocos2dx-store is a Cocos2d-x C++ library that communicates with with our iOS library (ios-store). Thus, your project needs to be set up to use ios-store.

Add the following directories to your XCode project:

  • $COCOS2DX_DIR/extensions/cocos2dx-store/ios
  • $COCOS2DX_DIR/extensions/cocos2dx-store/Soomla
  • $COCOS2DX_DIR/extensions/cocos2dx-store/submodules/ios-store/SoomlaiOSStore

Also make sure you have these 3 Frameworks linked to your XCode project:

  • Security
  • StoreKit
  • libsqlite3.0.dylib

Integration with your Cocos2d-x project

Now that you've set up the native frameworks, it's time to begin working with cocos2dx-store. When using any of the cocos2dx-store functions, make sure to include the Soomla.h header: cpp #include "Soomla.h"

You can also include individual classes if you like, but this is not recommended. cocos2dx-store keeps all of its classes in its own namespace, soomla, so don't worry about namespace pollution.

  1. To start things off, create your own implementation of CCIStoreAssets. This is the class that defines your store's assets. More information on implementing CCIStoreAssets can be found here.

  2. Now, initialize CCStoreController when your application starts up. This is done by passing over an instance of your assets class to CCStoreController, and a CCDictionary containing various parameters:

    CCDictionary *storeParams = CCDictionary::create();
        setObject(CCString::create("<SOOMLA Secret>"), "soomSec");
        setObject(CCString::create("<Custom Secret>"), "customSecret");
        setObject(CCString::create("<Android Public Key>"), "androidPublicKey");
    soomla::CCStoreController::createShared(<YourAssetsClass>::create(), storeParams);
    • Soomla Secret: a primary encryption key for your application's store data. Choose it wisely, once set, it cannot be changed.
    • Custom Secret: a secondary encryption key, this also can't be changed.
    • Android Public Key: the public key you received from the Google Play Developer Console.
  3. Whenever you open or close the store scene, you need to notify CCStoreController that the store is opening or closing. This is done by using the storeOpening() and storeClosing() methods:

/* Before showing the store scene */

/* Before hiding the store scene */

**You are now ready to use *cocos2dx-store* in your project. Enjoy!**