This is a very simple blog which has the following functionality:
- Ability to view a paginated list of posts.
- Ability to view posts individually.
- An Admin mode for editing and adding posts.
- An Admin login page.
- posts are made up of a Title, Summary and Body.
- Unroutable requests default to a 404 error.
- Basic santisation and validation of post data.
The config file (which is rather, self explanatory) is located in /config/config.php
admin logon is username - [email protected] password - password
The schema is in mysql dump file in db/blog.sql.
- path is set to project being in /var/www/html/blog/ dir
- AllowOverride All enabled for this .htaccess redirects - otherwise routing is broken.
Implementation of PDO unavailable due to dev env woes, all DB functionality is contained within the Core Model. There is scope to change the DB connection type, possibly with minor revisions to the Model queries.
'get all' and 'find by id' queries could easily be contained within the core model and inherited.