Python: Added JSON.DEL JSON.FORGET commands (#1146 )
Python: Added STRLEN command (#1230 )
Python: Added HKEYS command (#1228 )
Python: Added RPUSHX and LPUSHX commands (#1239 )
Python: Added ZREMRANGEBYSCORE command (#1151 )
Node, Python: Added SPOP, SPOPCOUNT commands. (#1117 , #1261 )
Node: Added ZRANGE command (#1115 )
Python: Added RENAME command (#1252 )
Python: Added APPEND command (#1152 )
Python: Added GEOADD command (#1259 )
Python: Added GEODIST command (#1260 )
Python: Added GEOHASH command (#1281 )
Python: Added ZLEXCOUNT command (#1305 )
Python: Added ZREMRANGEBYLEX command (#1306 )
Python: Added LINSERT command (#1304 )
Python: Added GEOPOS command (#1301 )
Node: Added PFADD command (#1317 )
Python: Added PFADD command (#1315 )
Python: Added ZMSCORE command (#1357 )
Python: Added HRANDFIELD command (#1334 )
Node: Added BLPOP command (#1223 )
Python: Added XADD, XTRIM commands (#1320 )
Python: Added BLPOP and BRPOP commands (#1369 )
Python: Added ZRANGESTORE command (#1377 )
Python: Added ZDIFFSTORE command (#1378 )
Python: Added ZDIFF command (#1401 )
Python: Added BZPOPMIN and BZPOPMAX commands (#1399 )
Python: Added ZUNIONSTORE, ZINTERSTORE commands (#1388 )
Python: Added ZRANDMEMBER command (#1413 )
Python: Added BZMPOP command (#1412 )
Python: Added ZINTERCARD command (#1418 )
Python: Added ZMPOP command (#1417 )
Python: Added SMOVE command (#1421 )
Python: Added SUNIONSTORE command (#1423 )
Python: Added SINTER command (#1434 )
Python: Added SDIFF command (#1437 )
Python: Added SDIFFSTORE command (#1449 )
Python: Added SINTERSTORE command (#1459 )
Python: Added SMISMEMBER command (#1461 )
Python: Added SETRANGE command (#1453
Python: Fix typing error "‘type’ object is not subscriptable" (#1203 )
Core: Fixed blocking commands to use the specified timeout from the command argument (#1283 )
Breaking Changes
Node: Changed smembers
and spopCount
functions to return Set instead of string[] (#1299 )
Node: Added support for alpine based platform (Or any x64-musl or arm64-musl based platforms) (#1379 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.