Send messages to mobile devices with Google Firebase.
composer require valdeirpsr/firebasemessaging-php
require "vendor/autoload.php";
use FirebaseMessaging\FirebaseMessaging;
use FirebaseMessaging\FirebaseNotification;
use FirebaseMessaging\FirebaseCondition;
$notification = new FirebaseNotification();
$notification->setTitle("Run!! New video");
$notification->setBody("Duelo de MC's - FINAL - Thaik vs Din");
$messaging = new FirebaseMessaging("serverKey");
require "vendor/autoload.php";
use FirebaseMessaging\FirebaseMessaging;
use FirebaseMessaging\FirebaseNotification;
use FirebaseMessaging\FirebaseCondition;
$notification = new FirebaseNotification();
$notification->setTitle("Run!! New video");
$notification->setBody("Duelo de MC's - FINAL - Thaik vs Din");
$condition = new FirebaseCondition("RapHipHop");
// output: 'RapHipHop' in topics && ('DouglasDin' in Topics || 'Thaik' in Topics)
$messaging = new FirebaseMessaging("serverKey");
"video_id" => "ZDz-5fQAIo4",
"title" => "Duelo de MC's - FINAL - Thaik vs Din :: Tradicional - 23/11/12",
"channel" => "Indie BH",
"channel_url" => "",
"channel_id" => "UCBkYx1zP0aOaMXsp9As75Tg",
"thumbnail" => [
"default" => [
"url" => "",
"width" => "120",
"height" => "90"
"high" => [
"url" => "",
"width" => "320",
"height" => "180"
"high" => [
"url" => "",
"width" => "480",
"height" => "360"
"standard" => [
"url" => "",
"width" => "640",
"height" => "480"
"maxres" => [
"url" => "",
"width" => "1920",
"height" => "1080"
This parameter specifies the recipient of a message.
The value must be a register token, a notification key or a topic. Do not set this field to send multiple topics, see FirebaseMessaging::setCondition for it.
This method specifies a list of devices (registration tokens or IDs) that receive a multicast message. It must contain between 1 and 1,000 record tokens.
By default, messages are sent with normal priority. Normal priority optimizes client application battery consumption and should always be used except when immediate delivery is required. For messages with normal priority, the application can get the message late unspecified.
When a message is sent with high priority, it is sent immediately and the application can trigger a device suspended and open a network connection to your server.
When this parameter is set to true, the message must not be sent to the device is inactive.
Default: false
The key should not be a reserved word ("of" or any word beginning with "google" or "gcm"). Do not use any of the words defined in this table (as collapse_key).
They are recommended values in string types. It is necessary to convert the values to objects or other types without string data (e.g., boolean or integer numbers) to the string.
"ClassificacaoGinasticaOlimpica" => [
"Sanne Wevers",
"Laurie Hernandez",
"Simone Biles",
"Marine Boyer",
"Flávia Saraiva"
Indicates the title of the notification. This field is not visible in mobile phones and iOS tablets, only the iWatch.
Required Android; Optional iOS
$notification->setTitle("My Title");
Indicates the body text of the notification.
Optional for Android and iOS
$notification->setBody("My Message");
Indicates the icon in the notification.
It works only on Android (Opcional). The icon should is in res/drawable
It indicates a sound to play when the device receives a notification. Compatible with default or file name of a sound feature bundled in the application.
Android sound files should reside in / res / raw / iOS and sound files may be in the main package client application or the Library / Sounds folder application data container. See the developer's library iOS for more information.
Optional for Android and iOS
It indicates whether each notification results in a new entry in the Android notifications tray. If not set, each request will create a new notification. If set and a notification with the same tag is already displayed, the new notice will replace the existing notification in the notifications drawer.
Only for Android (Optional)
Indicates the color of the icon expressed in #rrggbb format.
Only for Android (Optional)
Indicates the action associated with a user click on the notification.
If set on iOS, it matches the category in the payload of APNs.
On Android, if this parameter is set, an activity with a corresponding intent filter is initiated when the user clicks the notification.
Optional for Android and iOS
Soon support for XMPP