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diegomrsantos authored Jun 6, 2024
2 parents e8008e0 + bccb305 commit 50cf161
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Showing 13 changed files with 340 additions and 43 deletions.
27 changes: 16 additions & 11 deletions libp2p/builders.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ runnableExamples:
{.push raises: [].}

options, tables, chronos, chronicles, sequtils,
options, tables, chronos, chronicles, sequtils
switch, peerid, peerinfo, stream/connection, multiaddress,
crypto/crypto, transports/[transport, tcptransport],
muxers/[muxer, mplex/mplex, yamux/yamux],
Expand All @@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ import
connmanager, upgrademngrs/muxedupgrade, observedaddrmanager,
errors, utility
import services/wildcardresolverservice

switch, peerid, peerinfo, connection, multiaddress, crypto, errors
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ type
rdv: RendezVous
services: seq[Service]
observedAddrManager: ObservedAddrManager
enableWildcardResolver: bool

proc new*(T: type[SwitchBuilder]): T {.public.} =
## Creates a SwitchBuilder
Expand All @@ -76,7 +79,8 @@ proc new*(T: type[SwitchBuilder]): T {.public.} =
maxOut: -1,
maxConnsPerPeer: MaxConnectionsPerPeer,
protoVersion: ProtoVersion,
agentVersion: AgentVersion)
agentVersion: AgentVersion,
enableWildcardResolver: true)

proc withPrivateKey*(b: SwitchBuilder, privateKey: PrivateKey): SwitchBuilder {.public.} =
## Set the private key of the switch. Will be used to
Expand All @@ -85,20 +89,18 @@ proc withPrivateKey*(b: SwitchBuilder, privateKey: PrivateKey): SwitchBuilder {.
b.privKey = some(privateKey)

proc withAddress*(b: SwitchBuilder, address: MultiAddress): SwitchBuilder {.public.} =
## | Set the listening address of the switch
## | Calling it multiple time will override the value

b.addresses = @[address]

proc withAddresses*(b: SwitchBuilder, addresses: seq[MultiAddress]): SwitchBuilder {.public.} =
proc withAddresses*(b: SwitchBuilder, addresses: seq[MultiAddress], enableWildcardResolver: bool = true): SwitchBuilder {.public.} =
## | Set the listening addresses of the switch
## | Calling it multiple time will override the value

b.addresses = addresses
b.enableWildcardResolver = enableWildcardResolver

proc withAddress*(b: SwitchBuilder, address: MultiAddress, enableWildcardResolver: bool = true): SwitchBuilder {.public.} =
## | Set the listening address of the switch
## | Calling it multiple time will override the value
b.withAddresses(@[address], enableWildcardResolver)

proc withSignedPeerRecord*(b: SwitchBuilder, sendIt = true): SwitchBuilder {.public.} =
b.sendSignedPeerRecord = sendIt
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -261,6 +263,9 @@ proc build*(b: SwitchBuilder): Switch

if b.enableWildcardResolver:, 0)

let switch = newSwitch(
peerInfo = peerInfo,
transports = transports,
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion libp2p/dialer.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ proc dialAndUpgrade(
dir = Direction.Out):
Future[Muxer] {.async.} =

debug "Dialing peer", peerId = peerId.get(default(PeerId))
debug "Dialing peer", peerId = peerId.get(default(PeerId)), addrs

for rawAddress in addrs:
# resolve potential dnsaddr
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion libp2p/multicodec.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
{.push raises: [].}

import tables, hashes
import varint, vbuffer
import vbuffer
import stew/results
export results

Expand Down
12 changes: 10 additions & 2 deletions libp2p/peerinfo.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,12 +24,16 @@ type
AddressMapper* =
proc(listenAddrs: seq[MultiAddress]): Future[seq[MultiAddress]]
{.gcsafe, raises: [].}
## A proc that expected to resolve the listen addresses into dialable addresses

PeerInfo* {.public.} = ref object
peerId*: PeerId
listenAddrs*: seq[MultiAddress]
addrs: seq[MultiAddress]
## contains addresses the node listens on, which may include wildcard and private addresses (not directly reachable).
addrs*: seq[MultiAddress]
## contains resolved addresses that other peers can use to connect, including public-facing NAT and port-forwarded addresses.
addressMappers*: seq[AddressMapper]
## contains a list of procs that can be used to resolve the listen addresses into dialable addresses.
protocols*: seq[string]
protoVersion*: string
agentVersion*: string
Expand All @@ -49,7 +53,11 @@ func shortLog*(p: PeerInfo): auto =
chronicles.formatIt(PeerInfo): shortLog(it)

proc update*(p: PeerInfo) {.async.} =
p.addrs = p.listenAddrs
# p.addrs.len == 0 overrides addrs only if it is the first time update is being executed or if the field is empty.
# p.addressMappers.len == 0 is for when all addressMappers have been removed,
# and we wish to have addrs in its initial state, i.e., a copy of listenAddrs.
if p.addrs.len == 0 or p.addressMappers.len == 0:
p.addrs = p.listenAddrs
for mapper in p.addressMappers:
p.addrs = await mapper(p.addrs)

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion libp2p/services/autorelayservice.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ proc isRunning*(self: AutoRelayService): bool =
proc addressMapper(
self: AutoRelayService,
listenAddrs: seq[MultiAddress]): Future[seq[MultiAddress]] {.async.} =
return concat(toSeq(self.relayAddresses.values))
return concat(toSeq(self.relayAddresses.values)) & listenAddrs

proc reserveAndUpdate(self: AutoRelayService, relayPid: PeerId, switch: Switch) {.async.} =
while self.running:
Expand Down
205 changes: 205 additions & 0 deletions libp2p/services/wildcardresolverservice.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
# Nim-LibP2P
# Copyright (c) 2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
# at your option.
# This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
# those terms.

{.push raises: [].}

import std/sequtils
import stew/[byteutils, results, endians2]
import chronos, chronos/transports/[osnet, ipnet], chronicles
import ../[multiaddress, multicodec]
import ../switch

topics = "libp2p wildcardresolverservice"

WildcardAddressResolverService* = ref object of Service
## Service used to resolve wildcard addresses of the type "" for IPv4 or "::" for IPv6.
## When used with a `Switch`, this service will be automatically set up and stopped
## when the switch starts and stops. This is facilitated by adding the service to the switch's
## list of services using the `.withServices(@[svc])` method in the `SwitchBuilder`.
networkInterfaceProvider: NetworkInterfaceProvider
## Provides a list of network addresses.
addressMapper: AddressMapper
## An implementation of an address mapper that takes a list of listen addresses and expands each wildcard address
## to the respective list of interface addresses. As an example, if the listen address is
## and the machine has 2 interfaces with IPs and, the address mapper will
## expand the wildcard address to and

NetworkInterfaceProvider* =
proc(addrFamily: AddressFamily): seq[InterfaceAddress] {.gcsafe, raises: [].}

proc isLoopbackOrUp(networkInterface: NetworkInterface): bool =
if (networkInterface.ifType == IfSoftwareLoopback) or
(networkInterface.state == StatusUp): true else: false

proc getAddresses(addrFamily: AddressFamily): seq[InterfaceAddress] =
## Retrieves the addresses of network interfaces based on the specified address family.
## It filters the available network interfaces to include only
## those that are either loopback or up. It then collects all the addresses from these
## interfaces and filters them to match the provided address family.
## Parameters:
## - `addrFamily`: The address family to filter the network addresses (e.g., `AddressFamily.IPv4` or `AddressFamily.IPv6`).
## Returns:
## - A sequence of `InterfaceAddress` objects that match the specified address family.
interfaces = getInterfaces().filterIt(it.isLoopbackOrUp())
flatInterfaceAddresses = concat(interfaces.mapIt(it.addresses))
filteredInterfaceAddresses =
flatInterfaceAddresses.filterIt( == addrFamily)
return filteredInterfaceAddresses

proc new*(
T: typedesc[WildcardAddressResolverService],
networkInterfaceProvider: NetworkInterfaceProvider = getAddresses,
): T =
## This procedure initializes a new `WildcardAddressResolverService` with the provided network interface provider.
## Parameters:
## - `T`: The type descriptor for `WildcardAddressResolverService`.
## - `networkInterfaceProvider`: A provider that offers access to network interfaces. Defaults to a new instance of `NetworkInterfaceProvider`.
## Returns:
## - A new instance of `WildcardAddressResolverService`.
return T(networkInterfaceProvider: networkInterfaceProvider)

proc getProtocolArgument*(ma: MultiAddress, codec: MultiCodec): MaResult[seq[byte]] =
var buffer: seq[byte]
for item in ma:
ritem = ?item
code = ?ritem.protoCode()
if code == codec:
let arg = ?ritem.protoAddress()
return ok(arg)

err("Multiaddress codec has not been found")

proc getWildcardMultiAddresses(
interfaceAddresses: seq[InterfaceAddress], protocol: Protocol, port: Port
): seq[MultiAddress] =
var addresses: seq[MultiAddress]
for ifaddr in interfaceAddresses:
var address =
address.port = port
MultiAddress.init(address, protocol).withValue(maddress):

proc getWildcardAddress(
maddress: MultiAddress,
multiCodec: MultiCodec,
anyAddr: openArray[uint8],
addrFamily: AddressFamily,
port: Port,
networkInterfaceProvider: NetworkInterfaceProvider,
): seq[MultiAddress] =
var addresses: seq[MultiAddress]
if address == anyAddr:
let filteredInterfaceAddresses = networkInterfaceProvider(addrFamily)
getWildcardMultiAddresses(filteredInterfaceAddresses, IPPROTO_TCP, port)
return addresses

proc expandWildcardAddresses(
networkInterfaceProvider: NetworkInterfaceProvider, listenAddrs: seq[MultiAddress]
): seq[MultiAddress] =
var addresses: seq[MultiAddress]
# In this loop we expand bound addresses like `` and `::` to list of interface addresses.
for listenAddr in listenAddrs:
if TCP_IP.matchPartial(listenAddr):
let port = Port(uint16.fromBytesBE(portArg))
if IP4.matchPartial(listenAddr):
let wildcardAddresses = getWildcardAddress(
elif IP6.matchPartial(listenAddr):
let wildcardAddresses = getWildcardAddress(

method setup*(
self: WildcardAddressResolverService, switch: Switch
): Future[bool] {.async.} =
## Sets up the `WildcardAddressResolverService`.
## This method adds the address mapper to the peer's list of address mappers.
## Parameters:
## - `self`: The instance of `WildcardAddressResolverService` being set up.
## - `switch`: The switch context in which the service operates.
## Returns:
## - A `Future[bool]` that resolves to `true` if the setup was successful, otherwise `false`.
self.addressMapper = proc(
listenAddrs: seq[MultiAddress]
): Future[seq[MultiAddress]] {.async.} =
return expandWildcardAddresses(self.networkInterfaceProvider, listenAddrs)

debug "Setting up WildcardAddressResolverService"
let hasBeenSetup = await procCall Service(self).setup(switch)
if hasBeenSetup:
return hasBeenSetup

method run*(self: WildcardAddressResolverService, switch: Switch) {.async, public.} =
## Runs the WildcardAddressResolverService for a given switch.
## It updates the peer information for the provided switch by running the registered address mapper. Any other
## address mappers that are registered with the switch will also be run.
trace "Running WildcardAddressResolverService"
await switch.peerInfo.update()

method stop*(
self: WildcardAddressResolverService, switch: Switch
): Future[bool] {.async, public.} =
## Stops the WildcardAddressResolverService.
## Handles the shutdown process of the WildcardAddressResolverService for a given switch.
## It removes the address mapper from the switch's list of address mappers.
## It then updates the peer information for the provided switch. Any wildcard address wont be resolved anymore.
## Parameters:
## - `self`: The instance of the WildcardAddressResolverService.
## - `switch`: The Switch object associated with the service.
## Returns:
## - A future that resolves to `true` if the service was successfully stopped, otherwise `false`.
debug "Stopping WildcardAddressResolverService"
let hasBeenStopped = await procCall Service(self).stop(switch)
if hasBeenStopped:
switch.peerInfo.addressMappers.keepItIf(it != self.addressMapper)
await switch.peerInfo.update()
return hasBeenStopped
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions libp2p/utility.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,6 +112,9 @@ template withValue*[T](self: Opt[T] | Option[T], value, body: untyped): untyped
let value {.inject.} = temp.get()

template withValue*[T, E](self: Result[T, E], value, body: untyped): untyped =
self.toOpt().withValue(value, body)

macro withValue*[T](self: Opt[T] | Option[T], value, body, elseStmt: untyped): untyped =
let elseBody = elseStmt[0]
quote do:
Expand Down
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions tests/helpers.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -215,9 +215,3 @@ proc default*(T: typedesc[MockResolver]): T =
resolver.ipResponses[("localhost", false)] = @[""]
resolver.ipResponses[("localhost", true)] = @["::1"]

proc setDNSAddr*(switch: Switch) {.async.} =
proc addressMapper(listenAddrs: seq[MultiAddress]): Future[seq[MultiAddress]] {.async.} =
return @[MultiAddress.init("/dns4/localhost/").tryGet() & listenAddrs[0][1].tryGet()]
await switch.peerInfo.update()
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions tests/testautonatservice.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -110,12 +110,12 @@ suite "Autonat Service":
check autonatService.networkReachability == NetworkReachability.Reachable
check libp2p_autonat_reachability_confidence.value(["Reachable"]) == 0.3

check switch1.peerInfo.addrs == switch1.peerInfo.listenAddrs.mapIt(switch1.peerStore.guessDialableAddr(it))
check switch1.peerInfo.addrs == switch1.peerInfo.addrs.mapIt(switch1.peerStore.guessDialableAddr(it))

await allFuturesThrowing(
switch1.stop(), switch2.stop(), switch3.stop(), switch4.stop())

check switch1.peerInfo.addrs == switch1.peerInfo.listenAddrs
check switch1.peerInfo.addrs == switch1.peerInfo.addrs

asyncTest "Peer must be not reachable and then reachable":

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -261,7 +261,6 @@ suite "Autonat Service":
let autonatService =, newRng(), Opt.some(1.seconds), maxQueueSize = 1)

let switch1 = createSwitch(autonatService, maxConnsPerPeer = 0)
await switch1.setDNSAddr()

let switch2 = createSwitch(maxConnsPerPeer = 0, nameResolver = MockResolver.default())

Expand All @@ -277,6 +276,8 @@ suite "Autonat Service":

await switch1.start()
switch1.peerInfo.addrs.add([ MultiAddress.init("/dns4/localhost/").tryGet() & switch1.peerInfo.addrs[0][1].tryGet() ])

await switch2.start()

await switch1.connect(switch2.peerInfo.peerId, switch2.peerInfo.addrs)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/testautorelay.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ suite "Autorelay":
addresses == @[buildRelayMA(switchRelay, switchClient)]
addresses.len() == 1
addresses == switchClient.peerInfo.addrs
addresses[0] in switchClient.peerInfo.addrs
await allFutures(switchClient.stop(), switchRelay.stop())

check addresses != switchClient.peerInfo.addrs
Expand Down

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