Starter Template to create a OAuth2 secured dockerized Spring Boot 2.1 Application with Angular 8 Frontend.
A user with a Google- or Github-Account get access to the Application using OAuth2-Authentication, so no additional User Registration is required. A new user get the Default-Role ROLE_USER. Additional Roles, like ROLE_ADMIN for administrative access, can be assigned to a user through the Role-Management. The data get stored in a PostgreSQL database inside a Docker-Container.
To get the application running, some configuration need to be to do.
Step 1: Install Docker on your OS. Direct Download Links: Docker for Windows, Docker for Mac-OS
Step 2: After Docker is installed, go to the Docker-Settings and share the drive in which you will later download the latest Release of the Spring-Boot-Angular-Template. This is necessary for accessing the SQL-Files for setting up the database.
To use the O2Auth-Authentication from Google or Github, we need to register this application to obtain the appropiate Client-ID and Client-Secret.
Step 1: Visit the Google Cloud Console
Step 2: Click on the Button Create Project
Step 3: In the following New Project-Dialog set as Project name spring_boot_angular_template and click on the Button Create
Step 4: On the top left, click on the Button with the three horizontal stripes to open the left-side Navigation-Menu. Select APIs & Services → Credentials
Step 5: In the Credentials-View click on the Button Create credentials and than select the Menu-Item OAuth client ID.
Step 6: In the Create OAuth client ID-Dialog type in following:
Click than on the Create-Button.
Step 7: A dialog appears with a generated client ID and client secret which you need to copy for later usage.
Step 1: Visit the Github Account Settings
Step 2: Press on the left navigation side menu the Menu-Item Developer-Settings
Step 3: In the Developer-Settings, select on the left navigation side menu OAuth Apps and click on the Button Register a new application.
Step 4: In the Register a new OAuth application-Dialog type in following:
Click than on the button Register application
Step 5: In the following view copy the generated Client ID and Client Secret for later usage.
Unfortunately github is not allowing adding more than one Homepage URL and Authorization callback URL. So for development purposes using the Google-OAuth2 should be prefered. |
Step 1: Download the latest Release to your working-directory and unzip the file with following commands:
$ wget
$ tar -xvzf spring-boot-angular-template.tar.gz
Step 2: Load the Docker-Image to your Local Docker Registry with:
$ docker load < docker-image.tar
Step 3: In the file docker-compose.ref.yml
search for the following entries:
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID: [google-client-id]
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET: [google-client-secret]
GITHUB_CLIENT_ID: [github-client-id]
GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET: [github-client-secret]
Replace [google-client-id]
, [google-client-secret]
, [github-client-id]
, [github-client-secret]
with your copied values from the Obtaining API-Keys-Section.
Now you can simply run the application with following steps:
Step 1: Type following:
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.ref.yml up
Step 2: In your Webbrowser type http://localhost:8091
and the webapplication shows up.
Before development getting started, we need a terminal for executing commands. If you are running a bash-shell on a Linux-Distrubtion or Mac-OS everything should be fine. The Windows Powershell and CMD could make some problems and the build-process fails. My recommendation is to install the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) in Windows 10 and using the bash-shell from it. For further use of Docker in WSL follow the instructions described in this Blog-Post.
Now we need to install some additional software:
Step 2: Open a terminal and type
$ npm install -g @angular/cli
to install the Angular-CLI
Step 3: Open your IDE and install Lombok as a Plugin.
Now we can download and install the Spring-Boot-Angular-Template for development:
Step 1: Git-Clone the Spring-Boot-Angular-Template to your working directory with:
$ git clone
$ cd spring-boot-angular-template
Step 2: In the
you will find following:
client-id: [google-client-id]
client-secret: [google-client-secret]
client-id: [github-client-id]
client-secret: [google-client-secret]
Replace [google-client-id]
, [google-client-secret]
, [github-client-id]
, [github-client-secret]
with your copied values from the Obtaining API-Keys-Section.
Step 3: Install the application with the command:
$ ./mvnw clean install
To start the PostgreSQL database in a Docker-Container, open a terminal, change the location to the project-root directory and type following:
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up
If you develop with IntelliJ IDEA there are also some
in the Project-Repository.
Start the Run-Configurations docker-compose-DEV, backend-spring-boot-DEV and frontend-angular-DEV in IntellJ and you are ready to go.
Open a webbrowser, type http://localhost:4200
and the webapplication shows up.
Trouble 1: When installing the application with ./mvnw clean install
and you getting a error like this:
[ERROR] Get net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
[WARNING] An attempt failed, will retry 1 more times
org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: Could not build image
then restart the Docker deamon and the error should be gone.
Trouble 2: Using CMD or Powershell in Windows and install the application with mvnw.cmd clean install
it appears following:
[INFO] > cd bin && ng build --prod
[ERROR] 'ng' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[ERROR] operable program or batch file.
This is usually a problem when installing the application with CMD or Powershell.
The command ng
from the Angular-CLI is not recognized correctly.
You need to install Node.js and Angular-CLI and then set the corresponding Windows-Evironment-Path variables.
Also you can change in frontend/package.json
the following:
"scripts": {
"ng": "ng",
"start": "ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.json",
"build": "ng build --prod",
"test": "ng test",
"lint": "ng lint",
"e2e": "ng e2e"
Trouble 3: Resolving EACCES permissions errors when installing packages globally
[INFO] Running 'npm install -g @angular/[email protected]' in /mnt/c/opt/workspace/intellij/spring-boot-angular-template/frontend
[ERROR] npm ERR! path /mnt/c/opt/workspace/intellij/spring-boot-angular-template/frontend/lib/node_modules/@angular/cli/node_modules/normalize-package-data[ERROR] npm ERR! code EACCES[ERROR] npm ERR! errno -13
[ERROR] npm ERR! syscall rename[ERROR] npm ERR! Error: EACCES: permission denied, rename '/mnt/c/opt/workspace/intellij/spring-boot-angular-template/frontend/lib/node_modules/@angular/cli/node_modules/normalize-package-data' -> '/mnt/c/opt/workspace/intellij/spring-boot-angular-template/frontend/lib/node_modules/@angular/cli/node_modules/.normalize-package-data.DELETE'
Follow the instructions from here.
❏ Redesign Angular-Frontend CSS
❏ Replace some components in frontend (Checkbox)
❏ Review Code in Frontend
❏ WebMvcTest for REST-Controller (mockMvc)
❏ Add Swagger Documentation for REST-Controllers
❏ Swagger with OAuth2 or BasicAuth?
❏ Add spring-boot-devtools?
❏ Using EntityGraph for JPA (instead FetchType.EAGER)?
✓ Fix .gitignore-File
✓ Add Mockito Tests
✓ Create ViewModel-Beans for each JPA-Model-Entity-Bean? Using Mapstruct.
✓ Using var for local-variables
✓ Microservices from this project for creating github-repositories
✓ Remove Maven-Module dbsetup and move sql-Files to backend
✓ Replace Liquibase with Flyway
✓ Changing return types of REST-Controllers to ResponseEntity
✓ User-Roles Access on custom sites / elements
✓ Angular / CSS / Bootstrap (Angular-Material implemented)
✓ Profile in OAuthSecurityConfiguration (Google, Github)
✓ User-Role-assignment through webapplication
✓ Save LoggedIn User to Session
✓ CRUD Roles for Administrator of the Application
✓ Building Docker-Image with Spring-Boot and Angular
✓ Create schema.sql and data.sql for script based data initialization
✓ Validation Rules in backend-model classes (Java Bean Validation API, JSR-303)
✓ change to application.yml
✓ Update with actual installation instructions for development and how to setup Intellij / Docker.
✓ to yml and add installation instructions to
✓ Login-Site Radio-Button Google and Github link to /login and /login/github