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Employee Attendance & Payroll Management System

A desktop application for managing employee attendance, and payroll built using Tauri and React. The application provides a comprehensive solution for attendance tracking, and salary calculation, designed for a single user.


Employee Management

  • Add, update, and delete employee records.
  • Categorize employees by departments and roles.
  • Support for hourly waged and salaried employees.

Attendance Management

  • Mark daily attendance for employees.
  • Track overtime hours worked.
  • Maintain a record of advances and tax deductions.

Payroll Management

  • Real-time salary calculation based on:
    • Attendance
    • Overtime
    • Advances
    • Taxes
    • Allowances
  • Department-specific salary rates and increment policies.
  • Monthly, department-based, and individual employee salary reports.

Filters & Search

  • Filter records by date, department, or employee.
  • Search employees by first name or last name.
  • Timeframe filtering for reports (monthly or custom date range).

Tech Stack

  • Frontend: React, Ant Design (Antd)
  • Backend: Tauri (Rust) for desktop app functionality
  • Database: SQLite for data storage
  • Utilities: Day.js for date handling

Setup Instructions


  • Node.js (v14 or higher)
  • Rust (for Tauri)
  • Yarn or npm
  • SQLite installed locally


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <repository_url>
    cd <repository_name>
  2. Install dependencies:

    yarn install
    npm install
  3. Run the development server:

    yarn tauri dev
    npm run tauri dev
  4. Build the application:

    yarn tauri build
    npm run tauri build


  1. Launch the application.

  2. Navigate between the following modules:

    • Dashboard: Overview of key metrics.
    • Employees: Manage employee records.
    • Attendance: Mark and update attendance records.
    • Payroll: Generate salary reports and manage payments.
  3. Use filters and search options to narrow down data views:

    • Filter by department, date range, or individual employees.
    • Search employees by name.