This repository hosts the course website and slides for BIMS 8701/8701 Introduction to Computational Biology I/II, taught Spring 2024.
Course information is populated from _data/course_information.yaml
The lecture table is populated from _data/lectures.yaml. Update that to make changes. You can add external links to a particular lecture by adding a new item under links
, with a url
and title
Slides are saved in the slides folder. Each presentation is a single html
file, which is served using reveal.js. You can write slides in markdown. For example, slides/k-mer-analysis.html is written in reveal markdown. You can also mix-and-match markdown and base reveal slides. The trick is: 1. use layout: reveal_markdown
in the yaml frontmatter, and 2. the file extension should be .html
, not .md
... because otherwise jekyll will consume the markdown and convert it to HTML, but that's not what we want; we want it to stay as markdown for reveal to parse.
If you want to render the page locally to develop slides, just clone the repository and serve it with:
jekyll serve