- Hey there, welcome to BST Visualization repository. In this repository you see how operations in Binary Search Tree Data Structure like "Delete" and "Add" actually works and how BST is construct in visually.
- Currently this program accept only Integer inputs.
- "Suggestions are welcome", put your suggestions in issue.
- For run BST Vitalization in you system you want to install some softwares.
- Java JDK
- IDE or Language editor
- Open CMD or terminal where you put BSTVisualization.java file.
- First compile the java file using this command.
> javac BSTVisualization.java
- After compilation run the file using JVM using this command.
> java BSTVisualization
- We can add element in BST using two ways.
- With using "Add" button.
- With pressing "A" or "a" or "Enter" key in keyboard.
- We can also delete element in BST using two ways.
- With using "Delete" button.
- With pressing "D" or "d" key in keyboard.