Browser based video labelling software for computer vision applications.
Setup using vue-cli
Labeler uses an example API link specified in .env
that expects output as specified in /public/task.json
# Install project dependencies
npm install
cp .env.example .env
# Run the vue development server using vue-cli
# -> Compiles and hot-reloads for development
# -> Runs app on port 8080
# -> Automatically formats code (using prettier) on save
npm run serve
# Compile and minify for production
# -> Puts all the resources into /dist
npm run build
# Run your (unit)tests
# -> tests under __tests__
# to change test dir use jest.config.js
npm run test:unit
# Run lint and fix files
npm run lint
# Run prettier on files
npm run prettier
This repo uses prettier to auto format code to a consistent standard. It also uses yorkie and lint-staged packages to auto format code on commit, keeping repo code formatting consistent.
Integrates with Vue's eslint and formats code on save when running npm run serve
For manual manual prettier run npm run prettier
. To ignore files for prettier add them .prettierignore.
Please use issues to report any bugs and/or ideas for future work.