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Development Outline change

Fernando Dodino edited this page Apr 4, 2017 · 9 revisions

Outline view offers a hierarchical view of Wollok Objects.


If you want to change the default view (that is, all elements are displayed in a hierarchical tree) you can check WollokDslOutlineTreeProvider implementation in org.uqbar.project.wollok.ui.outline package.

For example, if you want to show WSuite elements

  • first, the variable declarations
  • then, a fixture if it is present
  • then methods & tests definitions no matter how it is defined in .xtext file, you can do
def _createChildren(IOutlineNode parentNode, WSuite it) {

Outline elements

You can customize these properties of each outline element

  • text
  • image

This is achieved in WollokDslLabelProvider class in org.uqbar.project.wollok.ui.labeling package, using dispatch methods. For example, if you want to customize the way Fixture elements appear, you define 2 dispatch methods:

def image(WFixture it) { 'fixture.png' } 
    /** fixture.png must be placed in *icons* folder of the same project */
def text(WFixture it) { 'fixture' }

You can also use variables and messages for a certain element:

def text(WNamedObject it) { name }

Further information

Please see Xtext Outline documentation

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