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CI-Friendly static linter with autofix, SAST, semantic analysis for GitHub Actions

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what is this?

In recent years, attacks targeting the Web Application Platform have been increasing rapidly. sisakulint is a static and fast SAST for GitHub Actions.

This great tool can automatically validate yaml files according to the guidelines in the security-related documentation provided by GitHub!

It also includes functionality as a static analysis tool that can check the policies of the guidelines that should be set for use in each organization.

These checks also comply with the Top 10 CI/CD Security Risks provided by OWASP.

It implements most of the functions that can automatically check whether a workflow that meets the security features supported by github has been built to reduce the risk of malicious code being injected into the CI/CD pipeline or credentials such as tokens being stolen.

It does not support inspections that cannot be expressed in YAML and "repository level settings" that can be set by GitHub organization administrators.

It is intended to be used mainly by software developers and security personnel at user companies who work in blue teams.

It is easy to introduce because it can be installed from brew.

It also implements an autofix function for errors related to security features as a lint.

It supports the SARIF format, which is the output format for static analysis. This allows reviewdog to provide a rich UI for error triage on GitHub.

Main Tool features:

install for macOS user

$ brew tap ultra-supara/homebrew-sisakulint
$ brew install sisakulint

install from release page for Linux user

# visit release page of this repository and download for yours.
$ cd < sisakulintγŒγ‚γ‚‹γ¨γ“γ‚ >
$ mv ./sisakulint /usr/local/bin/sisakulint



This is a project for processing the YAML language.

It automatically searches for YAML files in the .github/workflows directory, and the parser traverses the token column of the AST to check many rules. We've made it easy to triage by outputting clear results using a custom error formatter we made and review dog on the GitHub UI in SARIF format.

Usage test

Create a file called test.yaml in the .github/workflows directory or go to your repository where your workflows file is located.

name: Upload Release Archive

      - "v[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+"

    name: Upload Release Asset
    runs-on: macos-latest
          SIIISA=AAKUUU: foo
      - name: Set version
        id: version
        run: |
          REPOSITORY=$(echo ${{ github.repository }} | sed -e "s#.*/##")
          echo ::set-output name=filename::$REPOSITORY-$VERSION
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          submodules: true
      - name: Archive
        run: |
          zip -r ${{ steps.version.outputs.filename }}.zip ./ -x "*.git*"
      - run: echo 'Commit is pushed'
        # ERROR: It is always evaluated to true
        if: |
          ${{ github.event_name == 'push' }}
      - name: Create Release
        id: create_release
        uses: actions/create-release@v1
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          FOO=BAR: foo
          FOO BAR: foo
          tag_name: ${{ github.ref }}
          release_name: Release ${{ github.ref }}
          draft: false
          prerelease: false
      - name: Upload Release Asset
        id: upload-release-asset
        uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1
          upload_url: ${{ steps.create_release.outputs.upload_url }}
          asset_path: ./${{ steps.version.outputs.filename }}.zip
          asset_name: ${{ steps.version.outputs.filename }}.zip
          asset_content_type: application/zip

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # ERROR: "checks" is correct scope name
      check: write
      # ERROR: Available values are "read", "write" or "none"
      issues: readable
      - run: echo '${{ "hello" }}'
      - run: echo "${{ toJson(hashFiles('**/lock', '**/cache/') }}"
      - run: echo '${{ github.event. }}'

  run shell:
      - run: echo 'hello'

execute following commands

$ sisakulint -h
$ sisakulint -debug

you will likely receive the following result...

[sisaku:πŸ€”] linting repository... .
[sisaku:πŸ€”] Detected project: /Users/para/go/src/
[sisaku:πŸ€”] the number of corrected yaml file 1 yaml files
[sisaku:πŸ€”] validating workflow... .github/workflows/a.yaml
[sisaku:πŸ€”] Detected project: /Users/para/go/src/
[linter mode] no configuration file
[sisaku:πŸ€”] parsed workflow in 2 0 ms .github/workflows/a.yaml
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitStep was tooking line:61,col:9 steps, at step "2024-03-10 15:51:10.192583 +0900 JST m=+0.006376196" took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitStep was tooking line:62,col:9 steps, at step "2024-03-10 15:51:10.192746 +0900 JST m=+0.006539807" took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitStep was tooking line:63,col:9 steps, at step "2024-03-10 15:51:10.19276 +0900 JST m=+0.006553743" took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitJobPost was tooking 3 jobs, at job "test" took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitStep was tooking 3 steps took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitJobPre took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitStep was tooking line:67,col:9 steps, at step "2024-03-10 15:51:10.192781 +0900 JST m=+0.006574644" took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitJobPost was tooking 1 jobs, at job "run shell" took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitStep was tooking 1 steps took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitJobPre took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitStep was tooking line:15,col:9 steps, at step "2024-03-10 15:51:10.192799 +0900 JST m=+0.006592356" took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitStep was tooking line:20,col:9 steps, at step "2024-03-10 15:51:10.192825 +0900 JST m=+0.006618901" took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitStep was tooking line:25,col:9 steps, at step "2024-03-10 15:51:10.192845 +0900 JST m=+0.006638101" took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitStep was tooking line:28,col:9 steps, at step "2024-03-10 15:51:10.192854 +0900 JST m=+0.006647451" took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitStep was tooking line:32,col:9 steps, at step "2024-03-10 15:51:10.192865 +0900 JST m=+0.006658325" took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitStep was tooking line:44,col:9 steps, at step "2024-03-10 15:51:10.192878 +0900 JST m=+0.006671659" took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitJobPost was tooking 6 jobs, at job "build" took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitStep was tooking 6 steps took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitJobPre took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitWorkflowPost took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitJob was tooking 3 jobs took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitWorkflowPre took 0 ms
[linter mode] env-var found 1 errors
[linter mode] id found 1 errors
[linter mode] permissions found 2 errors
[linter mode] workflow-call found 0 errors
[linter mode] expression found 3 errors
[linter mode] deprecated-commands found 1 errors
[linter mode] cond found 1 errors
[linter mode] missing-timeout-minutes found 3 errors
[linter mode] issue-injection found 5 errors
[sisaku:πŸ€”] Found total 19 errors found in 0 found in ms .github/workflows/a.yaml
.github/workflows/a.yaml:9:3: timeout-minutes is not set for job build; see for more details. [missing-timeout-minutes]
      9 πŸ‘ˆ|  build:
.github/workflows/a.yaml:13:11: Environment variable name '"SIIISA=AAKUUU"' is not formatted correctly. Please ensure that it does not include characters such as '&', '=', or spaces, as these are not allowed in variable names. [env-var]
       13 πŸ‘ˆ|          SIIISA=AAKUUU: foo
.github/workflows/a.yaml:17:14: workflow command "set-output" was deprecated. You should use `echo "{name}={value}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT` reference: [deprecated-commands]
       17 πŸ‘ˆ|        run: |
.github/workflows/a.yaml:18:14: Direct use of ${{ ... }} in run steps; Use env instead. see also [issue-injection]
       18 πŸ‘ˆ|          REPOSITORY=$(echo ${{ github.repository }} | sed -e "s#.*/##")
.github/workflows/a.yaml:27:14: Direct use of ${{ ... }} in run steps; Use env instead. see also [issue-injection]
       27 πŸ‘ˆ|          zip -r ${{ steps.version.outputs.filename }}.zip ./ -x "*.git*"
.github/workflows/a.yaml:30:13: The condition '${{ github.event_name == 'push' }}
' will always evaluate to true. If you intended to use a literal value, please use ${{ true }}. Ensure there are no extra characters within the ${{ }} brackets in conditions. [cond]
       30 πŸ‘ˆ|        if: |
.github/workflows/a.yaml:35:9: unexpected key "env" for "element of \"steps\" sequence" section. expected one of  [syntax]
       35 πŸ‘ˆ|        env:
.github/workflows/a.yaml:53:3: timeout-minutes is not set for job test; see for more details. [missing-timeout-minutes]
       53 πŸ‘ˆ|  test:
.github/workflows/a.yaml:57:7: unknown permission scope "check". all available permission scopes are "actions", "checks", "contents", "deployments", "discussions", "id-token", "issues", "packages", "pages", "pull-requests", "repository-projects", "security-events", "statuses" [permissions]
       57 πŸ‘ˆ|      check: write
.github/workflows/a.yaml:59:15: The value "readable" is not a valid permission for the scope "issues". Only 'read', 'write', or 'none' are acceptable values. [permissions]
       59 πŸ‘ˆ|      issues: readable
.github/workflows/a.yaml:61:14: Direct use of ${{ ... }} in run steps; Use env instead. see also [issue-injection]
       61 πŸ‘ˆ|      - run: echo '${{ "hello" }}'
.github/workflows/a.yaml:61:24: got unexpected char '"' while lexing expression, expecting 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '_', '0'..'9', '', '}', '(', ')', '[', ']', '.', '!', '<', '>', '=', '&', '|', '*', ',', ' '. do you mean string literals? only single quotes are available for string delimiter [expression]
       61 πŸ‘ˆ|      - run: echo '${{ "hello" }}'
.github/workflows/a.yaml:62:14: Direct use of ${{ ... }} in run steps; Use env instead. see also [issue-injection]
       62 πŸ‘ˆ|      - run: echo "${{ toJson(hashFiles('**/lock', '**/cache/') }}"
.github/workflows/a.yaml:62:65: unexpected end of expression, while parsing arguments of function call, expected ",", ")" [expression]
       62 πŸ‘ˆ|      - run: echo "${{ toJson(hashFiles('**/lock', '**/cache/') }}"
.github/workflows/a.yaml:63:14: Direct use of ${{ ... }} in run steps; Use env instead. see also [issue-injection]
       63 πŸ‘ˆ|      - run: echo '${{ github.event. }}'
.github/workflows/a.yaml:63:38: unexpected end of expression, while parsing expected an object property dereference (like 'a.b') or an array element dereference (like 'a.*'), expected "IDENT", "*" [expression]
       63 πŸ‘ˆ|      - run: echo '${{ github.event. }}'
.github/workflows/a.yaml:65:3: "runs-on" section is missing in job "run shell" [syntax]
       65 πŸ‘ˆ|  run shell:
.github/workflows/a.yaml:65:3: Invalid job ID "run shell". job IDs must start with a letter or '_', and may contain only alphanumeric characters, '-', or '_'. [id]
       65 πŸ‘ˆ|  run shell:
.github/workflows/a.yaml:65:3: timeout-minutes is not set for job run shell; see for more details. [missing-timeout-minutes]
       65 πŸ‘ˆ|  run shell:
  1. Missing Timeout Minutes for Jobs
  • Error: timeout-minutes is not set for job build; see for more details.

  • Scenario: If a job runs indefinitely due to an unexpected error (e.g., a script hangs), it can consume resources unnecessarily, leading to increased costs and potential service disruptions. For example, if the build job is stuck, subsequent jobs that depend on its completion will also be delayed, causing the entire CI/CD pipeline to stall.

  1. Incorrectly Formatted Environment Variable
  • Error: Environment variable name '"SIIISA=AAKUUU"' is not formatted correctly.

  • Scenario: If environment variables are not formatted correctly, the job may fail to execute as intended. For instance, if the variable is meant to be used in a command but is incorrectly defined, it could lead to runtime errors or unexpected behavior, such as failing to authenticate with an external service.

  1. Deprecated Command Usage
  • Error: workflow command "set-output" was deprecated.

  • Scenario: Using deprecated commands can lead to future compatibility issues. If GitHub Actions removes support for the set-output command, workflows relying on it will break, causing failures in automated processes. This could delay releases or lead to incomplete deployments.

  1. Direct Use of ${{ ... }} in Run Steps
  • Error: Direct use of ${{ ... }} in run steps; Use env instead.

  • Scenario: Directly using expressions in run steps can expose the workflow to script injection attacks. For example, if an attacker can manipulate the input to the workflow, they could inject malicious commands that execute during the job, potentially compromising the repository or the CI/CD environment.

  1. Always True Condition
  • Error: The condition '${{ github.event_name == 'push' }}' will always evaluate to true.

  • Scenario: If conditions are not set correctly, it can lead to unintended behavior in the workflow. For instance, if the intention was to run a step only for specific events, but the condition is always true, it could result in unnecessary steps being executed, wasting resources and time.

  1. Invalid Permission Scopes
  • Error: unknown permission scope "check".

  • Scenario: Using invalid permission scopes can lead to failures in accessing necessary resources. For example, if the test job requires write access to checks but is incorrectly defined, it may not be able to create or update checks, leading to incomplete test results and a lack of visibility into the CI/CD process.

  1. Invalid Job ID
  • Error: Invalid job ID "run shell". job IDs must start with a letter or '_'.

  • Scenario: If job IDs are not valid, the workflow will fail to execute. For example, if the job run shell is intended to run a shell command but is not recognized due to an invalid ID, it will not run at all, potentially skipping important steps in the workflow.

  1. Missing Timeout Minutes for Additional Jobs
  • Error timeout-minutes is not set for job test; see for more details.

  • Scenario: Similar to the first issue, if the test job runs indefinitely, it can block the workflow and lead to resource exhaustion. This can delay the entire CI/CD process, affecting deployment timelines and potentially leading to missed deadlines.

Use autofix features

execute following commands

$ sisakulint
$ sisakulint -fix on
$ sisakulint -fix dry-run

JSON schema for GitHub Actions syntax

paste yours settings.json

 "yaml.schemas": {
     "https://ultra-supara/homebrew-sisakulint/settings.json": "/.github/workflows/*.{yml,yaml}"


γ‚Ήγ‚―γƒͺγƒΌγƒ³γ‚·γƒ§γƒƒγƒˆ 2024-08-28 14 20 32


CI-Friendly static linter with autofix, SAST, semantic analysis for GitHub Actions






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Contributors 3
