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A first version of jdbc-copy
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uli-heller committed Feb 19, 2014
1 parent 4d193fc commit 279f978
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Showing 13 changed files with 424 additions and 1 deletion.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ This project contains some of my small Java based tools.
* html-unescape ... unescape all html entities included in a file
* http-cat ... download a http url and print it to stdout
* i18nbinder ... translate between a set of properties files and an XLS file [i18nbinder/](i18nbinder/
* jdbc-copy ... work in progress [jdbc-copy/]/jdbc-copy/
* ln ... create links
* little-proxy ... a forward proxy based on LittleProxy, see [little-proxy/](little-proxy/ for details
* md5sum ... calculate the md5 hash of a file; emulates the unix command "md5sum"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ Version History

### 0.5.0 (not yet released)

* jdbc-copy: New tool (work in progress)

### 0.4.0 - 2014-02-08

Expand Down
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions jdbc-copy/
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@


### Quick Tests

../gradlew copyToOutputLibs
./scripts/ scripts/jdbcCopy.groovy -f etc/ -t etc/ -c etc/tables.conf -a -v

### Thorough Tests

../gradlew dist
./jdbc-copy*sh -f etc/ -t etc/ -c etc/tables.conf -a -v


### Adding A Custom JDBC Driver

36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions jdbc-copy/build.gradle
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
defaultTasks 'sh', 'bat'
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
apply plugin: 'application'

mainClassName='jdbcCopy'; // for 'gradle run' and MANIFEST.MF

dependencies {
compile 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.2.1'
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.11'
runtime "commons-cli:commons-cli:1.2"
runtime 'org.apache.ant:ant:1.9.3'
runtime 'com.h2database:h2:1.3.175'

repositories {

jar {
from {
configurations.runtime.collect {
it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it).matching {
exclude { detail ->
detail.getFile().getParentFile().getName().equals("META-INF") && !detail.getFile().getName().equals("dgminfo")
manifest {
attributes("Main-Class": mainClassName)

jar.dependsOn groovyJar
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions jdbc-copy/etc/
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions jdbc-copy/etc/
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions jdbc-copy/etc/tables.conf
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
tables {
dealers = [ id: 'id' ]
options = [ id: 'option_id' ]
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions jdbc-copy/scripts/
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

D="$(dirname "$0")"
exec java -cp "${LIBS}/*" groovy.ui.GroovyMain "$@"
221 changes: 221 additions & 0 deletions jdbc-copy/scripts/jdbcCopy.groovy
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@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
import java.sql.SQLException;
import groovy.sql.Sql;
import groovy.transform.ToString;

def cli = new CliBuilder(usage: "jdbc-copy [-v][-h] -f from -t to [-C | -i] [-c cfgFile] [-a | tablename1 tablename2 ...]", posix: true);
cli.with {
h longOpt: 'help', 'Show usage information'
v longOpt: 'verbose', 'Create debug output'
a longOpt: 'all', 'Copy all tables mentioned in cfgFile'
'C' longOpt: 'complete', 'Copy all data'
'd' longOpt: 'delete', 'Delete records on destination'
c longOpt: 'config', required: false, args: 1, argName: 'cfgFile', 'Config containing table definitions'
f longOpt: 'from', required: true, args: 1, argName: 'fromCfg', 'Config containing source jdbc parameters'
t longOpt: 'to', required: true, args: 1, argName: 'toCfg', 'Config containing destination jdbc parameters'

def options = cli.parse(args);
if (!options) {
System.err.println "Unable to parse command line options -> EXIT";

if (options.h) {

boolean fVerbose = options.v;
boolean fAll = options.a;
boolean fComplete = options.C;
boolean fDelete = options.d;
String fromPropertiesName = options.f;
Properties fromProperties = new Properties();
fromProperties.load(new FileInputStream(fromPropertiesName));
String toPropertiesName = options.t;
Properties toProperties = new Properties();
toProperties.load(new FileInputStream(toPropertiesName));

def tableNames = options.arguments();
def tables = [];

if (options.c) {
String tableConfiguration = options.c;
File f = new File(tableConfiguration);
if (! f.exists()) {
System.err.println "Unable to read file '${tableConfiguration}' -> EXIT";
ConfigObject configObject = new ConfigSlurper().parse(f.toURI().toURL());
tables = configObject.tables;
//println configObject.tables.inspect();
if (fAll) {
tableNames = tables.keySet();
} else if (fAll) {
System.err.println "You have to specify a cfgFile when using option '-a' -> EXIT";

if (!tableNames) {
System.err.println "No tables to copy -> EXIT";

def log = {
if (fVerbose) {
println it;

Sql fromSql = Sql.newInstance(fromProperties.'jdbc.url', fromProperties.'jdbc.username', fromProperties.'jdbc.password', fromProperties.'jdbc.driver');

Sql toSql = Sql.newInstance(toProperties.'jdbc.url', toProperties.'jdbc.username', toProperties.'jdbc.password', toProperties.'jdbc.driver');

tableNames.each { String tableName ->
log "Processing table ${tableName}"
def constructorArgs = [tableName: tableName, log: log];
constructorArgs += tables.get(tableName);
def tableDescription = new tableDescription(constructorArgs);
tableDescription.copy(fromSql, toSql, fComplete, fDelete);

@ToString(includeNames=true, excludes="log", ignoreNulls=true)
class tableDescription {
String tableName;
String id;
String sequence;
def log;

public boolean hasId() {
return != null;

public def getMaxId(Sql sql) {
def maxId = null;
if (hasId()) {
def result = sql.firstRow((String) "select max(${id}) m from ${tableName}");
if (result != null && result.m != null) {
maxId = result.m;
return maxId;

private def max(def a, def b) {
return (a > b) ? a : b;

public boolean hasSequence() {
return this.sequence != null;

void setSequenceForTable(Sql sql, def lastUsedValue) {
if (hasSequence()) {
try {
String drop = "drop sequence ${sequenceName}";
log ".. ${tableName} - dropSequence: ${drop}";
} catch (SQLException e) {
log ".. ${tableName} - unable to update sequence ${sequenceName} - ${e}";
try {
String create = "create sequence ${sequenceName} start with ${lastUsedValue+1}";
log ".. ${tableName} - createSequence: ${create}";
} catch (SQLException e) {
log ".. ${tableName} - unable to update sequence ${sequenceName} - ${e}";

long countId(Sql sql, def thisId) {
String query = "select count(1) c from ${tableName} where ${id} = ${thisId}";
def rows = sql.rows(query);
return rows[0].c;

void delete(Sql sql, def minId, def maxId) {
String delete = "delete from ${tableName}";
List<String> criteria = [];
if (minId) {
criteria << "${id} > ${minId}";
if (maxId) {
criteria << "${id} < ${maxId}";
if (criteria) {
delete += " where ";
delete += criteria.join(" and ");
log ".. ${delete}";

public void copy(Sql from, Sql to, boolean fAllRecords, boolean fDeleteRecords) {
log "Starting to copy ${tableName}";
log ".. ${tableName} - copying all records";
def knownMaxId = -1; // highest known id
long cnt = 0; // count the number of records found in this table
long insertCnt = 0;
long updateCnt = 0;
boolean thisTableHasId = hasId();
String query = "select * from ${tableName}";
if (! fAllRecords) {
def maxId = getMaxId(from);
query = "${query} where ${id} > ${maxId}"; // FIXME: Parameterize!
query += " order by ${id}";
log ".. ${query}";
def rows = from.rows(query);
def previousId = null;
for (def row : rows) {
boolean fDoInsert = false;
boolean fDoUpdate = false;
def thisId;
if (thisTableHasId) {
thisId = row.get(id);
knownMaxId = max(knownMaxId, thisId);
long thisIdCnt = countId(to, thisId);
if (thisIdCnt <= 0) {
fDoInsert = true;
} else if (thisIdCnt > 1) {
log("ERROR - id ${thisId} is not unique within table ${tableName}");
} else {
fDoUpdate = true;
delete(to, previousId, thisId);
previousId = thisId;
} else {
// ! thisTableHasId
fDoInsert = true;
def keySet = row.keySet();
if (fDoInsert || fDoUpdate) {
String sqlCommand;
if (fDoInsert) {
String insertFieldList = keySet.join(',');
def colonizedKeySet = keySet.collect{ ":${it}" };
String insertColonizedFieldList = colonizedKeySet.join(',')
sqlCommand = "insert into ${tableName} ( ${insertFieldList} ) values ( ${insertColonizedFieldList} )";
} else if (fDoUpdate) {
assert thisId != null;
def updateSet = keySet.collect{ "${it} = :${it}" };
sqlCommand = "update ${tableName} set ${updateSet.join(",")} where ${id}=${thisId}";
to.execute(sqlCommand, row);
to.commit(); // commit in order to free the blob objects
delete(to, previousId, null);
log ".. ${tableName} - numberOfRecords: ${cnt}, max id: ${knownMaxId}, insertCnt: ${insertCnt}, updateCnt: ${updateCnt}";
if (cnt > 0) {
setSequenceForTable(to, knownMaxId);
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions jdbc-copy/scripts/test/createV0.groovy
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@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
import java.sql.SQLException;
import groovy.sql.Sql;

def cli = new CliBuilder(usage: "createV1.groovy [-v][-h] -j jdbcParameters", posix: true);
cli.with {
h longOpt: 'help', 'Show usage information'
v longOpt: 'verbose', 'Create debug output'
j longOpt: 'jdbc', required: true, args: 1, argName: 'jdbcCfg', 'Config containing jdbc parameters'

def options = cli.parse(args);
if (!options) {
System.err.println "Unable to parse command line options -> EXIT";

if (options.h) {

boolean fVerbose = options.v;
String jdbcPropertiesName = options.j;
Properties jdbcProperties = new Properties();
jdbcProperties.load(new FileInputStream(jdbcPropertiesName));

def log = {
if (fVerbose) {
println it;

Sql sql = Sql.newInstance(jdbcProperties.'jdbc.url', jdbcProperties.'jdbc.username', jdbcProperties.'jdbc.password', jdbcProperties.'jdbc.driver');

log "Create table DEALERS"

create table DEALERS (
id integer not null primary key,
name varchar(200),
city varchar(200)

log "Create table OPTIONS"

create table OPTIONS (
option_id integer not null primary key,
name varchar(200),
description varchar(200)


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