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chore: bump to v4.8.0 #113

merged 11 commits into from
Jun 12, 2024
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
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@@ -1,2 +1 @@
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Smt/Reconstruct.lean
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Expand Up @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ def solve (query : String) (timeout : Option Nat) : MetaM (Except Error cvc5.Pro
let ps ← Solver.getProof
if h : 0 < ps.size then
return ps[0]
throw (self := instMonadExcept _ _) (Error.user_error "something went wrong")
throw (self := instMonadExceptOfMonadExceptOf _ _) (Error.user_error "something went wrong")

syntax (name := reconstruct) "reconstruct" str : tactic

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10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions Smt/Reconstruct/Arith.lean
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Expand Up @@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ open Qq
| _ => return none

def getTypeAndInst (s : cvc5.Sort) : Σ α : Q(Type), Q(LinearOrderedRing $α) := match s.isInteger with
| false => ⟨q(Real), q(Real.instLinearOrderedRingReal)⟩
| true => ⟨q(Int), q(Int.linearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedRing)⟩
| false => ⟨q(Real), q(Real.instLinearOrderedRing)⟩
| true => ⟨q(Int), q(Int.instLinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedRing)⟩

def getTypeAndInst' (s : cvc5.Sort) : Σ (α : Q(Type)) (_ : Q(LinearOrderedRing $α)), Q(FloorRing $α) := match s.isInteger with
| false => ⟨q(Real), q(Real.instLinearOrderedRingReal), q(Real.instFloorRingRealInstLinearOrderedRingReal)⟩
| true => ⟨q(Int), q(Int.linearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedRing), q(instFloorRingIntToLinearOrderedRingLinearOrderedCommRing)⟩
| false => ⟨q(Real), q(Real.instLinearOrderedRing), q(Real.instFloorRing)⟩
| true => ⟨q(Int), q(Int.instLinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedRing), q(instFloorRingInt)⟩

@[smt_term_reconstruct] def reconstructArith : TermReconstructor := fun t => do match t.getKind with
| .SKOLEM => match t.getSkolemId with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ where
| 1 => q(1 : Real)
| _ + 2 =>
let h : Q(Nat.AtLeastTwo $n) := h ▸ q(instNatAtLeastTwo)
let h := mkApp3 q(@instOfNatAtLeastTwo Real) (mkRawNatLit n) q(Real.natCast) h
let h := mkApp3 q(@instOfNatAtLeastTwo Real) (mkRawNatLit n) q(Real.instNatCast) h
mkApp2 q(@OfNat.ofNat Real) (mkRawNatLit n) h
leftAssocOp (op : Expr) (t : cvc5.Term) : ReconstructM Expr := do
let mut curr ← reconstructTerm t[0]!
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13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions Smt/Reconstruct/Arith/ArithMulSign/Lemmas.lean
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Expand Up @@ -5,8 +5,9 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Tomaz Gomes Mascarenhas

import Mathlib.Algebra.Parity
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Parity
import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Ring.Defs
-- import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Ring.Nat
-- import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Parity
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic

import Smt.Reconstruct.Arith.MulPosNeg.Lemmas
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,18 +96,18 @@ theorem combineSigns₄ : a < 0 → b < 0 → b * a > 0 := by
simp at h
exact h

theorem castPos : ∀ (a : Int), a > 0 → Real.intCast.intCast a > 0 := by
theorem castPos : ∀ (a : Int), a > 0 → a > 0 := by
intros a h
simp [h]

theorem castNeg : ∀ (a : Int), a < 0 → Real.intCast.intCast a < 0 := by
theorem castNeg : ∀ (a : Int), a < 0 → a < 0 := by
intros a h
simp [h]

instance : HMul ℤ ℝ ℝ where
hMul z r := Real.intCast.intCast z * r
hMul z r := z * r

instance : HMul ℝ ℤ ℝ where
hMul r z := r * Real.intCast.intCast z
hMul r z := r * z

end Smt.Reconstruct.Arith
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions Smt/Reconstruct/Arith/ArithMulSign/Tactic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Authors: Tomaz Gomes Mascarenhas

import Lean

import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Parity
import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Ring.Nat
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic

import Smt.Reconstruct.Arith.ArithMulSign.Lemmas
Expand All @@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ inductive Pol where
deriving BEq

def intLOR := mkApp2 (.const ``LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedRing [.zero])
(.const ``Int []) (.const ``Int.linearOrderedCommRing [])
(.const ``Int []) (.const ``Int.instLinearOrderedCommRing [])

def RealLOR := Expr.const ``Real.instLinearOrderedRingReal []
def RealLOR := Expr.const ``Real.instLinearOrderedRing []

def traceMulSign (r : Except Exception Unit) : MetaM MessageData :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ where
| _ => throwError "[arithMulSign]: unexpected type for expression"
let lorInst := if exprIsInt then intLOR else RealLOR
let zeroI := mkApp (mkConst ``Int.ofNat) (mkNatLit 0)
let zeroR ← mkAppOptM' (.const ``OfNat.ofNat [.zero]) #[mkConst ``Real, (mkNatLit 0), none]
let zeroR ← mkAppOptM ``OfNat.ofNat #[mkConst ``Real, (mkNatLit 0), none]
-- zero with the same type as the current argument
let currZero := if exprIsInt then zeroI else zeroR
let bindedType: Expr ←
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Smt/Reconstruct/Arith/MulPosNeg/Lemmas.lean
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Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ variable [LinearOrderedRing α]

variable {a b c : α}

@[simp] def zToR : Int Real := Real.intCast.intCast
@[simp] def zToR (i : Int) : Real := ↑i

def uncurry {p₁ p₂ p₃ : Prop} : (p₁ → p₂ → p₃) → (p₁ ∧ p₂) → p₃ := by
intros h₁ h₂
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Smt/Reconstruct/Arith/MulPosNeg/Tactic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -63,7 +63,8 @@ def arithMulMeta (va vb vc : Expr) (pos : Bool) (compId : Nat) (thms : List Name
else throwError "[arithMul]: index too large"

let zeroI := mkApp (mkConst ``Int.ofNat) (mkNatLit 0)
let zeroR ← mkAppOptM' (.const ``OfNat.ofNat [.zero]) #[mkConst ``Real, (mkNatLit 0), none]
let zeroR ←
mkAppOptM ``OfNat.ofNat #[mkConst ``Real, (mkNatLit 0), none]
let zeroC := if typeC == mkConst ``Int then zeroI else zeroR
let premiseLeft ←
if pos then mkAppM `` #[zeroC, vc]
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Smt/Reconstruct/Arith/SumBounds/Tactic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ namespace Smt.Reconstruct.Arith
open Lean
open Meta Elab.Tactic Expr

theorem castEQ : ∀ {a b : Int}, a = b → Real.intCast.intCast a = Real.intCast.intCast b := by
theorem castEQ : ∀ {a b : Int}, a = b → (↑a : Real) = (↑b : Real) := by
intros a b h
rw [h]

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10 changes: 7 additions & 3 deletions Smt/Reconstruct/Arith/TransFns/ArithTransPi.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,16 +25,20 @@ open Elab Tactic Meta
open Real

def expr_3141592 : Expr :=
mkApp5 (Expr.const ``OfScientific.ofScientific []) (mkConst ``Rat) (Lean.Expr.const `Rat.instOfScientificRat []) (.lit (.natVal 3141592)) (mkConst ``Bool.true) (.lit (.natVal 6))
mkApp5 (Expr.const ``OfScientific.ofScientific [])
(mkConst ``Rat) (Lean.Expr.const `Rat.instOfScientific [])
(.lit (.natVal 3141592)) (mkConst ``Bool.true) (.lit (.natVal 6))

def expr_3141593 : Expr :=
mkApp5 (Expr.const ``OfScientific.ofScientific []) (mkConst ``Rat) (Lean.Expr.const `Rat.instOfScientificRat []) (.lit (.natVal 3141593)) (mkConst ``Bool.true) (.lit (.natVal 6))
mkApp5 (Expr.const ``OfScientific.ofScientific [])
(mkConst ``Rat) (Lean.Expr.const `Rat.instOfScientific [])
(.lit (.natVal 3141593)) (mkConst ``Bool.true) (.lit (.natVal 6))

def ratCast_lt_mpr {x y : ℚ} : x < y → (x : ℝ) < (y : ℝ) := ratCast_lt.mpr

def ratOfFloat : Expr → Expr
| .app (.app (.app (.app (.app a _) _) d) e) f =>
.app (.app (.app (.app (.app a (mkConst ``Rat)) (mkConst ``Rat.instOfScientificRat)) d) e) f
.app (.app (.app (.app (.app a (mkConst ``Rat)) (mkConst ``Rat.instOfScientific)) d) e) f
| e => e

def isOfNatNatLit : Expr → Bool
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Smt/Reconstruct/BitVec.lean
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Expand Up @@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ partial def synthDecidableInst (t : cvc5.Term) : ReconstructM Expr := do match t
return q(@instDecidableNot $p $hp)
| .AND => rightAssocOpDecidableInst q(And) q(@instDecidableAnd) t
| .OR => rightAssocOpDecidableInst q(Or) q(@instDecidableOr) t
| .XOR => rightAssocOpDecidableInst q(XOr) q(@XOr.instDecidableXOr) t
| .XOR => rightAssocOpDecidableInst q(XOr) q(@XOr.instDecidable) t
| .EQUAL =>
if t[0]!.getSort.getKind == .BOOLEAN_SORT then
let p : Q(Prop) ← reconstructTerm t[0]!
let q : Q(Prop) ← reconstructTerm t[1]!
let hp : Q(Decidable $p) ← synthDecidableInst t[0]!
let hq : Q(Decidable $q) ← synthDecidableInst t[1]!
return q(@instDecidableEqProp $p $q (@instDecidableIff $p $q $hp $hq))
return q(@instDecidableEqOfIff $p $q (@instDecidableIff $p $q $hp $hq))
if t[0]!.getSort.getKind == .BITVECTOR_SORT then
let w : Nat := t[0]!.getSort.getBitVectorSize.val
return q(@instDecidableEqBitVec $w)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ def reconstructRewrite (pf : cvc5.Proof) : ReconstructM (Option Expr) := do
let mv ← Bool.boolify h.mvarId!
let ds := [``BitVec.beq, ``BitVec.beq.go]
let ts := [``BitVec.getLsb_cons, ``Nat.succ.injEq]
let ps := [``Nat.reduceAdd, ``Nat.reduceSub, ``Nat.reduceEq, ``reduceIte]
let ps := [``Nat.reduceAdd, ``Nat.reduceSub, ``Nat.reduceEqDiff, ``reduceIte]
let simpTheorems ← ds.foldrM (fun n a => a.addDeclToUnfold n) {}
let simpTheorems ← ts.foldrM (fun n a => a.addConst n) simpTheorems
let simpProcs ← ps.foldrM (fun n a => a.add n false) {}
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Smt/Reconstruct/Builtin.lean
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Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ def getFVarOrConstExpr! (n : Name) : MetaM Expr := do

@[smt_term_reconstruct] def reconstructBuiltin : TermReconstructor := fun t => do match t.getKind with
| .VARIABLE => getFVarExpr! (getVariableName t)
| .CONSTANT => getFVarOrConstExpr! t.getSymbol
| .CONSTANT => getFVarOrConstExpr! (Name.mkSimple t.getSymbol)
| .EQUAL =>
let α : Q(Type) ← reconstructSort t[0]!.getSort
let x : Q($α) ← reconstructTerm t[0]!
Expand All @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ def getFVarOrConstExpr! (n : Name) : MetaM Expr := do
| _ => return none
getVariableName (t : cvc5.Term) : Name :=
if t.hasSymbol then t.getSymbol else Name.num `x t.getId
if t.hasSymbol then Name.mkSimple t.getSymbol else Name.num `x t.getId

def reconstructRewrite (pf : cvc5.Proof) : ReconstructM (Option Expr) := do
match pf.getRewriteRule with
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93 changes: 51 additions & 42 deletions Smt/Reconstruct/Prop/Lemmas.lean
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Expand Up @@ -182,47 +182,56 @@ theorem notNotElim : ∀ {p : Prop}, ¬ ¬ p → p :=

theorem notNotIntro : ∀ {p : Prop}, p → ¬ ¬ p := λ p np => np p

theorem deMorgan : ∀ {l : List Prop}, ¬ orN (notList l) → andN l :=
by intros l h
exact match l with
| [] => True.intro
| [t] => by simp only [andN]
simp only [notList, orN, map] at h
cases Classical.em t with
| inl tt => exact tt
| inr ntt => exact False.elim (h ntt)
| h₁::h₂::t => by simp [orN, notList, map] at h
have ⟨ t₁, t₂ ⟩ := deMorganSmall h
have ih := @deMorgan (h₂::t) t₂
simp [andN]
have t₁' := notNotElim t₁
exact ⟨ t₁', ih ⟩

theorem deMorgan₂ : ∀ {l : List Prop}, andN l → ¬ orN (notList l) :=
by intros l h
exact match l with
| [] => by simp [orN, notList]
| [t] => by simp only [orN, notList]; simp [andN] at h; exact notNotIntro h
| h₁::h₂::t => by simp [orN, notList, map]
simp [andN] at h
apply deMorganSmall₂
have nnh₁ := notNotIntro (And.left h)
have ih := @deMorgan₂ (h₂::t) (And.right h)
exact ⟨nnh₁, ih⟩

theorem deMorgan₃ : ∀ {l : List Prop}, ¬ orN l → andN (notList l) :=
by intros l h
exact match l with
| [] => True.intro
| [t] => by simp [andN, notList, map]
simp [orN, Not] at h
exact h
| h₁::h₂::t => by simp [orN, Not] at h
have ⟨t₁, t₂⟩ := deMorganSmall h
simp [orN, Not] at t₂
simp [andN, notList, map]
have ih := @deMorgan₃ (h₂::t) t₂
exact ⟨t₁, ih⟩
theorem deMorgan : ∀ {l : List Prop}, ¬ orN (notList l) → andN l := by
intros l h
exact match l with
| [] => True.intro
| [t] => by
simp only [andN]
simp only [notList, orN, map] at h
cases Classical.em t with
| inl tt => exact tt
| inr ntt => exact False.elim (h ntt)
| h₁::h₂::t => by
simp only [orN, notList, map] at h
have ⟨ t₁, t₂ ⟩ := deMorganSmall h
have ih := @deMorgan (h₂::t) t₂
simp [andN]
have t₁' := notNotElim t₁
exact ⟨ t₁', ih ⟩

theorem deMorgan₂ : ∀ {l : List Prop}, andN l → ¬ orN (notList l) := by
intros l h
exact match l with
| [] => by
simp [orN, notList]
| [t] => by
simp only [orN, notList]
simp [andN] at h
exact notNotIntro h
| h₁::h₂::t => by
simp only [orN, notList, map]
simp [andN] at h
apply deMorganSmall₂
have nnh₁ := notNotIntro (And.left h)
have ih := @deMorgan₂ (h₂::t) (And.right h)
exact ⟨nnh₁, ih⟩

theorem deMorgan₃ : ∀ {l : List Prop}, ¬ orN l → andN (notList l) := by
intros l h
exact match l with
| [] => True.intro
| [t] => by
simp only [andN, notList, map]
simp only [orN, Not] at h
exact h
| h₁::h₂::t => by
simp only [orN, Not] at h
have ⟨t₁, t₂⟩ := deMorganSmall h
simp only [orN, Not] at t₂
simp [andN, notList, map]
have ih := @deMorgan₃ (h₂::t) t₂
exact ⟨t₁, ih⟩

theorem cnfAndNeg' : ∀ (l : List Prop), andN l ∨ orN (notList l) :=
by intro l
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -652,7 +661,7 @@ theorem length_eraseIdx (h : i < l.length) : (eraseIdx l i).length = l.length -1
| succ i =>
rw [length_cons, succ_lt_succ_iff] at hi
rw [ih hi, Nat.succ_eq_add_one, Nat.sub_add_cancel (zero_lt_of_lt hi)]
rw [ih hi, Nat.sub_add_cancel (zero_lt_of_lt hi)]

theorem take_append (a b : List α) : take a.length (a ++ b) = a := by
have H3:= take_append_drop a.length (a ++ b)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Smt/Reconstruct/Quant.lean
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Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ namespace Smt.Reconstruct.Quant
open Lean Qq

def getVariableName (t : cvc5.Term) : Name :=
if t.hasSymbol then t.getSymbol else Name.num `x t.getId
if t.hasSymbol then Name.mkSimple t.getSymbol else Name.num `x t.getId

@[smt_term_reconstruct] def reconstructQuant : TermReconstructor := fun t => do match t.getKind with
| .FORALL =>
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Smt/Reconstruct/UF.lean
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Expand Up @@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ def getFVarOrConstExpr! (n : Name) : MetaM Expr := do

@[smt_sort_reconstruct] def reconstructUS : SortReconstructor := fun s => do match s.getKind with
| .UNINTERPRETED_SORT => getFVarOrConstExpr! s.getSymbol
| _ => return none
| .UNINTERPRETED_SORT => getFVarOrConstExpr! (Name.mkSimple s.getSymbol)
| _ => return none

@[smt_term_reconstruct] def reconstructUF : TermReconstructor := fun t => do match t.getKind with
| .APPLY_UF =>
Expand Down
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions Smt/Tactic/Concretize.lean
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Expand Up @@ -77,7 +77,10 @@ def Location.simpRwAt (loc : Location) (pf : Expr) : TacticM Unit := do
_ ← Tactic.simpLocation ctx #[] (loc := loc.toTacticLocation)
let { ctx, .. } ← mkSimpContext Syntax.missing (eraseLocal := false) (kind := .dsimp)
Tactic.dsimpLocation { ctx with config := { ctx.config with failIfUnchanged := false } } (loc := loc.toTacticLocation)
{ ctx with config := { ctx.config with failIfUnchanged := false } }
(loc := loc.toTacticLocation)
(simprocs := #[])

end Lean.Meta

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,7 +212,7 @@ def concretizeApp (e : Expr) : ConcretizeM TransformStep := do
for (pi, a) in args do
let argTp ← inferType a
-- TODO: This has good results but might be expensive.
let a' := if !pi.isInstImplicit then whnf a else a
let a' if !pi.isInstImplicit then whnf a else pure a
let isConcretizable :=
!a'.hasLooseBVars ∧ !a'.hasFVar ∧ (argTp.isType ∨ pi.hasFwdDeps ∨ pi.isInstImplicit)
if isConcretizable then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -347,7 +350,7 @@ The Coq variant is in `snipe`:
elab "concretize" "[" nms:ident,* "]" : tactic => do
let nms ← (nms : Array Syntax).mapM resolveGlobalConstNoOverloadWithInfo
let nms ← (nms : Array Syntax).mapM (liftM $ Elab.realizeGlobalConstNoOverloadWithInfo ·)
let concretizeSet := nms.foldl (init := .empty) (NameSet.insert · ·)
|>.run' { visitSet := #[.goal] }
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Smt/Tactic/EqnDef.lean
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Expand Up @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ def addEqnDefWithBody (nm : Name) (e : Expr) : TacticM (FVarId × FVarId) := do
-- in the equational definition.
let (fvVar, mvarId) ← (← mvarId.define nm tp e).intro1P
return (fvVar, [mvarId])

let (eqn, pf) ← withMainContext <| lambdaTelescope e fun args body => do
let lhs ← mkAppOptM' (mkFVar fvVar) ( some)
let eqn ← mkEq lhs body
Expand All @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ def addEqnDefWithBody (nm : Name) (e : Expr) : TacticM (FVarId × FVarId) := do
open Lean Meta Elab Tactic in
/-- Place an equational definition for a constant in the local context. -/
elab "extract_def" i:ident : tactic => do
let nm ← resolveGlobalConstNoOverloadWithInfo i
let nm ← Elab.realizeGlobalConstNoOverloadWithInfo i
let _ ← addEqnDefForConst nm

/-- Specialize an equational definition via partial evaluation. See `specialize_def`. -/
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Smt/Tactic/WHNFConfigurable.lean
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Expand Up @@ -980,7 +980,7 @@ def reduceProjOf? (e : Expr) (p : Name → Bool) : MetaM (Option Expr) := do
| _ => pure none

private instance [MonadAlwaysExcept ε m] [STWorld ω m] [BEq α] [Hashable α] : MonadAlwaysExcept ε (MonadCacheT α β m) :=
instMonadAlwaysExceptStateRefT' ε

partial def reduce (e : Expr) (explicitOnly skipTypes skipProofs := true) : ReductionM Expr :=
let rec visit (e : Expr) : MonadCacheT Expr Expr ReductionM Expr :=
Expand All @@ -1007,7 +1007,7 @@ partial def reduce (e : Expr) (explicitOnly skipTypes skipProofs := true) : Redu
args ← args.modifyM i visit
if f.isConstOf ``Nat.succ && args.size == 1 && args[0]!.isRawNatLit then
pure <| mkRawNatLit (args[0]!.natLit?.get! + 1)
pure <| mkRawNatLit (args[0]!.rawNatLit?.get! + 1)
pure <| mkAppN f args
-- `let`-bindings are normally substituted by WHNF, but they are left alone when `zeta` is off,
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