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orN-resolution proof (#109)
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* orN-proof

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mhk119 authored Jun 7, 2024
1 parent fb6743a commit eb67092
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Showing 2 changed files with 103 additions and 11 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Smt/Reconstruct/Prop.lean
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Expand Up @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ def reconstructResolution (c₁ c₂ : Array cvc5.Term) (pol l : cvc5.Term) (hps
else .app q(@Eq.refl Prop) q($ps[$i])
addThm (← rightAssocOp q(Or) (getResolutionResult c₁ c₂ pol l)) q(Prop.orN_resolution $hps $hqs $hi $hj $hij)
addThm (← rightAssocOp q(Or) (c₁ ++ c₂)) q(Prop.orN_concat $hps $hqs)
addThm (← rightAssocOp q(Or) (c₁ ++ c₂)) q(@Prop.orN_append_left $ps $qs $hps)
rightAssocOp (op : Expr) (ts : Array cvc5.Term) : ReconstructM Expr := do
if ts.isEmpty then
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112 changes: 102 additions & 10 deletions Smt/Reconstruct/Prop/Lemmas.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -567,18 +567,110 @@ theorem negSymm {α : Type u} {a b : α} : a ≠ b → b ≠ a := λ h f => h (E

theorem eq_not_not (p : Prop) : p = ¬¬p := propext (not_not.symm)

theorem orN_concat (hps : orN ps) (hqs : orN qs) : orN (ps ++ qs) :=
match ps with
| [] => hqs
| [_] => match qs with
| [] => hps
| _ :: _ => Or.inl hps
| _ :: _ :: _ => match hps with
| Or.inl hp => Or.inl hp
| Or.inr hps => Or.inr (orN_concat hps hqs)
theorem orN_cons : orN (t :: l) = (t ∨ orN l) := by
cases l with
| nil => simp [orN]
| cons t' l => simp [orN]

theorem orN_eraseIdx (hj : j < qs.length) : (orN (qs.eraseIdx j) ∨ qs[j]) = (orN qs) := by
revert j
induction qs with
| nil =>
intro j hj
simp at hj; exfalso
exact not_succ_le_zero j hj
| cons t l ih =>
intro j hj
cases j with
| zero =>
simp only [eraseIdx_cons_zero, cons_getElem_zero, orN_cons, eraseIdx_cons_succ, cons_getElem_succ]
rw [or_comm]
| succ j =>
simp only [eraseIdx_cons_succ, cons_getElem_succ, orN_cons, eraseIdx, or_assoc]
rw [@ih j (by rw [length_cons, succ_lt_succ_iff] at hj; exact hj)]

def subList' (xs : List α) (i j : Nat) : List α :=
List.drop i (xs.take j)

theorem orN_subList (hps : orN ps) (hpq : ps = subList' qs i j): orN qs := by
revert i j ps
induction qs with
| nil =>
intro ps i j hp hps
simp [subList', *] at *; assumption
| cons t l ih =>
simp only [subList'] at *
intro ps i j hp hps
rw [orN_cons]
cases j with
| zero =>
simp [*, orN] at *
| succ j =>
simp only [take_cons_succ] at hps
cases i with
| zero =>
simp only [hps, orN_cons, drop_zero] at hp
exact congOrLeft (fun hp => @ih (drop 0 (take j l)) 0 j (by simp [hp]) rfl) hp
| succ i =>
apply Or.inr
apply @ih ps i j hp
simp [hps]

theorem length_take (h : n ≤ l.length) : (take n l).length = n := by
revert n
induction l with
| nil => intro n h; simp at h; simp [h]
| cons t l ih =>
intro n h
cases n with
| zero => simp
| succ n => simp [ih (by rw [length_cons, succ_le_succ_iff] at h; exact h)]

theorem length_eraseIdx (h : i < l.length) : (eraseIdx l i).length = l.length -1 := by
revert i
induction l with
| nil => simp
| cons t l ih =>
intro i hi
cases i with
| zero => simp
| succ i =>
rw [length_cons, succ_lt_succ_iff] at hi
rw [ih hi, Nat.succ_eq_add_one, Nat.sub_add_cancel (zero_lt_of_lt hi)]

theorem take_append (a b : List α) : take a.length (a ++ b) = a := by
have H3:= take_append_drop a.length (a ++ b)
apply (append_inj H3 _).1
rw [length_take]
rw [length_append]
apply le_add_right

theorem drop_append (a b : List α): drop a.length (a ++ b) = b := by
have H3:= take_append_drop a.length (a ++ b)
apply (append_inj H3 _).2
rw [length_take]
rw [length_append]
apply le_add_right

theorem orN_append_left (hps : orN ps) : orN (ps ++ qs) := by
apply @orN_subList ps (ps ++ qs) 0 ps.length hps
simp [subList', take_append]

theorem orN_append_right (hqs : orN qs) : orN (ps ++ qs) := by
apply @orN_subList qs (ps ++ qs) ps.length (ps.length + qs.length) hqs
simp only [←length_append, subList', take_length, drop_append]

theorem orN_resolution (hps : orN ps) (hqs : orN qs) (hi : i < ps.length) (hj : j < qs.length) (hij : ps[i] = ¬qs[j]) : orN (ps.eraseIdx i ++ qs.eraseIdx j) := by
have H1 := orN_eraseIdx hj
have H2 := orN_eraseIdx hi
by_cases h : ps[i]
· simp only [eq_iff_iff, true_iff, iff_true, h, hqs, hij, hps] at *
apply orN_append_right (by simp [*] at *; exact H1)
· simp only [hps, hqs, h, eq_iff_iff, false_iff, not_not, iff_true, or_false,
not_false_eq_true] at *
apply orN_append_left H2

theorem implies_of_not_and : ¬(andN' ps ¬q) → impliesN ps q := by
induction ps with
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