Users can send me messages along with a custom amount of Goerli Ether, which will be displayed for all users to see along with the date and time the message was sent.
During the development of this project, I learned about:
- Building decentralized apps using React, Hardhat, Ether.js, and Solidity
- Implementing smart contracts and deploying them on the Goerli test network
- Writing tests for smart contracts
- Integrating front-end and back-end functionality using Ether.js, Javascript and CSS
- Deployed my project manually using Netlify.
- React
- Hardhat
- Ether.js
- Solidity
- Javascript
- Remix IDE
- Metamask
Clone the repository using git clone<insert_your_username_here>/buy-me-a-coffee.git
Navigate to the project directory and install the dependencies using npm install
Change directory to
folder using this command.
cd frontend
Run the app in development mode using npm run start
Open the app in your browser at the address specified in the console.
Send me a message and custom amount of Goerli Ether by following the prompts on the page.
View all previous messages by refreshing the page.