First we will clone the file git clone
Then we download JavaFX
Afterwards we will open the folder in VScode and go to run and debug then create a launch.json file
Inside the Launch.jsonfile we will copy "vmArgs": "--module-path 'C:/Users/Chris Wu/Downloads/openjfx-21.0.1_windows-x64_bin-sdk/javafx-sdk-21.0.1/lib' --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml" replacing 'C:/Users/Chris Wu/Downloads/openjfx-21.0.1_windows-x64_bin-sdk/javafx-sdk-21.0.1/lib' with the path you downloaded JavaFx
Now we will go to run and debug in vscode and run MyServer to start the server and then RecipeList to start the app
When running the app, we must log in to access the recipe list, which contains recipes and images of the final food result created using voice generation. The recipes are tagged with different meal types, and can be filtered, sorted, and regenerated via the respective buttons on the UI.