This repo is the source for the University of Alabama Huntsville's American Meteorological Society chapter website. It is built using Lektor, deployed via GitHub Actions and served by GitHub Pages, hosted on a custom domain. It is built upon the Lektor-Icon theme, whose documentation should be consulted for details on what the various options do.
This repo as a whole (aside from indicated photographs) is licensed MIT (Expat), content (including prose text and graphics) is additionally dual-licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0 International, and some photographs are owned by C.A.M. Gerlach and licensed under CC-BY-SA-NC 4.0 International.
Content contributions and bug fixes/improvements are welcome! If the latter, we generally recommend aside from trivial patches that you open an issue with your suggested changes before submitting a PR so that feedback can be solicited early in the process and we can properly document everything. If the former, just go ahead and open a PR once you've discussed the topic with us. Thanks!
Originally created by C.A.M. Gerlach, and maintained by the current UAH AMS Webmaster as listed on the site itself. Enjoy!