Releases: txst-per-group/Glowscript-Blocks
Semester bug fix
Fixes a bug with the generator
0.1.10 Semester Update
- Leaving a Shape attribute empty with no block connection will generate default avoiding code errors
- Shape blocks automatically include initial values for special attributes (vel, acc, mass, etc.) in code to avoid errors when adjusting said values later.
0.1.8 Semester Update/Version Fix
Bug Fixes
- Fixes loading error of 'graph_display' blocks default attribute blocks, causing broken program loads.
0.1.7 Semester Update/Version Fix
Bug Fixes
- Removes old "vector_math" block from toolbox
0.1.6 New Semester Update
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug with math block reseting when attached to an iterator variable.
- Added multiple input print block for printing multiple inputs on one line.
- Split "vector_math" block into Single Input Vector Math and Double Input Vector Math.
- Added X and Y labeling for graph display block.
0.1.5 Semester Update
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug with XML loading error when plot_block and control_for in the same workspace
- Fixed bug with plot_block not updating field_variable dropdown correctly
- Fixed bug with error in trying to rename iterator variable name on control_for loop block
- Iterator variables now update with color typing system
0.1.4 Semester Update
Bug Fixes:
- Fixes error with 'Plot' block incorrectly updating series variable selections
- Changes order of 'field_variable' dropdown menu options
- Removes 'for loop' for lists block from flyout
0.1.3 Semester Update
Bug fixes:
- 'math' block not updating operator dropdown for 'Vector' inputs
Enhancements: - 'print' block only accepts 'Vector' 'Number' 'Boolean' and 'String' types for input
0.1.2 Semester Update
Updates from the Pre-Semester Release 0.1.1
- Fixes orphaned duplicate blocks from default shape attributes blocks
- Adds the text label "color" at the end of the 'Series' block
Pre-Semester Release Update
Deployment of stable Semester build with bug fixes and feature updates including:
Fixes bugs with selecting graph/series block with the variable blocks
Fixes error with math block not properly updating when changes from vector to scalar math
Fixes error with plot block having wrong default selection
Fixes save connections for shape mutator blocks
Changes language on vector math blocks to mirror code function names more closely
Adds new icon for mutator menu's
Adds new shape specific mutator menu
Adds default block connections (with GlowScript defaults) to shape atributes
Adds block to code selection highlighting
And includes other misc block additions and feature improvements.