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File metadata and controls

524 lines (323 loc) · 31 KB



Table of contents

Type Aliases



Type Aliases


Ƭ AndroidPermission: typeof androidPermissions[number]

An ID of a known permission on Android.

Defined in



Ƭ AppMeta: Object

Metadata about an app, as returned by parseAppMeta.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
architectures ("arm64" | "arm" | "x86" | "x86_64" | "mips" | "mips64")[] A list of the architectures that the app supports. The identifiers for the architectures are normalized across Android and iOS. On Android, this will be empty for apps that don't have native code.
id string The app/bundle ID.
md5? string The MD5 hash of the app's package file. In the case of split APKs on Android, this will be the hash of the main APK. In the case of custom APK bundle formats (.xapk, .apkm and .apks), this will be the hash of the entire bundle. Be careful when interpreting this value. App stores can deliver different distributions of the exact same app. For example, apps downloaded from the App Store on iOS include the user's Apple ID, thus leading to different hashes even if different users download the very same version of the same app.
name? string The app's display name.
platform SupportedPlatform The platform the app is for.
version? string The app's human-readable version.
versionCode? string The app's version code.

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Ƭ AppPath<Platform>: Platform extends "android" ? `${string}.apk` | `${string}.xapk` | `${string}.apkm` | `${string}.apks` | `${string}.apk`[] : `${string}.ipa`

On Android, the path to a single APK with the .apk extension, an array of paths to split APKs with the .apk extension, the path to an XAPK file with the .xapk extension or the path to either an .apkm or .apks file.

On iOS, the path to an IPA file with the .ipa extension.

Type parameters

Name Type
Platform extends SupportedPlatform

Defined in



Ƭ CalendarEventData: Object

Event to add to the device’s calendar.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
endDate Date Date and time when the event should end.
startDate Date Date and time when the event should start.
title string Title of the event.

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Ƭ ContactData: Object

Contact to add to the device’s contacts.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
email? string Email address of the contact. Will be added as ‘Home’.
firstName? string First name of the contact to add.
lastName string Last name of the contact to add.
phoneNumber? string Phone number of the contact. Will be added as ‘Home’.

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Ƭ DeviceAttribute<Platform>: Platform extends "android" ? "apiLevel" | "architectures" | "manufacturer" | "model" | "modelCodeName" | "name" | "osBuild" | "osVersion" : "architectures" | "idfv" | "manufacturer" | "modelCodeName" | "name" | "osBuild" | "osVersion"

A supported attribute for the getDeviceAttribute() function, depending on the platform.

Type parameters

Name Type
Platform extends SupportedPlatform

Defined in



Ƭ GetDeviceAttributeOptions: Object

The options for each attribute available through the getDeviceAttribute() function.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
idfv { appId: string } The options for the idfv attribute.
idfv.appId string The app ID of the app to get the identifierForVendor for.

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Ƭ IosPermission: typeof iosPermissions[number]

An ID of a known permission on iOS.

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Ƭ ObbInstallSpec: Object

An object that describes how an Android extension file (.obb) should be installed on the device.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
installPath? `${string}.obb` Path in relation to $EXTERNAL_STORAGE in which to install the obb on the guest. Will be the default app folder ($EXTERNAL_STORAGE/Android/obb/<app id>/<file name on host>) if nothing is specified.
obb `${string}.obb` Path to the obb on the host.

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Ƭ PlatformApi<Platform, RunTarget, Capabilities, Capability>: Object

Functions that are available for the platforms.

Type parameters

Name Type
Platform extends SupportedPlatform
RunTarget extends SupportedRunTarget<Platform>
Capabilities extends SupportedCapability<"android" | "ios">[]
Capability Capabilities[number]

Type declaration

Name Type Description
addCalendarEvent (eventData: CalendarEventData) => Promise<void> Adds a simple event to the device’s calendar. Requires the frida capability. On Android, this currently only works if a calendar has already been set up.
addContact (contactData: ContactData) => Promise<void> Add a contact to the device’s contact book. Requires the frida capability. On Android, this currently only works if is installed.
clearStuckModals Platform extends "android" ? () => Promise<void> : never Clear any potential stuck modals by pressing the back button followed by the home button. This is currently broken on iOS (see #12). Requires the ssh capability on iOS.
ensureDevice () => Promise<void> Assert that the selected device is connected and ready to be used with the selected capabilities, performing necessary setup steps. This should always be the first function you call. Note that depending on the capabilities you set, the setup steps may make permanent changes to your device. For Android, you can set the url to the WireGuard APK which should be installed in the WIREGUARD_APK_URL environment variable. Note that it is only used if WireGuard isn’t installed already.
getDeviceAttribute <Attribute>(attribute: Attribute, ...options: Attribute extends keyof GetDeviceAttributeOptions ? [options: GetDeviceAttributeOptions[Attribute]] : [options?: undefined]) => Promise<string> Get the value of the given device attribute.
getForegroundAppId () => Promise<string | undefined> Get the app ID of the running app that is currently in the foreground. Requires the frida capability on iOS.
getPidForAppId (appId: string) => Promise<number | undefined> Get the PID of the app with the given app ID if it is currently running. Requires the frida capability on iOS.
getPrefs (appId: string) => Promise<Record<string, unknown> | undefined> Get the preferences (SharedPreferences on Android, NSUserDefaults on iOS) of the app with the given app ID. Requires the frida capability on Android and iOS.
installApp (appPath: AppPath<Platform>, obbPaths?: Platform extends "android" ? ObbInstallSpec[] : never) => Promise<void> Install the app at the given path.
installCertificateAuthority (path: string) => Promise<void> Install the certificate authority with the given path as a trusted CA on the device. This allows you to intercept and modify traffic from apps on the device. On Android, this installs the CA as a system CA. As this is normally not possible on Android 10 and above, it overlays the /system/etc/security/cacerts directory with a tmpfs and installs the CA there. This means that the changes are not persistent across reboots. On iOS, the CA is installed permanently as a root certificate in the Certificate Trust Store. It persists across reboots.\ Currently, you need to manually trust any CA at least once on the device, CAs can be added but not automatically marked as trusted (see: #44 (comment)). Requires the root capability on Android, and the ssh capability on iOS.
isAppInstalled (appId: string) => Promise<boolean> Check whether the app with the given app ID is installed.
listApps (options?: { includeSystem?: boolean }) => Promise<string[]> Get a list of the app IDs of all installed apps.
removeCertificateAuthority (path: string) => Promise<void> Remove the certificate authority with the given path from the trusted CAs on the device. On Android, this works for system CAs, including those pre-installed with the OS. As this is normally not possible on Android 10 and above, it overlays the /system/etc/security/cacerts directory with a tmpfs and removes the CA there. This means that the changes are not persistent across reboots. On iOS, this only works for CAs in the Certificate Trust Store. It does not work for pre-installed OS CAs. The changes are persistent across reboots. Requires the root capability on Android, and the ssh capability on iOS.
resetDevice Platform extends "android" ? RunTarget extends "emulator" ? (snapshotName: string) => Promise<void> : never : never Reset the device to the specified snapshot (only available for emulators). Param The name of the snapshot to reset to.
setAppBackgroundBatteryUsage Platform extends "android" ? (appId: string, state: "unrestricted" | "optimized" | "restricted") => Promise<void> : never Configure whether the app's background battery usage should be restricted. Currently only supported on Android. Param The app ID of the app to configure the background battery usage settings for. Param The state to set the background battery usage to. On Android, the possible values are: - unrestricted: "Allow battery usage in background without restrictions. May use more battery." - optimized: "Optimize based on your usage. Recommended for most apps." (default after installation) - restricted: "Restrict battery usage while in background. Apps may not work as expected. Notifications may be delayed."
setAppPermissions (appId: string, permissions?: Platform extends "ios" ? { [p in IosPermission]?: "unset" | "allow" | "deny" } & { location?: "ask" | "never" | "always" | "while-using" } : Partial<Record<LiteralUnion<AndroidPermission, string>, "allow" | "deny">>) => Promise<void> Set the permissions for the app with the given app ID. By default, it will grant all known permissions (including dangerous permissions on Android) and set the location permission on iOS to always. You can specify which permissions to grant/deny using the permissions argument. Requires the ssh and frida capabilities on iOS.
setClipboard (text: string) => Promise<void> Set the clipboard to the given text. Requires the frida capability on Android and iOS.
setDeviceName (deviceName: string) => Promise<void> Sets the name of the device, which shows up to other network or bluetooth devices.
setProxy Platform extends "android" ? (proxy: "wireguard" extends Capability ? WireGuardConfig : Proxy | null) => Promise<void> : Platform extends "ios" ? (proxy: Proxy | null) => Promise<void> : never Set or disable the proxy on the device. If you have enabled the wireguard capability, this will start or stop a WireGuard tunnel. Otherwise, it will set the global proxy on the device. On iOS, the proxy is set for the current WiFi network. It won't apply for other networks or for cellular data connections. WireGuard is currently only supported on Android. Enabling a WireGuard tunnel requires the root capability. Remarks The WireGuard integration will create a new tunnel in the app called appstraction and delete it when the proxy is stopped. If you have an existing tunnel with the same name, it will be overridden. Param The proxy to set, or null to disable the proxy. If you have enabled the wireguard capability, this is a string of the full WireGuard configuration to use.
snapshotDeviceState Platform extends "android" ? RunTarget extends "emulator" ? (snapshotName: string) => Promise<void> : never : never Save the device state to the specified snapshot (only available for emulators). Param The name of the snapshot to save to.
startApp (appId: string) => Promise<void> Start the app with the given app ID. Doesn't wait for the app to be ready. Also enables the certificate pinning bypass if enabled. Requires the frida or ssh capability on iOS. On Android, this will start the app with or without a certificate pinning bypass depending on the certificate-pinning-bypass capability.
stopApp (appId: string) => Promise<void> Force-stop the app with the given app ID.
target { platform: Platform ; runTarget: RunTarget } An indicator for what platform and run target this instance of PlatformApi is configured for. This is useful mostly to write typeguards.
target.platform Platform The platform this instance is configured for, i.e. ios or android.
target.runTarget RunTarget The run target this instance is configured for, i.e. device or emulator.
uninstallApp (appId: string) => Promise<void> Uninstall the app with the given app ID. Will not fail if the app is not installed. This also removes any data stored by the app.
waitForDevice (tries?: number) => Promise<void> Wait until the device or emulator has been connected and has booted up completely.

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Ƭ PlatformApiOptions<Platform, RunTarget, Capabilities>: { capabilities: Capabilities ; platform: Platform ; runTarget: RunTarget } & RunTargetOptions<Capabilities>[Platform][RunTarget] extends object ? { targetOptions: RunTargetOptions<Capabilities>[Platform][RunTarget] } : RunTargetOptions<Capabilities>[Platform][RunTarget] extends object | undefined ? { targetOptions?: RunTargetOptions<Capabilities>[Platform][RunTarget] } : { targetOptions?: Record<string, never> }

The options for the platformApi() function.

Type parameters

Name Type
Platform extends SupportedPlatform
RunTarget extends SupportedRunTarget<Platform>
Capabilities extends SupportedCapability<Platform>[]

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Ƭ Proxy: Object

Connection details for a proxy.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
host string The host of the proxy.
port number The port of the proxy.

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Ƭ RunTargetOptions<Capabilities, Capability>: Object

The options for a specific platform/run target combination.

Type parameters

Name Type
Capabilities extends SupportedCapability<"android" | "ios">[]
Capability Capabilities[number]

Type declaration

Name Type Description
android { device: unknown ; emulator: unknown } The options for the Android platform.
android.device unknown The options for the Android physical device run target.
android.emulator unknown The options for the Android emulator run target.
ios { device: "ssh" extends Capability ? { ip?: string ; password?: string ; port?: number ; username?: "mobile" | "root" } | undefined : unknown ; emulator: never } The options for the iOS platform.
ios.device "ssh" extends Capability ? { ip?: string ; password?: string ; port?: number ; username?: "mobile" | "root" } | undefined : unknown The options for the iOS physical device run target.
ios.emulator never The options for the iOS emulator run target.

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Ƭ SupportedCapability<Platform>: Platform extends "android" ? "wireguard" | "root" | "frida" | "certificate-pinning-bypass" : Platform extends "ios" ? "ssh" | "frida" | "certificate-pinning-bypass" : never

A capability for the platformApi() function.

Type parameters

Name Type
Platform extends SupportedPlatform

Defined in



Ƭ SupportedPlatform: "android" | "ios"

A platform that is supported by this library.

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Ƭ SupportedRunTarget<Platform>: Platform extends "android" ? "emulator" | "device" : Platform extends "ios" ? "device" : never

A run target that is supported by this library for the given platform.

Type parameters

Name Type
Platform extends SupportedPlatform

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Ƭ WireGuardConfig: string

Configuration string for WireGuard.

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Const androidPermissions: readonly ["android.permission.ACCEPT_HANDOVER", "android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION", "android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION", "android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION", "android.permission.ACCESS_LOCATION_EXTRA_COMMANDS", "android.permission.ACCESS_MEDIA_LOCATION", "android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE", "android.permission.ACCESS_NOTIFICATION_POLICY", "android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE", "android.permission.ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION", "android.permission.ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS", "android.permission.AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS", "android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN", "android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADVERTISE", "android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT", "android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN", "android.permission.BLUETOOTH", "android.permission.BODY_SENSORS_BACKGROUND", "android.permission.BODY_SENSORS", "android.permission.BROADCAST_STICKY", "android.permission.CALL_COMPANION_APP", "android.permission.CALL_PHONE", "android.permission.CAMERA", "android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE", "android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE", "android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE", "android.permission.DELIVER_COMPANION_MESSAGES", "android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD", "android.permission.EXPAND_STATUS_BAR", "android.permission.FLASHLIGHT", "android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE", "android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS", "android.permission.GET_PACKAGE_SIZE", "android.permission.GET_TASKS", "android.permission.HIDE_OVERLAY_WINDOWS", "android.permission.HIGH_SAMPLING_RATE_SENSORS", "android.permission.INTERNET", "android.permission.KILL_BACKGROUND_PROCESSES", "android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS", "android.permission.MANAGE_OWN_CALLS", "android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS", "android.permission.NEARBY_WIFI_DEVICES", "android.permission.NFC_PREFERRED_PAYMENT_INFO", "android.permission.NFC_TRANSACTION_EVENT", "android.permission.NFC", "android.permission.PERSISTENT_ACTIVITY", "android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS", "android.permission.PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS", "android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES", "android.permission.READ_BASIC_PHONE_STATE", "android.permission.READ_CALENDAR", "android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG", "android.permission.READ_CELL_BROADCASTS", "android.permission.READ_CONTACTS", "android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE", "android.permission.READ_INSTALL_SESSIONS", "android.permission.READ_MEDIA_AUDIO", "android.permission.READ_MEDIA_IMAGES", "android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VIDEO", "android.permission.READ_NEARBY_STREAMING_POLICY", "android.permission.READ_PHONE_NUMBERS", "android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE", "android.permission.READ_PROFILE", "android.permission.READ_SMS", "android.permission.READ_SOCIAL_STREAM", "android.permission.READ_SYNC_SETTINGS", "android.permission.READ_SYNC_STATS", "android.permission.READ_USER_DICTIONARY", "android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED", "android.permission.RECEIVE_MMS", "android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS", "android.permission.RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH", "android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO", "android.permission.REORDER_TASKS", "android.permission.REQUEST_COMPANION_PROFILE_WATCH", "android.permission.REQUEST_COMPANION_RUN_IN_BACKGROUND", "android.permission.REQUEST_COMPANION_START_FOREGROUND_SERVICES_FROM_BACKGROUND", "android.permission.REQUEST_COMPANION_USE_DATA_IN_BACKGROUND", "android.permission.REQUEST_DELETE_PACKAGES", "android.permission.REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS", "android.permission.REQUEST_OBSERVE_COMPANION_DEVICE_PRESENCE", "android.permission.REQUEST_PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY", "android.permission.RESTART_PACKAGES", "android.permission.SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM", "android.permission.SEND_SMS", "android.permission.SET_WALLPAPER_HINTS", "android.permission.SET_WALLPAPER", "android.permission.SUBSCRIBED_FEEDS_READ", "android.permission.SUBSCRIBED_FEEDS_WRITE", "android.permission.TRANSMIT_IR", "android.permission.UPDATE_PACKAGES_WITHOUT_USER_ACTION", "android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC", "android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS", "android.permission.USE_EXACT_ALARM", "android.permission.USE_FINGERPRINT", "android.permission.USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT", "android.permission.USE_SIP", "android.permission.UWB_RANGING", "android.permission.VIBRATE", "android.permission.WAKE_LOCK", "android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR", "android.permission.WRITE_CALL_LOG", "android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS", "android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE", "android.permission.WRITE_PROFILE", "android.permission.WRITE_SMS", "android.permission.WRITE_SOCIAL_STREAM", "android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS", "android.permission.WRITE_USER_DICTIONARY", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]

The IDs of known permissions on Android.

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Const iosPermissions: readonly ["kTCCServiceLiverpool", "kTCCServiceUbiquity", "kTCCServiceCalendar", "kTCCServiceAddressBook", "kTCCServiceReminders", "kTCCServicePhotos", "kTCCServiceMediaLibrary", "kTCCServiceBluetoothAlways", "kTCCServiceMotion", "kTCCServiceWillow", "kTCCServiceExposureNotification", "kTCCServiceCamera", "kTCCServiceMicrophone", "kTCCServiceUserTracking"]

The IDs of known permissions on iOS.

Defined in




listDevices(options?): Promise<{ id: string ; name?: string ; platform: "android" | "ios" }[]>

Returns a list of all detected Android and iOS devices currently connected to the host. This includes Android emulators running on the host.


Name Type Description
options? Object If the frida option is set to true, this function will use frida to detect the devices rather than try to detect them using platform-specific tools (such as adb and pymobiledevice3).
options.frida? boolean -


Promise<{ id: string ; name?: string ; platform: "android" | "ios" }[]>

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parseAppMeta<Platform>(appPath, _platform?): Promise<undefined | AppMeta>

Get metadata about the app at the given path.


If you pass multiple APKs from different apps, no error will be raised. The metadata for the first app will be returned.

Type parameters

Name Type
Platform extends SupportedPlatform


Name Type Description
appPath AppPath<Platform> Path to the app file (.ipa on iOS, .apk on Android) to get the metadata of. On Android, this can also be an array of the paths of the split APKs of a single app or the following custom APK bundle formats: .xapk, .apkm and .apks.
_platform? Platform -


Promise<undefined | AppMeta>

An object containing the parsed metadata, or undefined if the file doesn't exist or is not a valid app for the platform.

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pause(durationInMs): Promise<unknown>

Pause for a given duration.


Name Type Description
durationInMs number The duration to pause for, in milliseconds.



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platformApi<Platform, RunTarget, Capabilities>(options): PlatformApi<Platform, RunTarget, Capabilities>

Get the API object with the functions for the given platform and run target.

Type parameters

Name Type
Platform extends SupportedPlatform
RunTarget extends "emulator" | "device"
Capabilities extends SupportedCapability<Platform>[]


Name Type Description
options PlatformApiOptions<Platform, RunTarget, Capabilities> The options for the API object.


PlatformApi<Platform, RunTarget, Capabilities>

The API object for the given platform and run target.

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