The easiest way to get started is to build and run a docker container. This will, by default, use an embedded h2 database but you will need to connect a keycloak identity server.
Build image:
./mvnw install
Run image, using just HTTP Basic security with a username and password provided. This is handy for local development and testing.
docker run -p 8080:8080 \
-e SPRING_SECURITY_USER_password=<pwd> \
- Check health of a particular return
curl -v -u usr:pwd http://localhost:8080/admin/health/SDU-2020-21/ZZ1
- Import previous year's return into this years
curl -v -X POST -u usr:pwd http://localhost:8080/returns/import/SDU-2019-20-ZZ1/SDU-2020-21-ZZ1
- Create / update a survey with the latest definition
curl -v -X POST -u usr:pwd http://localhost:8080/admin/data-mgmt/surveys/SDU-2020-21
This assumes you have a Keycloak server available, there are any resources on how to provide this including:
The image may then be started as follows:
docker run -p 8080:8080 \
-e KEYCLOAK_REALM=<realm> \
-e KEYCLOAK_RESOURCE=<client_id> \
2.4.2 - 17 Mar 21 - 8a4215a34876a2946a61dedc5be6aa9432ca8ba0
- couple of dependabot upgrades
- integrate jacoco code quality analysis
2.4.1 - 19 Nov 20 - e9e4cbb4a94fc92566ebffeca8bfc6a91c7799df
- fix eclass and labels
2.4.0 - 02 Nov 20 (belatedly build release for 2019-20)
- #10 Paper spend is referred to on the report as Spend Q5 but not captured in the return at all (bug)
- #7 Minor cosmetic changes
- #5 Email should make clear it's from an unmonitored mailbox
- #4 Provide data exploration facility
- #3 Add air pollution and plastics questions
2.3.0 - 23 Oct 18
- #288 Implement 'health-check' for returns
- #286 Render tables and graphs client side
- #284 Remove 'Import ERIC data' (now implicit)
2.2.0 - 02 Aug 18 - 3515b3c38eed136e3a5663340489bdc31041f786
- cosmetic changes and bug fixes
2.1.0 - 15 Mar 18
- Revised benchmarking in reports
2.0.0 - 28 Feb 18
- SDU reporting project
1.1.0 - 27 Jul 16
- SDU Healthy Returns 2020 (macc project)
1.0.0 - 30 Sept 15
- support the 50K app, included modules: disclosure, financial, contacts, workflow, decisions