Built with react mongoatlas react node axios
- db shop homeright
- cart + payment gate
- contact verification
- admin page (gif, testemonials, shop items and inventory, front page items, handdrawn illustrations)
- animations
- responsive
- deployment
- homeright? (throwout until further notice)
- scrollbars?
- bolding of font when hovered?
- contact page behavior? max length? required? sent to email? (400 count for characters in tell us about)
- persistent shopping carts?
- importance of cart reservation system?
- ability to change reviews and quotes?
- bolding effect?
- DONE - footer bottom of page
- swipethrough testimonial
- DONE - more space between icon and word (nav bar)
- DONE - more space button and words vertically
- DONE - space at the bottom of the pages
- DONE - fatima logo goes home
- DONE - all black, only gray text
- DONE - on homepage, footer visible when scroll down
- cart backend, payment gate (2 days)
- admin page (1 day)
- animations + responsive design (3 days)
- deployment (2 days)
- orders will come through email?
- contact page, weight for boxes, uniform dropdown, either or phone number email,
- admin page list of contacts
- checkout tax and final sales separate lines
- home page one scrollable one not
- product sends id back to parent for addtocartoperation
- cart initialized on app entry
- addtocart button gives it an id and a cartid
- needed for cart: name price size quantity