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WIP: TrixiMPIArray
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ranocha committed Mar 30, 2022
1 parent 141508f commit a178dea
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Showing 3 changed files with 268 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ authors = ["Michael Schlottke-Lakemper <[email protected]>", "Gregor
version = "0.4.28-pre"

ArrayInterface = "4fba245c-0d91-5ea0-9b3e-6abc04ee57a9"
CodeTracking = "da1fd8a2-8d9e-5ec2-8556-3022fb5608a2"
ConstructionBase = "187b0558-2788-49d3-abe0-74a17ed4e7c9"
CPUSummary = "2a0fbf3d-bb9c-48f3-b0a9-814d99fd7ab9"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ TriplotRecipes = "808ab39a-a642-4abf-81ff-4cb34ebbffa3"
UnPack = "3a884ed6-31ef-47d7-9d2a-63182c4928ed"

ArrayInterface = "3"
CodeTracking = "1.0.5"
ConstructionBase = "1.3"
CPUSummary = "=0.1.8" # see
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/Trixi.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ using SparseArrays: AbstractSparseMatrix, AbstractSparseMatrixCSC, sparse, dropt
# import @reexport now to make it available for further imports/exports
using Reexport: @reexport

using ArrayInterface: static_length
using SciMLBase: CallbackSet, DiscreteCallback,
ODEProblem, ODESolution, ODEFunction
import SciMLBase: get_du, get_tmp_cache, u_modified!,
Expand All @@ -39,7 +40,6 @@ using HDF5: h5open, attributes
using IfElse: ifelse
using LinearMaps: LinearMap
using LoopVectorization: LoopVectorization, @turbo, indices
using LoopVectorization.ArrayInterface: static_length
using MPI: MPI
using MuladdMacro: @muladd
using GeometryBasics: GeometryBasics
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ include("basic_types.jl")
# Include all top-level source files
Expand Down
264 changes: 264 additions & 0 deletions src/auxiliary/mpi_arrays.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@

# TODO: MPI. Keep this module inside Trixi or move it to another repo as
# external dependency with simple test suite and documentation?
module TrixiMPIArrays

using ArrayInterface: ArrayInterface
using MPI: MPI

import ..Trixi: mpi_comm, mpi_rank

export TrixiMPIArray

TrixiMPIArray{T, N} <: AbstractArray{T, N}
A thin wrapper of arrays distributed via MPI used in Trixi.jl. The idea is that
these arrays behave as much as possible as plain arrays would in an SPMD-style
distributed MPI setting with exception of reductions, which are performed
globally. This allows to use these arrays in ODE solvers such as the ones from
OrdinaryDiffEq.jl, since vector space operations, broadcasting, and reductions
are the only operations required for explicit time integration methods with
fixed step sizes or adaptive step sizes based on CFL or error estimates.
!!! warning "Experimental code"
This code is experimental and may be changed or removed in any future release.
struct TrixiMPIArray{T, N, Parent<:AbstractArray{T, N}} <: AbstractArray{T, N}
# TODO: MPI. Shall we also include something like the following fields
# and remove them from the global state? Do we ever need something
# from the global MPI state without having a state vector `u`? Does
# including these fields here have a performance impact since it
# increases the size of these arrays?
# mpi_size::Int
# mpi_isroot::Bool
# mpi_isparallel::Bool

function TrixiMPIArray{T, N, Parent}(u_local::Parent) where {T, N, Parent<:AbstractArray{T, N}}
# TODO: MPI. Hard-coded to MPI.COMM_WORLD for now
mpi_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
mpi_rank = MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD)
return new{T, N, Parent}(u_local, mpi_comm, mpi_rank)

function TrixiMPIArray(u_local::AbstractArray{T, N}) where {T, N}
TrixiMPIArray{T, N, typeof(u_local)}(u_local)

# TODO: MPI. Adapt
# - wrap_array
# - wrap_array_native
# - return type of initialization stuff when setting an IC
# - dispatch on this array type instead of parallel trees etc. and use
# `parent(u)` to get local versions instead of `invoke`

# Custom interface and general Base interface not covered by other parts below
Base.parent(u::TrixiMPIArray) = u.u_local

mpi_comm(u::TrixiMPIArray) = u.mpi_comm
mpi_rank(u::TrixiMPIArray) = u.mpi_rank
# TODO: MPI. What about the following interface functions?
# mpi_nranks(u::TrixiMPIArray) = MPI_SIZE[]
# mpi_isparallel(u::TrixiMPIArray) = MPI_IS_PARALLEL[]

# Implementation of the abstract array interface of Base
# See
Base.size(u::TrixiMPIArray) = size(parent(u))
Base.getindex(u::TrixiMPIArray, idx) = getindex(parent(u), idx)
Base.setindex!(u::TrixiMPIArray, v, idx) = setindex!(parent(u), v, idx)
Base.IndexStyle(::Type{TrixiMPIArray{T, N, Parent}}) where {T, N, Parent} = IndexStyle(Parent)
Base.similar(u::TrixiMPIArray, ::Type{S}, dims::NTuple{N, Int}) where {S, N} = TrixiMPIArray(similar(parent(u), S, dims))
Base.axes(u::TrixiMPIArray) = axes(parent(u))

# Implementation of the strided array interface of Base
# See
Base.strides(u::TrixiMPIArray) = strides(parent(u))
Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{T}}, u::TrixiMPIArray{T}) where {T} = Base.unsafe_convert(Ptr{T}, parent(u))
Base.elsize(::Type{TrixiMPIArray{T, N, Parent}}) where {T, N, Parent} = elsize(Parent)

# TODO: MPI. Do we need customized broadcasting?
# See

# Implementation of methods from ArrayInterface.jl for use with
# LoopVectorization.jl etc.
# See
ArrayInterface.parent_type(::Type{TrixiMPIArray{T, N, Parent}}) where {T, N, Parent} = Parent

# TODO: MPI. Do we need LinearAlgebra methods such as `norm` or `dot`?

# `mapreduce` functionality from Base using global reductions via MPI communication
function Base.mapreduce(f::F, op::Op, u::TrixiMPIArray; kwargs...) where {F, Op}
local_value = mapreduce(f, op, parent(u); kwargs...)
return MPI.Allreduce(local_value, op, mpi_comm(u))

# TODO: MPI. Default settings of OrdinaryDiffEq etc.
# Interesting options could be
# See

# TODO: MPI. How shall we handle `length`? We want `TrixiMPIArray`s to behave
# like regular `Array`s in most code, e.g., for `eachindex` etc.
# However, we need to divide by the `length` of the global array
# for `ODE_DEFAULT_NORM`. We could specialize `ODE_DEFAULT_NORM`
# accordingly, but that requires depending on DiffEqBase (instead of
# SciMLBase). Alternatively, we could implement this via Requires.jl,
# but that will prevent precompilation and maybe trigger invalidations.
# Alternatively, we could specialize `length` to return a global
# length and make sure that all local behavior is still working as
# expected (if we use `eachindex` instead of `1:length` etc.).

end # module

using .TrixiMPIArrays

#= TODO: MPI. Delete development code and notes
# Simple serial test
julia> trixi_include("examples/tree_2d_dgsem/elixir_euler_ec.jl", tspan=(0.0, 10.0))
julia> sol = solve(ode, CarpenterKennedy2N54(williamson_condition=false), dt=1.0, ave_everystep=false, callback=callbacks); summary_callback()
Trixi.jl Time Allocations
─────────────────────── ────────────────────────
Tot / % measured: 5.42s / 90.8% 864MiB / 1.9%
Section ncalls time %tot avg alloc %tot avg
rhs! 4.24k 4.82s 97.8% 1.14ms 1.50MiB 8.9% 370B
volume integral 4.24k 3.96s 80.3% 934μs 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
interface flux 4.24k 540ms 11.0% 127μs 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
surface integral 4.24k 111ms 2.2% 26.1μs 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
prolong2interfaces 4.24k 109ms 2.2% 25.7μs 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
Jacobian 4.24k 45.6ms 0.9% 10.8μs 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
reset ∂u/∂t 4.24k 45.6ms 0.9% 10.8μs 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
~rhs!~ 4.24k 8.19ms 0.2% 1.93μs 1.50MiB 8.9% 370B
prolong2mortars 4.24k 282μs 0.0% 66.7ns 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
prolong2boundaries 4.24k 279μs 0.0% 66.0ns 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
mortar flux 4.24k 174μs 0.0% 41.1ns 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
boundary flux 4.24k 105μs 0.0% 24.8ns 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
source terms 4.24k 102μs 0.0% 24.1ns 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
calculate dt 848 51.6ms 1.0% 60.9μs 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
analyze solution 10 37.5ms 0.8% 3.75ms 160KiB 0.9% 16.0KiB
I/O 11 19.9ms 0.4% 1.81ms 15.1MiB 90.2% 1.38MiB
save solution 10 19.8ms 0.4% 1.98ms 15.1MiB 90.0% 1.51MiB
get element variables 10 83.5μs 0.0% 8.35μs 20.6KiB 0.1% 2.06KiB
~I/O~ 11 35.6μs 0.0% 3.24μs 7.20KiB 0.0% 671B
save mesh 10 912ns 0.0% 91.2ns 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
julia> mpi_ode = remake(ode, u0=Trixi.TrixiMPIArray(copy(ode.u0)));
julia> mpi_sol = solve(mpi_ode, CarpenterKennedy2N54(williamson_condition=false), dt=1.0, ave_everystep=false, callback=callbacks); summary_callback()
Trixi.jl Time Allocations
─────────────────────── ────────────────────────
Tot / % measured: 5.42s / 90.6% 863MiB / 1.8%
Section ncalls time %tot avg alloc %tot avg
rhs! 4.24k 4.81s 97.9% 1.13ms 9.33KiB 0.1% 2.25B
volume integral 4.24k 3.96s 80.6% 935μs 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
interface flux 4.24k 542ms 11.0% 128μs 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
prolong2interfaces 4.24k 106ms 2.2% 25.0μs 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
surface integral 4.24k 104ms 2.1% 24.7μs 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
reset ∂u/∂t 4.24k 44.6ms 0.9% 10.5μs 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
Jacobian 4.24k 43.4ms 0.9% 10.2μs 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
~rhs!~ 4.24k 7.10ms 0.1% 1.68μs 9.33KiB 0.1% 2.25B
prolong2boundaries 4.24k 271μs 0.0% 64.0ns 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
prolong2mortars 4.24k 242μs 0.0% 57.1ns 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
mortar flux 4.24k 188μs 0.0% 44.4ns 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
source terms 4.24k 83.7μs 0.0% 19.8ns 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
boundary flux 4.24k 74.8μs 0.0% 17.7ns 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
calculate dt 848 50.0ms 1.0% 58.9μs 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
analyze solution 10 36.7ms 0.7% 3.67ms 155KiB 1.0% 15.5KiB
I/O 11 18.6ms 0.4% 1.69ms 15.1MiB 98.9% 1.38MiB
save solution 10 18.4ms 0.4% 1.84ms 15.1MiB 98.8% 1.51MiB
get element variables 10 101μs 0.0% 10.1μs 22.2KiB 0.1% 2.22KiB
~I/O~ 11 22.6μs 0.0% 2.05μs 7.20KiB 0.0% 671B
save mesh 10 876ns 0.0% 87.6ns 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
julia> sol = solve(ode, RDPK3SpFSAL35(), abstol=1.0e-4, reltol=1.0e-4, save_everystep=false, callback=callbacks); summary_callback()
Trixi.jl Time Allocations
─────────────────────── ────────────────────────
Tot / % measured: 2.84s / 91.6% 12.1MiB / 82.8%
Section ncalls time %tot avg alloc %tot avg
rhs! 2.35k 2.34s 89.9% 995μs 853KiB 8.3% 372B
volume integral 2.35k 1.90s 73.1% 808μs 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
interface flux 2.35k 268ms 10.3% 114μs 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
prolong2interfaces 2.35k 59.3ms 2.3% 25.3μs 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
surface integral 2.35k 57.7ms 2.2% 24.6μs 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
Jacobian 2.35k 24.2ms 0.9% 10.3μs 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
reset ∂u/∂t 2.35k 23.5ms 0.9% 10.0μs 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
~rhs!~ 2.35k 4.44ms 0.2% 1.89μs 853KiB 8.3% 372B
prolong2mortars 2.35k 162μs 0.0% 69.0ns 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
prolong2boundaries 2.35k 159μs 0.0% 67.6ns 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
mortar flux 2.35k 102μs 0.0% 43.4ns 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
source terms 2.35k 46.2μs 0.0% 19.7ns 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
boundary flux 2.35k 42.5μs 0.0% 18.1ns 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
I/O 7 240ms 9.2% 34.3ms 9.08MiB 90.7% 1.30MiB
save solution 6 240ms 9.2% 40.0ms 9.06MiB 90.6% 1.51MiB
get element variables 6 61.1μs 0.0% 10.2μs 12.4KiB 0.1% 2.06KiB
~I/O~ 7 15.1μs 0.0% 2.15μs 5.20KiB 0.1% 761B
save mesh 6 499ns 0.0% 83.2ns 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
analyze solution 6 22.1ms 0.9% 3.68ms 96.3KiB 0.9% 16.0KiB
julia> mpi_sol = solve(mpi_ode, RDPK3SpFSAL35(), abstol=1.0e-4, reltol=1.0e-4, save_everystep=false, callback=callbacks); summary_callback()
Trixi.jl Time Allocations
─────────────────────── ────────────────────────
Tot / % measured: 2.88s / 89.3% 11.4MiB / 80.7%
Section ncalls time %tot avg alloc %tot avg
rhs! 2.35k 2.54s 98.7% 1.08ms 9.33KiB 0.1% 4.07B
volume integral 2.35k 2.06s 80.3% 878μs 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
interface flux 2.35k 289ms 11.3% 123μs 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
surface integral 2.35k 64.4ms 2.5% 27.4μs 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
prolong2interfaces 2.35k 63.1ms 2.5% 26.9μs 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
Jacobian 2.35k 26.1ms 1.0% 11.1μs 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
reset ∂u/∂t 2.35k 25.6ms 1.0% 10.9μs 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
~rhs!~ 2.35k 4.74ms 0.2% 2.02μs 9.33KiB 0.1% 4.07B
prolong2mortars 2.35k 166μs 0.0% 70.6ns 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
prolong2boundaries 2.35k 151μs 0.0% 64.2ns 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
mortar flux 2.35k 101μs 0.0% 43.0ns 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
source terms 2.35k 49.5μs 0.0% 21.1ns 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
boundary flux 2.35k 45.3μs 0.0% 19.3ns 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B
analyze solution 6 21.7ms 0.8% 3.62ms 94.1KiB 1.0% 15.7KiB
I/O 7 11.1ms 0.4% 1.58ms 9.08MiB 98.9% 1.30MiB
save solution 6 10.9ms 0.4% 1.82ms 9.06MiB 98.7% 1.51MiB
get element variables 6 117μs 0.0% 19.6μs 13.3KiB 0.1% 2.22KiB
~I/O~ 7 17.8μs 0.0% 2.54μs 5.20KiB 0.1% 761B
save mesh 6 826ns 0.0% 138ns 0.00B 0.0% 0.00B

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