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Experiments with ACE containers and CPU boost during startup.


ACE containers often require more CPU during startup than they do during steady-state operation, but Kubernetes has historically insisted that CPU limits remaing fixed for the lifetime of a container. As IBM container licensing (which includes ACE) is based on CPU limits, ACE containers can either be configured with adequate CPU for startup (resulting in higher licensing cost) or limits based on steady-state CPU usage (which results in slow startup times).

This issue is not unique to ACE, and an Alpha feature called In-place Resource Resize for Kubernetes Pods has recently added to Kubernetes to provide a way around this by allowing CPU limits to be changed (and take effect) while a pod is running. The pod definition can be updated directly via API calls, but Google have also created a Kube Startup CPU Boost operator that will automatically boost CPU limits during startup (before the container is ready) and then restore the original limits once the container becomes ready.

The operator works well with ACE containers from a technical standpoint (startup is indeed faster, and limits are restored) but there is a potential issue with licensing due to the time interval between the container becoming ready and the CPU limits being adjusted downwards: if the license service detects the running container is ready before the CPU has been changed down, then it will record the higher (startup) CPU limit for the container. This is not a defect with the license service (limits have up until now been fixed for the lifetime of the container) but could be problematic for ACE customers, and this repo shows a way to avoid the timing window.

Note that this repo depends on an Alpha feature in Kubernetes and the Google operator is similarly unsupported, but the technical possiblities are clearly promising. Customers interested in this approach should raise an AHA idea to communicate with IBM product management.

This repo has been tested with Minikube v1.32.0 with --feature-gates=InPlacePodVerticalScaling=true to validate the approach; the ACE server has nothing deployed as this demo is intended to docus on startup time.

ACE solution

Closing the timing window requires the "Ready" condition for the pod to be false until the CPU settings have been changed and taken effect, and achieving this requires several additional pieces for the solution:

  • A "readiness gate" that ensures the pod only becomes officially "Ready" when an application-controlled condition is met.
  • In order to know when to change the readiness gate, there needs to be a way to check if the CPU limits have been changed down, and so a script is needed to poll /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu.max to wait for it to reflect the lower values and then call a Kubernetes API to set the readiness gate to true.
  • The Kube Startup CPU Boost operator must be told to check for the "ContainersReady" condition to be true rather than the more-usual "Ready" condition. This will cause the operator to change the CPU back down to the normal level when the pod containers are ready without requiring the whole pod be marked as ready (which would trigger the license service).

Putting those pieces together gives the following sequence:


The license service will only ready the CPU limits for the pod when the "Ready" condition is true (the bottom-right green segment) and by that time the CPU limits will have been changed back down to the normal level. In this way the container can start quickly but only use the minimum required CPU when actually processing messages.

This solution does require the pod service account to be able to PATCH the pod status, but does not require it to be able to patch the pod definition itself; as permissions are granted on a per-namespace basis, giving the pod permission to patch itself would also grant it permissions to patch any other pod in the namespace. Patching the status for other pods has much less potential for mischief than being able to patch the pods themselves.


Readiness gate

Creating the gate requires the pod yaml to specify

    - conditionType: "CPUChangeCondition"

at which point the pod will not become ready until a condition of that type is marked true. Until that point, the pod will not be ready and the status will show ReadinessGatesNotReady - corresponding condition of pod readiness gate "CPUChangeCondition" does not exist.

CPU script

The script is started from the ENTRYPOINT for the container and checks /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu.max to see if it matches the expected (lower) CPU values provided in the EXPECTEDCPU environment variable (which must match the actual CPU limits). When it detects a match, it uses curl to set the readiness gate to true:

curl -v -k -X PATCH -H 'content-type: application/strategic-merge-patch+json' 
--data '{ "status": { "conditions": [ { "type": "CPUChangeCondition", "status": "True" } ] } }' 
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" ${APISERVER}/api/v1/namespaces/ace-demo/pods/ace-burst-test/status

Operator configuration

The Kube Startup CPU Boost operator must be told to check for ContainersReady in the configuration YAML as follows

      type: ContainersReady
      status: "True"

as this will cause it to lower the CPU value once port 7600 becomes active.

Service account configuration

The pod service account must have permission to set the readiness gate to true using PATCH, but does not require any other permissions:

- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: ["pods/status"]
  verbs: ["patch"]

Other possibilities

  • The pod could be given permission to patch itself, at which point it could set the CPU up in an ENTRYPOINT script and then down again once startup had completed. This would still require a readiness gate unless the ACE product is changed to provide a startup script option that would be invoked just before the flows are started (and port 7600 becomes live) so the CPU can be lowered before the pod becomes ready.
  • The ACE operator could be modified so it sets the CPU values (instead of using the Google operator) and then also sets the readiness gate. This would eliminate the need for the pod to have any PATCH permissions.


Using InPlacePodVerticalScaling with ACE







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