- make a clean directory to start work
cd nobackup
mkdir SUEPs
cd SUEPs
git clone https://github.com/kdipetri/SUEP_Analysis.git
- install fastjet in SUEPs directory, following these directions http://fastjet.fr/quickstart.html
cd SUEP_Analysis
source setup.sh
- A C++ event loop is used to make histograms
- There are helper scripts to make histograms, pack structures for physics objects, etc
- FastJet is included to make fatjets from tracks in Root/jetStudies.C
- The event loop lives in Root/doHistos.C
source compile.sh
source run.sh
- Some examples of how to make plots with signal shape comparisons or event displays can be found in utils
python util/make_plots.py
python util/make_displays.py
- Be sure to make output, plot directories to store output histograms and output plots
- Double check location of rootfiles
eosls /store/user/kdipetri/SUEP/Production_v0.0/2018/merged_NTUP
- There are 12 signal points, and each sample has 10k events
- There are three decay scenarios and 4 scalar masses
- Let's focus on the “generic” decay scenario first
- scalar pdgId = 25
- dark meson pdgId = 999999
- dark photon pdgId = 999998