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rewrite name part recognitions
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banacorn committed Jun 1, 2018
1 parent 2d76e0a commit a7b00f4
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Showing 6 changed files with 14,242 additions and 16,316 deletions.
320 changes: 320 additions & 0 deletions agda-lexer.x
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-deprecated-flags #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-tabs #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

{-| The lexer is generated by Alex (<>) and is an
adaptation of GHC's lexer. The main lexing function 'lexer' is called by
the "Agda.Syntax.Parser.Parser" to get the next token from the input.
module Agda.Syntax.Parser.Lexer
( -- * The main function
-- * Lex states
, normal, code
, layout, empty_layout, bol, imp_dir
-- * Alex generated functions
, AlexReturn(..), alexScanUser
) where
import Agda.Syntax.Parser.Alex
import Agda.Syntax.Parser.Comments
#ifndef __HADDOCK__
import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.Syntax.Parser.Layout
import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.Syntax.Parser.LexActions
import Agda.Syntax.Parser.Monad
import Agda.Syntax.Parser.StringLiterals
import Agda.Syntax.Parser.Tokens
import Agda.Syntax.Literal
-- Unicode is not handled by the following regular expressions.
-- Instead, unicode characters are translated to 7-bit ASCII
-- by Agda.Syntax.Parser.LexActions.foolAlex in a preprocessing pass.
$digit = 0-9
$hexdigit = [ $digit a-f A-F ]
$alpha = [ A-Z a-z _ ]
$op = [ \- \! \# \$ \% \& \* \+ \/ \< \= \> \^ \| \~ \? \` \[ \] \, \: ]
$idstart = [ $digit $alpha $op ]
$idchar = [ $idstart ' \\ ]
$nonalpha = $idchar # $alpha
$nonalphanum = $nonalpha # $digit
$white_notab = $white # \t
$white_nonl = $white_notab # \n

@number = $digit+ | "0x" $hexdigit+
@integer = [\-]? @number
@exponent = [eE] [\-\+]? @number
@float = @integer \. @number @exponent? | @number @exponent

-- A name can't start with \x (to allow \x -> x).
-- Bug in alex: [ _ op ]+ doesn't seem to work!
@start = ($idstart # [_]) | \\ [ $nonalpha ]
@ident = @start $idchar* | [_] $idchar+

@namespace = (@ident \.)*
@q_ident = @namespace @ident

tokens :-

-- White space
$white_nonl+ ;

<pragma_,fpragma_> $white_notab ;

-- Pragmas
<0,code,pragma_> "{-#" { beginWith pragma $ symbol SymOpenPragma }
<fpragma_> "{-#" { beginWith fpragma $ symbol SymOpenPragma }
<pragma_,fpragma_> "#-}" { endWith $ symbol SymClosePragma }
<pragma_> "BUILTIN" { keyword KwBUILTIN }
<pragma_> "CATCHALL" { keyword KwCATCHALL }
<pragma_> "COMPILED" { keyword KwCOMPILED }
<pragma_> "COMPILED_DATA" { keyword KwCOMPILED_DATA }
<pragma_> "COMPILED_JS" { keyword KwCOMPILED_JS }
<pragma_> "COMPILED_TYPE" { keyword KwCOMPILED_TYPE }
<pragma_> "COMPILED_UHC" { keyword KwCOMPILED_UHC }
<pragma_> "COMPILE" { endWith $ beginWith fpragma $ keyword KwCOMPILE }
<pragma_> "FOREIGN" { endWith $ beginWith fpragma $ keyword KwFOREIGN }
<pragma_> "DISPLAY" { keyword KwDISPLAY }
<pragma_> "ETA" { keyword KwETA }
<pragma_> "HASKELL" { endWith $ beginWith fpragma $ keyword KwHASKELL }
<pragma_> "IMPORT" { keyword KwIMPORT }
<pragma_> "IMPORT_UHC" { keyword KwIMPORT_UHC }
<pragma_> "IMPOSSIBLE" { keyword KwIMPOSSIBLE }
<pragma_> "INJECTIVE" { keyword KwINJECTIVE }
<pragma_> "INLINE" { keyword KwINLINE }
<pragma_> "NOINLINE" { keyword KwNOINLINE }
<pragma_> "LINE" { keyword KwLINE }
<pragma_> "MEASURE" { keyword KwMEASURE }
<pragma_> "OPTIONS" { keyword KwOPTIONS }
<pragma_> "POLARITY" { keyword KwPOLARITY }
<pragma_> "REWRITE" { keyword KwREWRITE }
<pragma_> "STATIC" { keyword KwSTATIC }
<pragma_> "TERMINATING" { keyword KwTERMINATING }
<pragma_> "WARNING_ON_USAGE" { keyword KwWARNING_ON_USAGE }
<pragma_> . # [ $white \" ] + { withInterval $ TokString } -- we recognise string literals in pragmas
<fpragma_> . # [ $white ] + { withInterval $ TokString }
-- Comments
-- We need to rule out pragmas here. Usually longest match would take
-- precedence, but in some states pragmas aren't valid but comments are.
"{-" / { not' (followedBy '#') } { nestedComment }
-- A misplaced end-comment, like in @f {x-} = x-@ gives a parse error.
"-}" { symbol SymEndComment }
@ident "-}" { symbol SymEndComment }
-- Dashes followed by a name symbol should be parsed as a name.
"--" .* / { keepComments .&&. (followedBy '\n' .||. eof) }
{ withInterval TokComment }
"--" .* / { followedBy '\n' .||. eof } ;
-- We need to check the offside rule for the first token on each line. We
-- should not check the offside rule for the end of file token or an
-- '\end{code}'
<0,code,imp_dir_> \n { begin bol_ }
\n ;
-- ^ \\ "end{code}" { end }
() / { not' eof } { offsideRule }
-- After a layout keyword there is either an open brace (no layout) or the
-- indentation of the first token decides the column of the layout block.
{ \n ;
-- \{ { endWith openBrace }
() { endWith newLayoutContext }
-- The only rule for the empty_layout state. Generates a close brace.
<empty_layout_> () { emptyLayout }
-- Keywords
<0,code> let { keyword KwLet }
<0,code> in { keyword KwIn }
<0,code> where { keyword KwWhere }
<0,code> do { keyword KwDo }
<0,code> field { keyword KwField }
<0,code> with { keyword KwWith }
<0,code> rewrite { keyword KwRewrite }
<0,code> postulate { keyword KwPostulate }
<0,code> primitive { keyword KwPrimitive }
<0,code> open { keyword KwOpen }
<0,code> import { keyword KwImport }
<0,code> module { keyword KwModule }
<0,code> data { keyword KwData }
<0,code> codata { keyword KwCoData }
<0,code> record { keyword KwRecord }
<0,code> constructor { keyword KwConstructor }
<0,code> inductive { keyword KwInductive }
<0,code> coinductive { keyword KwCoInductive }
<0,code> "eta-equality" { keyword KwEta }
<0,code> "no-eta-equality" { keyword KwNoEta }
<0,code> infix { keyword KwInfix }
<0,code> infixl { keyword KwInfixL }
<0,code> infixr { keyword KwInfixR }
<0,code> mutual { keyword KwMutual }
<0,code> abstract { keyword KwAbstract }
<0,code> private { keyword KwPrivate }
<0,code> instance { keyword KwInstance }
<0,code> overlap { keyword KwOverlap }
<0,code> macro { keyword KwMacro }
<0,code> Set { keyword KwSet }
<0,code> Prop { keyword KwProp }
<0,code> forall { keyword KwForall }
<0,code> Set @number { withInterval' (read . drop 3) TokSetN }
<0,code> Prop @number { withInterval' (read . drop 4) TokPropN }
<0,code> quoteGoal { keyword KwQuoteGoal }
<0,code> quoteContext { keyword KwQuoteContext }
<0,code> quote { keyword KwQuote }
<0,code> quoteTerm { keyword KwQuoteTerm }
<0,code> unquote { keyword KwUnquote }
<0,code> unquoteDecl { keyword KwUnquoteDecl }
<0,code> unquoteDef { keyword KwUnquoteDef }
<0,code> tactic { keyword KwTactic }
<0,code> syntax { keyword KwSyntax }
<0,code> pattern { keyword KwPatternSyn }
-- The parser is responsible to put the lexer in the imp_dir_ state when it
-- expects an import directive keyword. This means that if you run the
-- tokensParser you will never see these keywords.
<0,code> using { keyword KwUsing }
<0,code> hiding { keyword KwHiding }
<0,code> renaming { keyword KwRenaming }
<imp_dir_> to { endWith $ keyword KwTo }
<0,code> public { keyword KwPublic }
-- Holes
<0,code> "{!" { hole }
-- Special symbols
<0,code> "..." { symbol SymEllipsis }
<0,code> ".." { symbol SymDotDot }
<0,code> "." { symbol SymDot }
<0,code> ";" { symbol SymSemi }
<0,code> ":" { symbol SymColon }
<0,code> "=" { symbol SymEqual }
<0,code> "_" { symbol SymUnderscore }
<0,code> "?" { symbol SymQuestionMark }
<0,code> "|" { symbol SymBar }
<0,code> "(|" /[$white] { symbol SymOpenIdiomBracket }
<0,code> "|)" { symbol SymCloseIdiomBracket }
<0,code> "(" { symbol SymOpenParen }
<0,code> ")" { symbol SymCloseParen }
<0,code> "->" { symbol SymArrow }
<0,code> "\" { symbol SymLambda } -- "
<0,code> "@" { symbol SymAs }
<0,code> "{{" /[^!] { symbol SymDoubleOpenBrace }
-- We don't lex '}}' into a SymDoubleCloseBrace. Instead, we lex it as
-- two SymCloseBrace's. When the parser is looking for a double
-- closing brace, it will also accept two SymCloseBrace's, after
-- verifying that they are immediately next to each other.
-- This trick allows us to keep "record { a = record {}}" working
-- properly.
-- <0,code> "}}" { symbol SymDoubleCloseBrace }
<0,code> "{" { symbol SymOpenBrace } -- you can't use braces for layout
<0,code> "}" { symbol SymCloseBrace }

-- Literals
<0,code> \' { litChar }
<0,code,pragma_> \" { litString }
<0,code> @integer { literal LitNat }
<0,code> @float { literal LitFloat }
-- Identifiers
<0,code,imp_dir_> @q_ident { identifier }
-- Andreas, 2013-02-21, added identifiers to the 'imp_dir_' state.
-- This is to fix issue 782: 'toz' should not be lexed as 'to'
-- (followed by 'z' after leaving imp_dir_).
-- With identifiers in state imp_dir_, 'toz' should be lexed as
-- identifier 'toz' in imp_dir_ state, leading to a parse error later.
-- | This is the initial state for parsing a regular, non-literate file.
normal :: LexState
normal = 0
{-| The layout state. Entered when we see a layout keyword ('withLayout') and
exited either when seeing an open brace ('openBrace') or at the next token
Update: we don't use braces for layout anymore.
layout :: LexState
layout = layout_

{-| The state inside a pragma.
pragma :: LexState
pragma = pragma_

-- | The state inside a FOREIGN pragma. This needs to be different so that we don't
-- lex further strings as pragma keywords.
fpragma :: LexState
fpragma = fpragma_
{-| We enter this state from 'newLayoutContext' when the token following a
layout keyword is to the left of (or at the same column as) the current
layout context. Example:
> data Empty : Set where
> foo : Empty -> Nat
Here the second line is not part of the @where@ clause since it is has the
same indentation as the @data@ definition. What we have to do is insert an
empty layout block @{}@ after the @where@. The only thing that can happen
in this state is that 'emptyLayout' is executed, generating the closing
brace. The open brace is generated when entering by 'newLayoutContext'.
empty_layout :: LexState
empty_layout = empty_layout_
-- | This state is entered at the beginning of each line. You can't lex
-- anything in this state, and to exit you have to check the layout rule.
-- Done with 'offsideRule'.
bol :: LexState
bol = bol_

-- | This state can only be entered by the parser. In this state you can only
-- lex the keywords @using@, @hiding@, @renaming@ and @to@. Moreover they are
-- only keywords in this particular state. The lexer will never enter this
-- state by itself, that has to be done in the parser.
imp_dir :: LexState
imp_dir = imp_dir_

-- | Return the next token. This is the function used by Happy in the parser.
-- @lexer k = 'lexToken' >>= k@
lexer :: (Token -> Parser a) -> Parser a
lexer k = lexToken >>= k

-- | Do not use this function; it sets the 'ParseFlags' to
-- 'undefined'.
alexScan :: AlexInput -> Int -> AlexReturn (LexAction Token)

-- | This is the main lexing function generated by Alex.
alexScanUser :: ([LexState], ParseFlags) -> AlexInput -> Int -> AlexReturn (LexAction Token)

4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions corpus/expression/record.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ f = record { fst = 2; snd = 3 }
(lhs (atom (qualified_name)))
(rhs (expr (atom
(field_assignment (qualified_name) (expr (atom (literal (int)))))
(field_assignment (qualified_name) (expr (atom (literal (int))))))))))
(field_assignment (qualified_name) (expr (atom (literal))))
(field_assignment (qualified_name) (expr (atom (literal)))))))))

Building records from modules
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions corpus/infix.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,6 @@ infixr 5 _-_ _-_

(infix (int) (name))
(infix (int) (name))
(infix (int) (name) (name)))
(infix (integer) (name))
(infix (integer) (name))
(infix (integer) (name) (name)))

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