Lightweight UITests framework based on XCTest to help you write and maintain UITests quickly and easily with well organised code structure.
- Add
git ""
to your Cartfile. - Run
carthage update
to fetch & build. Append--platform iOS
if only iOS build is needed.
- Build settings: in Runpath Search Paths add
to tell linker where to find frameworks. - Build phases: drag and drop TWUITests and Swifter frameworks in Link binaries and frameworks phase. Frameworks are in
. - Info plist file: add
App Transport Security Settings
dictionary and key-valueNSAllowsLocalNetworking
to allow loading of local resources.
- Create Configuration class to hold parameters and initial API stubs.
- Create project specific parameters to be injected into main app.
- Create API stubs structure.
- Tip: use template to generate UITests code. Add template to Xcode by running script (in
Xcode Templates
Server API local responses should be kept at path: LIBRARY_DIR + "/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/" + DEVICE_ID + "/data/Library/Caches/ApiStubs/"
Tip: have a script to copy stubs to required destination in build phase. Python script example can be found here.
Working example project can be found here.
final class LoginUITests: UITestCase {
func testSomething() {
start(using: Configuration())
final class LoginStep: UITestBase, Step {
private lazy var loginPage = LoginPage(app: app)
func tapSomeButton() -> Self {
return self
// MARK: - Validation
extension LoginStep {
func loginPageIsVisible() {
final class LoginPage: UITestBase, Page {
var someView: XCUIElement {
return app.otherElements[LoginAccessibilityIndetifiers.View.some]
var someButton: XCUIElement {
return app.buttons[LoginAccessibilityIndetifiers.Button.some]
Ignas Urbonas - [email protected]
Marius Kažemėkaitis - [email protected]
The contents of this repository is licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0.