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Fmt: optimize fmt for let_binder, exps, if_stmt
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trdthg committed Jul 24, 2024
1 parent 561df10 commit f03a08a
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Showing 9 changed files with 853 additions and 60 deletions.
11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -354,7 +354,14 @@ let rec prerr_chunk indent = function
Queue.iter (prerr_chunk (indent ^ " ")) arg
[("vars", ex.vars); ("constr", ex.constr); ("typ", ex.typ)]
| Binder _ -> ()
| Binder (binder, x, y, z) ->
Printf.eprintf "%sBinder:%s\n" indent (binder_keyword binder);
(fun i arg ->
Printf.eprintf "%s %d:\n" indent i;
Queue.iter (prerr_chunk (indent ^ " ")) arg
[x; y; z]
| Block_binder (binder, binding, exp) ->
Printf.eprintf "%sBlock_binder:%s\n" indent (binder_keyword binder);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -733,6 +740,7 @@ let rec chunk_pat comments chunks (P_aux (aux, l)) =
| P_attribute (attr, arg, pat) ->
Queue.add (Atom (Ast_util.string_of_attribute attr arg)) chunks;
Queue.add (Spacer (false, 1)) chunks;
(* TODO: may pop_comment here *)
chunk_pat comments chunks pat

type block_exp = Block_exp of exp | Block_let of letbind | Block_var of exp * exp
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -909,6 +917,7 @@ let rec chunk_exp comments chunks (E_aux (aux, l)) =
Queue.add (Block (true, block_chunks)) chunks
| (E_let (LB_aux (LB_val (pat, exp), _), body) | E_internal_plet (pat, exp, body)) as binder ->
(* there need a way to find position of '=' *)
let binder =
match binder with
| E_let _ -> Let_binder
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235 changes: 189 additions & 46 deletions src/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,7 +77,28 @@ let rec map_last f = function
let x = f false x in
x :: map_last f xs

let line_comment_opt = function Comment (Lexer.Comment_line, _, _, contents, _trailing) -> Some contents | _ -> None
let is_comment chunk = match chunk with Comment (_, _, _, _, _) | Doc_comment _ -> true | _ -> false
let is_block chunk = match chunk with Block (_, _) -> true | _ -> false
let is_match chunk = match chunk with Match _ -> true | _ -> false
let is_let chunk = match chunk with Binder (_, _, _, _) -> true | _ -> false
let is_delta chunk = match chunk with Delim _ | Opt_delim _ -> true | _ -> false

let rec function_with_only_one_rule ?(ignore_rule = is_delta) chunks target_rule =
let rec go chunks target_count other_count =
match chunks with
| [] -> (target_count, other_count)
| hd :: tl ->
let target_count, other_count =
if target_rule hd then (target_count + 1, other_count)
else if ignore_rule hd then (target_count, other_count)
else (target_count, other_count + 1)
go tl target_count other_count
let target, other = go chunks 0 0 in
target = 1 && other = 0

let rec chunks_one_block_like chunks = function_with_only_one_rule chunks (fun chunk -> is_block chunk || is_match chunk)

(* Remove additional (> 1) trailing newlines at the end of a string *)
let discard_extra_trailing_newlines s =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -212,6 +233,15 @@ module PPrintWrapper = struct

let surround n b opening contents closing = opening ^^ Nest (n, break b ^^ contents) ^^ break b ^^ closing

let surround_hardline h n b opening contents closing =
let b = if h then hardline else break b in
group (opening ^^ nest n (b ^^ contents) ^^ b ^^ closing)

let group_indent n doc = group (nest n doc)
let prefix_hardline h n b contents =
let b = if h then hardline else break b in
group (nest n (b ^^ contents))

let repeat n doc =
let rec go n acc = if n = 0 then acc else go (n - 1) (doc ^^ acc) in
go n empty
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -378,10 +408,6 @@ let softline = break 0
let prefix_parens n x y =
x ^^ ifflat space (space ^^ char '(') ^^ nest n (softline ^^ y) ^^ softline ^^ ifflat empty (char ')')

let surround_hardline h n b opening contents closing =
let b = if h then hardline else break b in
group (opening ^^ nest n (b ^^ contents) ^^ b ^^ closing)

type config = { indent : int; preserve_structure : bool; line_width : int; ribbon_width : float }

let default_config = { indent = 4; preserve_structure = false; line_width = 120; ribbon_width = 1. }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -440,31 +466,67 @@ module type CONFIG = sig
val config : config

let rec can_chunks_list_wrap cqs =
type chunk_wrap_opt = { nest : int; in_braces : bool }
let nest_add opt = { opt with nest = opt.nest + 1 }
let in_braces opt = { opt with in_braces = true }

let rec can_chunks_list_wrap ?(opt = { nest = 0; in_braces = false }) cqs =
match cqs with
| [] -> true
| [cq] -> (
let count = ref 0 in
match List.of_seq (Queue.to_seq cq) with
| [] -> true
| [c] -> (
| [c] ->
(* if deep > 0, then not wrap
* i.e.
* - foo(a, bar(a, b))
let can_wrap_nested =
match c with
| Atom _ | String_literal _ | Delim _ | Opt_delim _ -> true
| Block (_, exps) -> can_chunks_list_wrap ~opt exps
| _ -> false
if not can_wrap_nested then count := !count + 1;
if opt.nest > 0 && !count > 1 && not can_wrap_nested then false
else (
match c with
(* Atom *)
| Atom _ | String_literal _ -> true
(* unit => (), *)
| Delim _ | Opt_delim _ -> true (* Xs[unsigned(r)], *)
| App (id, chunks) -> can_chunks_list_wrap ~opt:(opt |> nest_add) chunks
(* (v128 >> shift)[64..0] *)
| Binary (x, op, y) -> can_chunks_list_wrap ~opt [x] && can_chunks_list_wrap ~opt [y]
(* if regval[31..16] then *)
| Index (exp, ix) -> can_chunks_list_wrap ~opt:(opt |> in_braces) [exp] && can_chunks_list_wrap ~opt [ix]
(* if (a > 1) then {1} else {2} *)
| If_then_else (_, i, t, e) ->
can_chunks_list_wrap ~opt [i] && can_chunks_list_wrap ~opt [t] && can_chunks_list_wrap ~opt [e]
(* {{{ Atom }}} *)
| Block (_, exps) -> can_chunks_list_wrap ~opt:(opt |> in_braces) exps
(* case => (), // comment *)
(* then 2 // comment *)
| Comment (_, _, _, _, trailing) -> (not opt.in_braces) && trailing
| _ -> false
| c :: cq -> (
match c with
(* Atom is ok *)
| Atom _ -> true
(* {{{ Atom }}} is ok *)
| Block (_, exps) -> can_chunks_list_wrap exps
| If_then_else (_, i, t, e) -> can_chunks_list_wrap [t; e]
| _ -> false
| Comment (_, _, _, _, _) -> false
| _ ->
can_chunks_list_wrap ~opt [Queue.of_seq (List.to_seq [c])]
&& can_chunks_list_wrap ~opt [Queue.of_seq (List.to_seq cq)]
| c :: cq ->
can_chunks_list_wrap [Queue.of_seq (List.to_seq [c])] && can_chunks_list_wrap [Queue.of_seq (List.to_seq cq)]
| cq :: cqs -> can_chunks_list_wrap [cq] && can_chunks_list_wrap cqs
| cq :: cqs -> can_chunks_list_wrap ~opt [cq] && can_chunks_list_wrap ~opt cqs

module Make (Config : CONFIG) = struct
let indent = Config.config.indent
let preserve_structure = Config.config.preserve_structure

let rec doc_chunk ?(ungroup_tuple = false) ?(toplevel = false) opts = function
let rec doc_chunk ?(ungroup_tuple = false) ?(toplevel = false) ?(wrap = true)
?(force_block_comment_end_with_hardline = false) opts = function
| Atom s -> string s
| Chunks chunks -> doc_chunks opts chunks
| Delim s -> string s ^^ space
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -509,7 +571,7 @@ module Make (Config : CONFIG) = struct
let doc =
infix indent spacing (string op)
(doc_chunks (opts |> lhs_prec |> expression_like) lhs)
(doc_chunks (opts |> rhs_prec |> expression_like) rhs)
(doc_chunks ~force_block_comment_end_with_hardline:true (opts |> rhs_prec |> expression_like) rhs)
if outer_prec > opts.precedence then parens doc else doc
| Ternary (x, op1, y, op2, z) ->
Expand All @@ -526,16 +588,53 @@ module Make (Config : CONFIG) = struct
if outer_prec > opts.precedence then parens doc else doc
| If_then_else (bracing, i, t, e) ->
let insert_braces = opts.statement || bracing.then_brace || bracing.else_brace in
let i = doc_chunks (opts |> nonatomic |> expression_like) i in
let t =
if insert_braces && (not preserve_structure) && not bracing.then_brace then doc_chunk opts (Block (true, [t]))
else doc_chunks (opts |> nonatomic |> expression_like) t
let i_doc, i_wrap = doc_chunks_exps (opts |> nonatomic |> expression_like) i in
let t_wrap = can_chunks_list_wrap [t] in
let e_wrap = can_chunks_list_wrap [e] in
(* if any one can't wrap, then all should expand
{ 3 }
will expand to
let wrap = i_wrap && t_wrap && e_wrap in
let t_doc, t_wrap =
if insert_braces && (not preserve_structure) && not bracing.then_brace then
(doc_chunk opts (Block (true, [t])), false)
else doc_chunks_exps ~wrap (opts |> nonatomic |> expression_like) t
let e =
if insert_braces && (not preserve_structure) && not bracing.else_brace then doc_chunk opts (Block (true, [e]))
else doc_chunks (opts |> nonatomic |> expression_like) e
let e_doc, e_wrap =
if insert_braces && (not preserve_structure) && not bracing.else_brace then
(doc_chunk opts (Block (true, [e])), false)
else doc_chunks_exps ~wrap (opts |> nonatomic |> expression_like) e
separate space [string "if"; i; string "then"; t; string "else"; e] |> atomic_parens opts
let doc_i = separate space [string "if"; i_doc] in
let doc_t = separate space [string "then"; t_doc] in
let doc_e = separate space [string "else"; e_doc] in
let sep is_wrap = if is_wrap then space else hardline in
(* add hardline or space
* - if_stmt:
let a = 1 in
then {
// comment
} else {
- i has no braces, use hardline
- t has braces, use space
- e force to expand
if wrap then doc_i ^^ sep i_wrap ^^ doc_t ^^ space ^^ doc_e |> atomic_parens opts
else doc_i ^^ sep i_wrap ^^ doc_t ^^ sep t_wrap ^^ doc_e |> atomic_parens opts
| If_then (bracing, i, t) ->
let i = doc_chunks (opts |> nonatomic |> expression_like) i in
let t =
Expand All @@ -552,9 +651,10 @@ module Make (Config : CONFIG) = struct
(char ']')
|> atomic_parens opts
| Index (exp, ix) ->
let exp_doc = doc_chunks (opts |> atomic |> expression_like) exp in
let ix_doc = doc_chunks (opts |> nonatomic |> expression_like) ix in
exp_doc ^^ surround indent 0 (char '[') ix_doc (char ']') |> subatomic_parens opts
let exp_doc, exp_wrap = doc_chunks_exps (opts |> atomic |> expression_like) exp in
let exp_doc = group (empty ^^ nest indent exp_doc ^^ empty) in
let ix_doc = doc_chunks_wrapped (opts |> nonatomic |> expression_like) ix in
exp_doc ^^ char '[' ^^ ix_doc ^^ char ']' |> subatomic_parens opts
| Exists ex ->
let ex_doc =
doc_chunks (atomic opts) ex.vars
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -599,7 +699,9 @@ module Make (Config : CONFIG) = struct
by forcing exp on a newline if the comment contains linebreaks
match block_comment_lines col contents with
| [l] -> blank n ^^ string "/*" ^^ l ^^ string "*/" ^^ space
| [l] ->
let end_of_comment = if force_block_comment_end_with_hardline then require_hardline else space in
blank n ^^ string "/*" ^^ l ^^ string "*/" ^^ end_of_comment
| ls -> blank n ^^ group (align (string "/*" ^^ separate hardline ls ^^ string "*/")) ^^ require_hardline
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -657,7 +759,9 @@ module Make (Config : CONFIG) = struct
| Pragma (pragma, arg) -> char '$' ^^ string pragma ^^ space ^^ string arg ^^ hardline
| Block (always_hardline, exps) ->
let always_hardline =
match exps with [x] -> if can_chunks_list_wrap exps then false else always_hardline | _ -> always_hardline
match exps with
| [x] -> if not wrap then true else if can_chunks_list_wrap exps then false else always_hardline
| _ -> always_hardline
let exps =
Expand All @@ -673,19 +777,17 @@ module Make (Config : CONFIG) = struct
[string (binder_keyword binder); doc_chunks (atomic opts) x; char '='; doc_chunks (nonatomic opts) y]
separate space [string (binder_keyword binder); doc_chunks (atomic opts) x; char '=']
^^ nest 4 (hardline ^^ doc_chunks (nonatomic opts) y)
^^ nest indent (hardline ^^ doc_chunks (nonatomic opts) y)
| Binder (binder, x, y, z) ->
prefix indent 1
(separate space
string (binder_keyword binder);
doc_chunks (atomic opts) x;
char '=';
doc_chunks (nonatomic opts) y;
string "in";
let x, _ = doc_chunks_exps (atomic opts) x in
let y, _ = doc_chunks_exps (atomic opts) y in
let doc = separate space [string (binder_keyword binder); x; char '='; y; string "in"; hardline] in
(fun acc chunk ->
let doc = doc_chunk ~force_block_comment_end_with_hardline:true opts chunk in
acc ^^ doc
(doc_chunks (nonatomic opts) z)
doc z
| Match m ->
let kw1, kw2 = match_keywords m.kind in
string kw1 ^^ space
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -732,9 +834,46 @@ module Make (Config : CONFIG) = struct
| Field (exp, id) -> doc_chunks (subatomic opts) exp ^^ char '.' ^^ doc_id id
| Raw str -> separate hardline (lines str)

(* Format chunks in [chunks], add prefix if can't wrap *)
(* 1. wrapped
[if cond then x else y]
(* 2. expanded
let a = 1 in
and doc_chunks_wrapped ?(ungroup_tuple = false) ?(force_hardline = false) opts chunks =
let doc = Queue.fold (fun doc chunk -> doc ^^ doc_chunk ~ungroup_tuple opts chunk) empty chunks in
let wrapped = can_chunks_list_wrap [chunks] in
if wrapped then doc else surround_hardline true indent 1 empty doc empty

(* Format chunks, add prefix if can't wrap *)
and doc_chunks_exps ?(ungroup_tuple = false) ?(wrap = true) opts chunks =
let doc = Queue.fold (fun doc chunk -> doc ^^ doc_chunk ~wrap ~ungroup_tuple opts chunk) empty chunks in
let wrapped = can_chunks_list_wrap [chunks] in
(* i.e.
let a = match {
let f =
let a = 1 in
let no_prefix = chunks_one_block_like (List.of_seq (Queue.to_seq chunks)) in
let doc =
(* add indent for multi line exps which can't be wrapped *)
if wrapped || no_prefix then doc else prefix_hardline true indent 0 doc
(doc, wrapped)

and doc_pexp_chunks_pair opts pexp =
let pat = doc_chunks opts pexp.pat in
let body = doc_chunks opts pexp.body in
let body, _ = doc_chunks_exps opts pexp.body in
match pexp.guard with
| None -> (pat, body)
| Some guard -> (separate space [pat; string "if"; doc_chunks opts guard], body)
Expand All @@ -753,9 +892,11 @@ module Make (Config : CONFIG) = struct
match pexp.guard with
| None ->
let body_doc, _ = doc_chunks_exps opts pexp.body in

(if pexp.funcl_space then space else empty)
^^ group (doc_chunks ~ungroup_tuple:true opts pexp.pat ^^ return_typ)
^^ string "=" ^^ space ^^ doc_chunks opts pexp.body
^^ string "=" ^^ space ^^ body_doc
| Some guard ->
parens (separate space [doc_chunks opts pexp.pat; string "if"; doc_chunks opts guard])
^^ return_typ ^^ string "=" ^^ space ^^ doc_chunks opts pexp.body
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -796,8 +937,10 @@ module Make (Config : CONFIG) = struct
let doc = splice_into_doc chunks empty in
(group doc, !requires_hardline)

and doc_chunks ?(ungroup_tuple = false) opts chunks =
Queue.fold (fun doc chunk -> doc ^^ doc_chunk ~ungroup_tuple opts chunk) empty chunks
and doc_chunks ?(ungroup_tuple = false) ?(force_block_comment_end_with_hardline = false) opts chunks =
(fun doc chunk -> doc ^^ doc_chunk ~force_block_comment_end_with_hardline ~ungroup_tuple opts chunk)
empty chunks

let to_string doc =
let b = Buffer.create 1024 in
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions test/format/default/demo.sail
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

function rX r = match r {
_ =>

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