A bot that helps you find highly rated food recommendations nearby, using AWS Lex and the Google Maps Places API.
Time estimate: 30 minutes (20 minutes if you are familiar with AWS Console or creating Slack apps)
Before you begin, you need:
- A Transposit account with a forked version of this app
- A Slack workspace where you can create and install apps
- A hunger for good food nearby
- If you don't already have an AWS account, follow the instructions here. You don't need to get setup with the AWS CLI.
- Once you are signed into AWS, navigate to the Amazon Lex console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/lex/.
- If this is your first Lex bot, choose the "Get Started" button; otherwise, on the Bots page, choose the "Create" button.
- On the Create your bot page, set the following:
- Bot name: WhereToEat
- Output voice: None
- Session timeout: 10 min
- Click the "Create Intent" button, choose "Create intent," and give it the name "FindRestaurant"
- Under Sample utterances, Copy and paste the following phrases, you can add others, but these are good to start with:
- food nearby
- I want to eat food
- I want food
- Help me find a restaurant
- Help me find a place to eat
- What is a good place to eat
- What food is nearby
- Where should we eat
- Under Slot types in the left navigation, create a slot type:
- Name: PriceLevel
- Description: The restaurant price level on Google Maps
- Slot Resolution: Restrict to Slot values and Synonyms
- Under Value:
- 1, Synonyms: inexpensive, cheap
- 2, Synonyms: moderate
- 3, Synonyms: expensive
- 4, Synonyms: very expensive
- Under Slots, add these three slots:
- Name: Location, Slot type: AMAZON.PostalAddress, Prompt: What address are you located at?
- Name: Price, Slot type: PriceLevel, Prompt: How much do you want to spend? (Inexpensive, Moderate, Expensive, Very Expensive)
- Name: Distance, Slot type: AMAZON.NUMBER, Prompt: How far do you want to walk? (in minutes)
- Make sure to save the intent at the bottom of the page and build it at top
- You can now test out the basic functionality in the console's test chatbot feature
- After confirming the setup, you can publish. You will create an alias (i.e. TEST) that will later be used in Transposit.
Here we are creating a user. Following the principle of least privilege, we’re going to only give them access to the permissions they need to run a Lex bot, and nothing else.
- Under Services in AWS, navigate to Identity and Access Management (IAM)
- Click on Groups, and Create New Group
- Choose a group name related to Lex (e.g. LexProduction)
- Attach the AmazonLexRunBotsOnly policy and create the group
- Click on Users, and Add user.
- Choose a user name that will be descriptive for it being able to programmatically access your Lex bot (e.g. lex-runtime)
- Make sure to only check the Programmatic access under AWS access type
- Add user to the group you just created by checking the box for the corresponding group
- You don't need any tags, so click through to create user
- Now that you have your Access key ID and Secret access key, navigate to your forked Transposit app.
- Under Auth & settings > Keys, click the Connect button and fill it in with your Access key ID and Secret access key.
- Under Deploy > Production Keys, click Add key for aws_lex_runtime and fill it in again with the same Access key ID and Secret access key.
- Under Code > Data connections -> aws_lex_runtime, add what AWS region you are using, you can see this in the URL for the AWS console (e.g. us-west-2).
- Lastly, in the post_text operation, change the bot alias to the one you published with (e.g. 'TEST') and change the botName to 'WhereToEat'.
- You should be able to click Run and get results, similar to this:
"dialogState": "ElicitIntent",
"intentName": null,
"message": "Sorry, can you please repeat that?",
"messageFormat": "PlainText",
"responseCard": null,
"sessionAttributes": null,
"slotToElicit": null,
"slots": null
- Go to https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform/#get-started to get an API key for the Google Maps Places API
- You will be prompted to login to the Google account you want to associate the key with
- Select Places checkbox in the pop up
- Enter new project name (e.g. WhereToEat)
- You may need to set up billing, Google Cloud Platform will likely give you a year long free trial at this time if you have haven't set this up before
- You will see a pop up with your API key, copy this key
- In Transposit, under Auth & settings > Keys, add your key to the google_maps connector.
- Under Deploy > Production Keys, click Add key for google_maps
- You should be able to now click Run on both the search_nearby and geocode operation and get results, similar to this:
"geometry": {
"location": {
"lat": 30.2638741,
"lng": -97.7632745
"viewport": {
"northeast": {
"lat": 30.2651373802915,
"lng": -97.76206546970849
"southwest": {
"lat": 30.2624394197085,
"lng": -97.7647634302915
"icon": "https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/place_api/icons/restaurant-71.png",
"id": "66bbf61a9a69c5bc038ade813ca4d1f9b113aaa9",
"name": "Chuy's",
"opening_hours": {
"open_now": true
"results": [
"address_components": [
"long_name": "1207",
"short_name": "1207",
"types": [
"long_name": "Barton Springs Road",
"short_name": "Barton Springs Rd",
"types": [
- Create a new app here in Slack
- Copy the URL for your webhook in Transposit under Deploy > Endpoints, under the deploy as webhook checkbox, similar to this:
- In your Slack App configure page, select Event Subscriptions, and paste in the URL you copied from Transposit (Note: It should automatically verify that the function is valid)
- On the same page, under Subscribe to Bot Events, add the message.im event and message.channels event (only if you want it to listen to channels too)
- In your Slack App configure page, select Bot Users, and add a bot user with the WhereToEat display name, wheretoeat username, and always show the bot as online
- Follow the instructions here to get OAuth setup and under Scopes in Slack, make sure to set the chat:write:bot and bot scopes
- If you have not installed or reinstalled the app, in the Slack app configure page, go to Install App and install it into your workspace
- Now you can DM your bot telling it, you want a place to eat and follow its prompts!
Note: Right now, you will need to message the bot something similar to the sample utterances for the bot to understand your prompt.
- Add another criteria (type of restaurant, minimum rating, etc) using slot values with AWS Lex
- Include validation for responses or more sample utterances in AWS Lex to make the bot “smarter”