I am Vu Quoc Hien, I am currently pursuing my Bachelors in computer engineering from Hanoi University of Science and Technology. I am a tech enthusiast & a self learner.
Facts about me -->
- 🌱 Experiment in evolution computation, single-objective, multi-objective optimization
- 👯 Build model for natural language, speech processing, bioinformatics, computer vision
- 🤔 Good knowledge of data structures and algorithms, design and analyze complex algorithms
- 🥅 Ability to build the algorithms for deep reinforcement learning (MCTS, DQN, PPO, TD3,..)
- 📫 Design the database management system (PostgreSQL, MySQL, Hadoop, Spark,...)
Note: Top languages is only a metric of the languages my public code consists of and doesn't reflect experience or skill level.
Credits: Hien VQ
Last Edited on: 06/02/2022