This repository is for storing the markdown for all of the tutorials for DBL, if you think some of the tutorials are outdated / broken because the library code has changed or you might have just found a grammar mistake, don't be afraid to make a pull request
* **Bold Title** - Language - Library - **[DiscordUsername#0001]( "MyName's Github")** - **[Completed / In Progress Tutorial]** or **[Tutorial Needs Reviewing]**
If you're a member of this repository because you're a tutorial writer, you should only submit / edit your own tutorials. If you want to suggest edits for other tutorials, use the PR system. You should submit your tutorials to the repository once you have started writing. Edit the README accordingly using the format above. Once you think you have finished the tutorial, you should notify Oliy#0330
and post a link in the #tutorial-writing channel for others to review your work. Once it has been approved by Oliy he will edit README to Finished Tutorial
. If you have any questions, DM Oliy#0330
We welcome non-tutorial writers to help us refine the tutorials. If you think code is outdated or something is written poorly, you can submit a PR with your changes.
If you are adding your tutorial here, please make sure you follow the same layout.
Setting up your development work space - Javascript - Discord.js - York#0001 - [Published]
Getting started with JDA - Java - JDA - Natan#1337 - [Published]
How to make a moderation bot in JDA - Java - JDA - Natan#1337 - [Published]
Voice channel connections with JDA - Java - JDA - Arraying#7363 - [Published]