Sass mixin for a shorthand SCSS breakpoint syntax
This Sass mixing aims to combine the DRY nature of defining site-wide breakpoints as variables, with the ability to define one-time breakpoints – quickly – on the fly.
For use with a Sass-based (SCSS) workflow, define quick breakpoints in the following easy ways:
- Passing a variable [string] for repeated use
- Passing a single min- or max-width
- Passing a range of widths
- Passing fallback values for browsers not supporting media queries
By default, if units are not specified, pixels are used. If max- or min- width is not chosen for a single-value breakpoint, max-width is used. (Both of these options are configurable in the mixin)
$break--large: "(min-width: 1179px)";
@include break($break--large) {
background-color: #0ff;
@media (min-width: 1179px) {
background-color: #0ff;
Parameters: size, constraint (optional), units (optional)
//min-width: 600px (uses default units – pixels)
@include break(600, min) {
background-color: #0ff;
//Shorthand syntax
//max-width 50em (uses default constraint – max-width)
@include break(50, em) {
background-color: #0ff;
//min-width: 40rem
@include break(40, min, rem) {
background-color: #0ff;
//max-width: 700px (uses default units and constraint)
@include break(700) {
background-color: #0ff;
Parameters: size, constraint (optional), size, constraint (optional), units (optional)
//min-width: 20em and max-width: 40em
@include break(20, min, 40, max, em) {
background-color: #0ff;
//min-width: 500px and max-width: 600px (uses default units)
@include break(500, min, 600, max) {
background-color: #0ff;
//Shorthand syntax
//min-width: 40em and max-width: 50em (uses automatic constraints)
@include break(40, 50, em) {
background-color: #0ff;
//min-width: 400px and max-width: 700px (uses default units and automatic constraints)
@include break(400, 700) {
background-color: #0ff;
@include break(none) {
background-color: #0ff;